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Martyn Houghton

Hornbill Users
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Everything posted by Martyn Houghton

  1. @David_Wilson At the moment your BPM node is using the 'Application' scope which is the legacy approach (I beleive). We use the 'Entity' - Request and then use the Assignment type within this. In our case we assigned the the service team (screenshot below), but there is an option to assigned to a named team as well. In terms of priority you should also be able to set this as well via the 'Entity' methods Cheers Martyn
  2. I have noticed that a new switch has appears since I last checked our SSO profile settings (some time ago) with the title of Validate Audience, which appears to be disabled by default. I could not find a reference to it in the wiki, so can someone explain what this does? Cheers Martyn
  3. Often when sending an email from the request in Service Manager, I will open the email action, discover that not all the connections are present, so then change to the connection action tab. I add the connections and then return to the email tab, but this has not picked up the new connections and have to do a refresh/re-load of the page to get the connections to be available in the email tab. Is it possible to get this to refresh automatically when re-opening the email tab. Cheers Martyn
  4. This would be useful for us as well, as we to have a mixture of teams which 'live' in hornbill and other which it is only use the system in a minor way. From our point of view it would be good to have it at a team level, but also with a individual opt out. Cheers Martyn
  5. @James Ainsworth Perhaps the other way is to make the notification contents use 'templates' so that each site could customise the content of them? Cheers Martyn
  6. When viewing your notifications, it would be good to have a summary pop up/dialog window open when you hover over ones are relate to updates on a request which is assigned to you. Where as at the moment you have to open the notification to view it to determine which customer/organisation/request it relates to and then the notification is removed from your list. Cheers Martyn
  7. This would be useful for us as well. Cheers Martyn
  8. @Victor Thanks, just having that available for all time pickers would cheer my teams up loads. Cheers Martyn
  9. @Victor When putting a request on hold, using a sub status you are not able to enter a manual time or date, which is the most frequent place you enter them. Will this being rolled out to all the date/time pickers in the apps? Cheers Martyn
  10. @TrevorKillick, @alextumber Thanks for the update and good news that Hornbill where one of the kickstarter. Cheers Martyn
  11. Are there any plans to update the Font Awesome library to the later version 5 at all? Cheers Martyn
  12. It would be really useful to for the name/tag of the i con to appear when hovering over Icon in the picker, so that you can easily find them again using the 'Search Icon' function. They are not always called what you would expect, so having this will make it easier to locate them when you are reusing them. At the moment you have to go to https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery to locate the name and then type it in. Cheers Martyn
  13. @Victor I get the same issue as Chris when clicking on the links in the 'Installation' section below. Cheers Martyn
  14. @dwalby By default it will put in the current time. The time format is configured via your profile, so would be worth changing it to HH:MM rather than HH:MM:SS, as this will at least save a a third of the effort to set it. We have raised previously about having the ability to just enter a time manually (see post below). Cheers Martyn
  15. @chrisnutt Looking at your original config at the beginning of the thread, you are using [displayName] for the users name where as we use [cn]. Given the matching is using the [cn] element when matching might have an impact? Cheers Martyn
  16. It would be useful to be able to bulk add a selection of users on the 'Assigned Users' tab in the Admin Tool when viewing linked users for Roles/Organisations, using the selection of another roles and/or organisation team. Cheers Martyn
  17. It would be useful to have a count of users on at the top of the 'Assigned Users' tab in the Admin Tool when it is used in view the linked users in Roles and Organisations. Cheers Martyn
  18. @chrisnutt I just checked our LDAP import conf and we just insert the [manager] attribute directly. Looking in our AD using LDAP Explorer, our [manager] entity has just the distinguished name (DN) of the users manager and not the fully qualified AD identity of the manager. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms676859(v=vs.85).aspx "UserManagerMapping":{ "Action":"Create", "Enabled":true, "Attribute":"[manager]", "GetIDFromName":true, "Regex":"CN=(.*?)(?:,[A-Z]+=|$)", "Reverse":true }, "UserProfileMapping":{ "MiddleName":"", "JobDescription":"", "Manager":"[manager]", "WorkPhone":"", Not sure if you are trying to do something different with the manager setting, but the above is working for us with XMLMC LDAP Import Utility V2.4.1. Cheers Martyn
  19. This is something we would be interested in as well, plus the ability in the BPM to remove them as well. With GDPR coming into force we will need to have a managed process (i.e. BPM process) where a potential contact is setup, a confirmation (double opt in) email is sent, which requires the new contact to approve. The BPM then completes the process if they respond posivitely and if negative response/no respnse is required the contact is deleted/not created. Cheers Martyn
  20. @chrisnutt There is some more info on the Manager scenario in the post below. Cheers Martyn
  21. @samwoo This was the post we raised about the ability to trigger a progressive capture from an activity to capture more infomation. In our case we want to use this to gather more information from the analyst before triggering an integration node. Cheers Martyn
  22. @Rohit Govind Just to rule things out, have you tried it from a different browser, in case it is an issue with a specific browser? We use Chrome predominantly here and I am not able to replicate it on incidents, problems or service requests. Also which Service Manger build are you on, we are on 1131? Cheers Martyn
  23. @Kelvin, @James Ainsworth We use boards in both our own and other third party products, but they are what we call dynamic boards, where the swim lanes are defined by criteria/SQL and moving a entry between the swim lanes tactically initiates an action/update to the item. These also have the advantage of being able to specify a default sort order on load, but also the user can override as well. @James Ainsworth Are there any plans to add dynamic elements to the boards or providing a second variant of boards, as this way items will move/update themselves so you can use them as interactive dashboard? Cheers Martyn
  24. @Steven Boardman Thanks for pursuing. Cheers Martyn
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