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Nanette last won the day on August 16

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  1. @Akin A An additional fix has been released this morning, which should resolve the issues you are experiencing in the workflows. The workflows may need to be restarted.
  2. @danb @GJ06 @Gareth Cantrell We are currently investigating this issue & will provide an update as soon as we can. Please bear with us.
  3. @Adrian Simpkins@will.good thank you we have identified an issue and I are working on a fix with the highest priority. Please bear with us.
  4. @Adrian Simpkins please can you provide a copy of the failure/error?
  5. @Adam Toms we can confirm the release has been rolled out to all instances.
  6. @LawesD @EWA @mmensah @Damien Lynn @cwood @HGrigsby @Peter Clough @George Warren @robertmichell @will.good We can confirm that we have released a fix to address this issue. Please accept our sincere apologies for inconvenience this may have caused.
  7. We are currently working on a patch to roll out, we will provide an update when this has been completed. Please bear with us.
  8. @Gareth Watkins We identified an issue the logs which has now been addressed. A fix has been rolled out, the issue should no longer be apparent.
  9. @Gareth Cantrell thank you for the above information. We will take a look and report findings.
  10. @JAquino Just to confirm, there haven't been any changes made in this area of Hornbill. It has always worked this way, the information from @Jim is spot on, thank you!
  11. @Jim Thank you for the update. Glad it's sorted.
  12. @Adrian Simpkins @will.good we have identified the issue, the fix will be available will be in the next Service Manager build.
  13. @EWA thank you for confirming that Empty Cached & Hard Reload did the trick
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