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Everything posted by Tina.Lapere

  1. Hi, We've updated the LDAP import to V3 on our server and now our users aren't being imported into Hornbill. Reading WIKI - I've setup the LDAP Import within Hornbill now but I'm struggling to see how I test this or where I test it. Also I'm unsure of how I set this up to run daily. Will this via the scheduler that we used for the old config file? If someone can help that would be grate as currently it's not working. Thanks Tina
  2. Hi @Conor, We are all good and well thanks I hope you lot are too? It certainly is crazy.... it's gong to be like the summer holidays soon - I wont know what day of the week it is as they'll all be the same I'll have a look at this soon, hopefully next week if things calm down a bit. Thanks and take care Tina
  3. @AlexTumber - Sorry for the delayed reply. That's great news re the supplier companies. Can someone please assist on what fields I'd need to run a report on Organisations to export that as a csv file to import them back in as suppliers? Creating reports is something I don't do very often so any help would be gratefully received :-) Thanks
  4. @Ehsan - great thank you - I'll get that scheduled in :-)
  5. +1 Thanks for raising this @Darren Rose, we thought we were going mad! @Steven Boardman - we'll keep an eye out for the update.
  6. Agree with the above and we cant wait to get this setup and active.
  7. Hi, I'd like to use the Dynamic drop down Data Query select box on a progressive capture form to people to select an existing colleague - my only issue with this is it shows all active and deactivated users in the list. Is there anyway of restricting this to just show the active users? Thanks Tina
  8. @AlexTumber - is there any update on having the ability to move/copy Organisations over to become suppliers? Without this ability I'm unable to use Supplier Manager - We have too many organisation records that I'd have to create manually. I can see it being of great use to us to.
  9. @Gerry Thanks for the update. So will it be available to preview after the 12th Feb? My Manager is pushing me to know a date when it will be available to put into live following the preview. Can you let me know a date? Thanks Tina
  10. Hi, Does anyone have a further update on this? I thought I saw a comment last week saying it was expected to available this week but can't see it now. I've met with some customers today to get feedback on our existing portal (as I said above) and mentioned I'd hoped to be able to show them the preview and they said yes that would have been nice. Thanks Tina
  11. Hi, We too are desperately waiting on this. In fact, we are meeting with Customers next week (Thursday) to invite feedback on our portal and ways we can improve it - having this available to show them would be fantastic Thanks Tina
  12. Just checked again and now it's working ….. not sure what happened there but at least it's all good now.
  13. @Martyn Houghton - thanks for pointing out where the priories are :-) Thank you both Tina
  14. Hi All, I'm just trying to find some bits in the Admin Tool and I've noticed something strange under the following area: Home \ Applications \ Hornbill Service Manager \ Configuration Requests - comes up with this: Service Desk - comes up with this: I don't normally look in these area but I'm trying to find the Priorities to look at. Thanks Tina
  15. @Daniel Dekel Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed :-) Thanks Tina
  16. Hi, Any update on this? I'd told everyone here we'd be able to see the preview last week based on @Daniel Dekel's comment above. We want to redesign our portal but need to see this before so we know how different it may look. Thanks Tina
  17. @Daniel Dekel - Thank you for the update we are excited to see this.
  18. @Gerry - Can you add me to this please as I have been asked about GDPR now that HR are looking to come onboard. Thanks Tina
  19. @Steven Boardman I've setup the answers to the questions so that they to go into custom fields in the PC. Then in the BPM I've got the details as you suggested, got the ICT call to log (I'd already inserted the answers into the description field to make it easier for Analysts to see the information) then a node to update the Custom fields in the ICT call. I've changed some of the BPM to look at the custom fields - not all of them just in case it didn't work. It works Thank you. Thank you to all those in Hornbill that helped me with this
  20. @Steven Boardman Thank you for this. You mention there are other ways to achieve it - is the way you've mentioned above the best way? I believe I understand what you are saying and I will try and modify it today. Thanks Tina
  21. Hi, We are currently working with HR to bring them on board with using Service Manager. We are currently looking at a joint process for New Starters and capturing the information once but having 2 calls which are logged in each team (HR & ICT). I have however run into an issue which I need help with. We have an HR Service with an Onboarding catalogue item. Then we have a PC (this asks both ICT & HR related questions) which is linked to the catalogue item along with a Onboarding BP. Within the Onboarding BP we have a node which logs a call which is passed over to ICT (this is set to log using a separate Service & Catalogue item as it has to follow our process). The PC works fine and so does the BP in the fact that it logs a call with us in ICT. The problem appears when we start to run though the ICT BP. Our BP is setup to look at the PC questions from the Onboarding PC (which is where the questions were answered) however when it hits a decision node within the process I get an error 'No matching gotoIf found'. I've checked and triple checked they are pointing to the correct question and answer and they are all correct. I've changed a branch to 'No match' and it takes that route then just falls down at the next decision node. This is a really crucial part of HR and ICT working together and I was told that it should work fine. I therefore don't know what I'm missing. Can anyone help? Thanks Tina
  22. @Victor - You may already know this but the Advanced Search doesn't work in IE. Does in the other browsers. Something that may be linked to the above issue?
  23. @Martyn Houghton Thank you, I've done that and it now appears to be loading better.
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