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Keith Stevenson

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Everything posted by Keith Stevenson

  1. @Sahana. Shenoy Thanks for the clarification. I think I may have mis-understood the original request. The email notification will only apply to assign or updates of calls you are a member of , it wont email on adhoc @XXXX type posts. Kind Regards Keith Stevenson
  2. @Adrian Simpkins Are both on BT or a subsidiary of this and do they have child safe guards enabled?
  3. @MacLean Ferguson Also https://status.hornbill.com/ is the URL to access . That was not effected Kind Regards
  4. @MacLean Ferguson This is now restored. We will be providing a full report later once we finish tidying the remaining issues up Kind Regards
  5. @MacLean Ferguson Since around 20:10 the cluster of machines hosting your instance has suffered a disk issue. We are looking to resolve. KInd Regards
  6. @Martyn Houghton We can inform you that this has been added in the new UI , there is now an option next to compose to rename any non system folder. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  7. All, The ESP release containing the fix went live this morning and testing shows the issue with Keysafe creation no longer occurs. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  8. All Thanks for the information. We have now replicated and resolved the issue inhouse. This will be part of tomorrows 5AM ESP update . Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  9. All, Thanks for the posts. We are checking the change. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  10. @Berto2002 Just to clarify the change made is to specifically fix the ""Instance endpoint call failed" on the creating KeySafe. Not any other issue and it should be this that is tested\confirmed. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team @Adith Will make the change to your instance now.. Give it 10 minutes and test again Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  11. @JamesGreen We have identified an issue with the generation of new Key Safe items and made a change that should resolve this. Can you try again and confirm Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  12. @Mike Hillman Thanks for the post. We have had 1 other customer report something similar when trying to set Sub Statuses . We are investigating. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  13. @Mike Hillman Thanks for the post. We cant see anything unexpected in the logs and everything appears normal. Can you confirm if the comment appears after a refresh of the browser? If that still doesnt post as expected can you create a HIR file and send this via direct message. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team Generate a HAR file in Chrome Close all incognito tabs and windows in Chrome. Open a new incognito window. Click the more actions menu (...) to the right of the toolbar and select More toolsDeveloper Tools. Select the Network tab. Ensure that Chrome is recording. A red button indicates that a recording is already in progress. Otherwise, click Record network log. Select Preserve Log. Clear any existing logs by clicking Clear network log (). Go to the page where the issue occurred and reproduce the issue. Click Export HAR (the down arrow icon) to export the file as HAR. Save the HAR file. Generate a HAR file in Firefox Close all private tabs and windows in Firefox. Open a new private window. Go to the page to be recorded. Click the application menu () and then More toolsWeb Developer Tools. In the developer tools docked tab select Network. Go to the page where the issue occurred and reproduce the issue. The page automatically starts recording as you navigate. When you're finished, click Pause/Resume recording network log. Right-click anywhere in the File column and select Save All as HAR. Save the HAR file. Generate a HAR file in Safari If the Develop menu doesn't appear in the menu bar, go to SafariSettings. Click Advanced. Select Show Develop menu in menu bar. Close all private tabs and windows in Safari. Open a new private window. From the Develop menu select Show Web Inspector. Click the Network tab. Go to the page where the issue occurred and reproduce the issue. When you're finished, click Export. Save the file. Generate a HAR file in Edge Open Edge. Close all InPrivate windows. Press Ctrl + Shift + N to open a new InPrivate window. Click the Settings and more menu (...) to the right of the toolbar and select More toolsDeveloper tools. Click Network. Ensure that Edge is recording. A red button indicates that a recording is already in progress. Otherwise, click Record network log. Visit the page and complete the steps that trigger the issue. When you're finished, click Stop recording network log. Click Export HAR (the down arrow icon) or press Ctrl + S to export the file as HAR. Save the HAR file.
  14. @Mark Priest Thanks for the post. This is most likely something on the users network or machine blocking access to our URLs. We see this from time to time with BT users who have Parental controls enabled and the following post may help with those )
  15. @LawesD This does appear to be a problem with your SMTP server for port.ac.uk in the way its terminating TLS connections. The first error was at 2023-11-03 10:22:02Z [INFO]:[GENERAL]:[1084] MAIL: Failed to send message data: ChilkatLog: You will need to contact the admin of the SMTP server and ask them to investigate. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  16. @Malcolm The check for which user to log the call against will look at the h_email field in the h_sys_accounts table (users).. In your instance the test email address (from ) you used (which was your own) is set against your own user and the admin account. These can be configured in the Platform Admin -> User section Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  17. @Malcolm Thanks for the post. From the logs it appears that it fails to log the call as more than 1 account has the same email address and therefore it cant decide which 1 to use. You should update the accounts with duplicate email to remove the ambugity 2023-10-24 08:01:49Z [INFO]:[SYSTEM]:[8012] Processing auto-e-mail-responder request ... Subject: Re: Test Automation Boom 2023-10-24 08:01:49Z [WARNING]:[COMMS]:[8012] Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/arOperation::raiseNewRequest] /apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ar/raiseNewRequest.js(305): error X1001: Uncaught Found more than 1 account with the same email address. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  18. Chris Thanks for the post. We can see no issues with connectivity and our monitoring of all instances from 5 remote locations showed no issues. During the time post we can also see users accessing your instance. Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
  19. Dear Customer Unfortunately, BTs (And therefore any subsidiary such as PlusNet etc) parental filters are blocking valid Hornbill URLS due to an incorrect listing on their system. As this is a BT issue and not a Hornbill issue and as Hornbill are not BT customers we are unable to escalate to them or resolve. We therefore recommend that you send via the BT support channels that you as a customer of BT has the below. The problem will manifest as shown in the below image when using a BT (or Subsidiary service) with Parental Filters enabled. ======== Dear BT The below URL is being incorrectly intercepted by your parental control filter mdh-p01-api.hornbill.com This is being DNS poisoned and returning IP of i(or similar) instead of the expected The Address mdh-p01-api.hornbill.com/ is owned by Hornbill Technologies and should not be blocked. Please unblock this ASAP ======== Kind Regards Hornbill cloud Team
  20. @Jim No at the moment its all Kind Regards
  21. @Nikolaj Thanks . I can now replicate the issue. Will investigate. Kind Regards
  22. @Nikolaj Thanks for the post. We can see no errors in the logs. If the file is not sensitive can you send it me in a PM or just the file name. Kind Regards
  23. All, There was a cloudflare DNS issue this morning for a 2 hour window. You may have seen intermittent mail delivery failures, however the emails should have been resent automatically Here is a link to the cloudflare status page. https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/#past-incidents Kind Regards Hornbill Cloud Team
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