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Victor last won the day on August 2

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About Victor

  • Birthday 22/02/2010

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  1. I'm afraid I am not familiar with Supportworks. Can you give us an example of what information (from a simple list) you want to display in the request details (and as much context around this as possible)?
  2. Ok, do the Service Level rules match any service level when the timer is started? For example, if your rules select a SL based on request priority, does the request have a priority when the timer starts?
  3. Are you starting the timers in the workflow? You mentioned you have a "Mark Response Timer" node but do you have a "Start Response Timer"? Same for Fix timer?
  4. Yes, with the correction that is not from when the request is created but from when the request timers are started, which might (and often is) different...
  5. @EWA Hornbill does not have spell checking functionality. This is done either by the browser or by an extension to the browser.
  6. Development is generally aware of these forum posts, but I have not seen this being considered at this moment in time. EDIT: I stand corrected, see the reply below.
  7. From my understanding of the scenario you described, these criteria are taken from the user profile, specifically, the custom attribute values that can be set against a user. If that is correct then you can make use of the Core -> Users -> Get user Details node, which will return the user custom attributes that you can use in the workflow decisions...
  8. This is not possible at the moment.
  9. IIRC this (the error on entityUpdateRecord) was caused by a defect that has been a dressed in a recent Service Manager update.
  10. What kind of emails are being sent from those mailboxes? Do you have any examples of these? (if you post screenshots please obfuscate any PII like names, email addresses,...)
  11. In what way? Do you have an example that would help us understand what are you trying to achieve?
  12. The import tool needs to have these fields mapped in "AssetGenericFieldMapping" section: "h_record_state": "value", "h_substate_id":"value", "h_substate_name":"value" If this is added to the config file, the general practice is that you would want to set these only for newly created assets. Therefore you would need to consider the "PreserveState" and "PreserveSubState" parameters since you might not want to overwrite the asset state when an update is performed on that asset (the value for these parameters would be set to "true" in this scenario).
  13. 1. The import tool relies on MS Graph API for filters. You can find some more information about how this works and how it can be configured here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http#examples/. The import tool can only work with using user filters or group filters but not a combination of both. You would set which ones to be used in the "Search" parameter, with two possible values: "users" or "groups". In terms of how to configure a filter, I found this resource quite helpful, it allows one to try various queries, filters, etc: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer 2. Since this is MS functionality we won't be able to provide much here apart from links to their documentation. However, based on my (not extensive) knowledge of MS, extensions show up in Microsoft Graph within the Extensions collection, they are not top-level properties. Our Entra import tool does not currently process extensions, but this is something that will be available in a future import tool update (possibly even next release).
  14. Do you have an example where you have configured this and is not working as expected?
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