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  1. Hi Victor, netsh winhttp is currently blank. This is where I had to set it when we first ever setup and even if I removed these it would still point to the proxy. From remembering we had to set these in here as our scheduled task runs as the local system account
  2. Upon having to turn off one of our Proxy servers the import started to fail. I was able to change this to another proxy server however we want to stop using the proxy for this. I followed the new guide where it said about using SET HTTP=Proxy:PORT and this failed to change it. I had to change the Environment Variable in the advanced system settings to be able to change server how even removing this does not bypass the proxy, it still tries to use it and fails. Please advise James
  3. Was reported that Hornbill was failing to send private messages via Teams with error Session Error from Teams API: Refresh Token Generation Error: The 'resource' request parameter is not supported. Normally when this happens we revoke access on the Keysafe Entry linked to this and connect again. However when we try connect again we get "Instance endpoint call failed" Even tried creating new Keysafe Entry to see if we could start from scratch but also same issue. Instance endpoint call failed"
  4. We're currently in the process of removing the need of a proxy from our servers and trying to do this for the server that runs our Azure AD user imports. I have removed the proxy from the server via how we normally set it and removed from the Environment Variables however when I run the import it is still using the proxy. Is there anywhere else or is it now somehow encoded into the config files to still use the proxy and how do I stop this?
  5. { "APIKey": "key", "InstanceID": "instance", "Schedule": [{ "Enabled": true, "CronSchedule": "0 2 10 10 * 0-6", "DayOfMonthANDDayOfWeek":false, "ScheduleFrom": "2023-02-09T00:00:00.000Z", "ScheduleTo": "2030-02-09T00:00:00.000Z", "Service": "apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ServiceRequests", "API": "logServiceRequest", "APIParams":{ "0": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"summary", "Content":"ACTION TITLE" }, "1": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"description", "Content":"ACTION THIS" }, "2": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"RequestType", "Content":"Service Request" }, "3": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"customerId", "Content":"email@address" }, "4": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"teamId", "Content":"ICT_Infrastructure" }, "5": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"serviceId", "Content":"133" }, "6": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"catalogId", "Content":"1089" }, "7": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"catalogName", "Content":"API: Infrastructure Scheduled Requests" }, "8": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"bpmName", "Content":"sbc-infrastructure-alert-emails" } } }, { "Enabled": false, "CronSchedule": "0 2 10 10 * 0-6", "DayOfMonthANDDayOfWeek":false, "ScheduleFrom": "2023-02-09T00:00:00.000Z", "ScheduleTo": "2030-02-09T00:00:00.000Z", "Service": "apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ServiceRequests", "API": "logServiceRequest", "APIParams":{ "0": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"summary", "Content":"ACTION" }, "1": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"description", "Content":"ACTION" }, "2": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"RequestType", "Content":"Service Request" }, "3": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"customerId", "Content":"email@address" }, "4": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"teamId", "Content":"ICT_Infrastructure" }, "5": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"serviceId", "Content":"133" }, "6": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"catalogId", "Content":"1089" }, "7": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"catalogName", "Content":"API: Infrastructure Scheduled Requests" }, "8": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"bpmName", "Content":"sbc-infrastructure-alert-emails" } } } ] }
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