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Joshua T M

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  1. We are experiancing the same issue. We actually seperate our customers by folder so this is a major concern for us as we now have to navigate hundreds of folders with the keyboard arrow keys.
  2. Thanks @aykut.boyraz, Typical Cloudflare problems, eh? Thanks for corroborating. We've been manually re-processing just the same. We'll sit on it and wait it out. Kind Regards, Josh M
  3. Please see the following logs, this began happening in the last 20 minutes and seems to be progressing - Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated or any understanding of pre-existing issues the mail service may be facing? Subject: IN - Upgrade from v10.4 to v11 - what are requirements Date Log Entry 2023-10-04 09:33:22 Originating domain: strumis.com 2023-10-04 09:33:22 Originating address: support@strumis.com 2023-10-04 09:33:22 Performing SPF check on domain. OrigDom=hornbill.com, OrgPre=_spf, ReqInc=true 2023-10-04 09:33:22 Delivery using DNS/direct message routing 2023-10-04 09:33:22 Target address: ---------- 2023-10-04 09:33:22 Target domain (DNS MX Lookup): ---------- 2023-10-04 09:33:22 Permanent failure delivering message to target recipient. Status set to 'failed' 2023-10-04 09:33:22 No MX records returned for domain: ---------- , mail delivery not possible Subject: Re: RE: Error Message: Date Log Entry 2023-10-04 09:18:43 Originating domain: strumis.com 2023-10-04 09:18:43 Originating address: support@strumis.com 2023-10-04 09:18:43 Performing SPF check on domain. OrigDom=hornbill.com, OrgPre=_spf, ReqInc=true 2023-10-04 09:18:43 Permanent failure delivering message to target recipient. Status set to 'failed' 2023-10-04 09:18:43 Sender Policy Framework (SPF) check failed for originator domain: strumis.com SPF CHECK FAILED: Unable to locate any SPF record for domain: strumis.com
  4. That has also resolved it for us. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Keith, As per the other txt file, after failiure and resending it sucessfully sends so the recipient does indeed exist and your platform then detects this, the issue is intermitent. Can you please take a deeper look into the issue? This is occuring across multiple domains.
  6. Hi All, We have started to receive Status set to 'failed' error messages relating to No MX records returned for domain: *DOMAIN*, mail delivery not possible when sending automated and manually generated emails from within Hornbill with direct send. This occurs (seemingly) at random but we have noticed that this issue has become progressively worse over the last week and we have not expeianced this prior. I have attached extracts of the logs, the first is a sucessfully sent email, the second is a failiure. Could you please let me know if this is a common occurance? I am unable to find anything related to "Status set to 'failed'" via the Forum search.
  7. Thanks David, speedy response as always! I've now disabled the faqIndexSearch which has resolved the error. I'll test it again at each update and will report back once completely resolved.
  8. Hi David, This occurs in both the Customer and Service portals when using the top search bar of the page to search for a particular FAQ, if this is not a global issue do you know what the faqHelper may relate to? I've attached a screenshot of it occuring when performing a search.
  9. Hi All, Can someone please look into the FAQ search returning the following error message please rather than the search results, this started to occur immediately after the update was applied. - /apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Faqs/fc_modules/faqs_helper.js(227): error X1001: Uncaught ReferenceError: faqHelper is not defined
  10. Hi All, Our support staff noticed today (and potentially within the last 48hrs) that when they use the email option to send an email from within Hornbill Request to a customer or to a team that a duplicate email is generated and sent. We assumed this was user error and the staff memeber had simply clicked twice, unfortunately testing this theory proved it incorrect. This is the case in this request - IN00016347 Is anyone else aware of this occuring on their instance?
  11. Thanks @David Hall, You and Victor are super helpful as always. We have no particular reservations regarding the visability of the referance other than it's "uselessness" to our staff and customers. We have however always had an issue with manual ordering of the FAQ's as opposed to alphabetical ordering using the title of the FAQ, evidently having the referance visible at the start of the title would cause us further issues if we were ever able to sort alphabetically.
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