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Alberto M

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Posts posted by Alberto M

  1. @James Ainsworth, it seems that it's not solved.

    I've just tried to add an activity to a request with an attached file and:

    1) After clicking the "Save" button on the activity, the "New activity" window stayed there indefinitely with the Hornbill symbol running until I needed to refresh the request page.

    2) The activity was created and, if I try to open it, it still does nothing.




  2. Hi @Steven Boardman.

    Is it normal that analysts that are following a ticket are not receiving notifications from System AutoResponder updates to the ticket?

    We noticed that our colleagues are not being notified on these ticket timeline updates. (we've changed the default visibility of these timeline actions to Team only a few weeks ago)





  3. Hi.

    I'm experiencing this.

    If I navigate to timesheets overview page and then I choose the "My teams" option to explore each team timesheet values, I navigate from team to team and that's fine while getting each team totals per category chart.

    Once I click in a bar on the chart to drill down that category into sub-categories, it's fine as well, but then, when I click in another team to see the chart for that team, this sub-categories chart doesn't refresh until you click the new chosen team again (if you try to navigate on each team, one after another, the previous sub-category chart stays there without refreshing).

    Is this happening with you as well?

    (images 1, 2, and 3)




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