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David Wilson

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  1. Does anyone know if its possible to prevent a ticket being resolved before the BPM is completed? For example a change cant be resolved until its been reviewed?
  2. Is there a quick way to notify analysts of a problem record asocated to a service when raising a ticket?
  3. Hi, Quick question, can you make the the selection of a resolution category a mandatory step in resovling an request? Cheers
  4. wrong screen grab First two are correct
  5. I'm trying to populate an email with responses captured during a progressive capture. I've mapped the responses to custom fields but the don't carry through into the sent email. Anyone got this working?
  6. I don't believe so, the email sender (the from address) does not exist in your system (either associated to a user or contact) and your configuration does not allow autoresponder processing from unknown sources - this is my email address, the system receives and send to this address without any other issues the reference picked up in the email was not a valid reference (i.e it did not exist in the system) - the reference is valid, the same reference is used in the subject line and the rule triggers ok the reference picked up in the email was a reference to a closed request and your configuration does not allow autoresponder processing on closed requests - nope the request was open
  7. It ends up in the inbox. I raised a test ticket using my email address (IN00013706) and sent replies back to the mailbox with the ref in the subject, I then removed this and sent it with the ref in the body. The email with the ref in the subject was picked up but not when it was in the body
  8. Hi, Trying to create a routing rule that updates a call if it finds the call ref in the message body (see attachment) Currently this rule sits after a similar rule which updates a request if the subject line contains a reference number but it doesn't pick up the emails as they come into the mail box...am i missing something?
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