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Posts posted by chriscorcoran

  1. @James Ainsworth It was just to copy a load of sub categories from of our other services to a newly created service. We split our root categories by service, we dont share across services as they tend to be different in most cases. 

    For example

    Category Service1 > Sub Cat > test1, test2, test3, test4 etc
    Category NewService > Sub Cat > copy the ones in Service1 plus new ones (would be useful if I can grab the sub categories from Service1 to save me time retyping.)


  2. In my business process when a call is resolved it goes back to the service desk team for a period where it is either automatically closed by the timer or manually closed by the analyst. We had a case this week, where a call was resolved, then reopened (before it was closed). The reopened call followed the process and went back to the team but because it was marked as resolved it automatically closed after the set time in the process, so the person working on the call lost visibility of the ticket from their view.

    Can anyone suggest a better way so that if a call is reopened it stops closing automatically and must be resolved, or passed back to the service desk a second time and closed manually?

    business process review and close.png

  3. I have setup a new transport rule in office 365 to warn staff of emails from outside the orgainsation. I want to exclude emails from hornbill, I can't for the life of me workout what email address\domain emails are coming from. I have included everything I can think off. ANyone have ideas?



  4. Happy New Year, Hornbill team!

    I'm finding Hornbill really slow this morning, failing to load requests lists and email inbox, not sure if anyone else is seeing this? All other internet sites seem to be reposning fine.


  5. My bad, typical man, hadnt read through readme, I forgot the issue of Details: "Unable to translate bytes [E2][80] at index 0 from specified code page to Unicode. is caused by UTF-8, chnaged it to ISO-8859-1 

    This will usually be "UTF-8", but if you have issues returning data with certain characters (the Windows E2 80* characters are the usual culprits) then choose a different character set to use, ie: "ISO-8859-1" 

  6. Over the last few weeks when raising a call, the customer name is not pulled through from the database. If you go back and try again it often works. You can type the name in and it finds the customer but all calls when raising show customer as blank, even when they have a record in the database. Any ideas?

    All users are using Chrome.

  7. Morning, anyone else getting  POP3 read failure emails into Hornbill mailbox this morning?

    There was a problem reading mail from the POP3 account:
    Server: outlook.office365.com
    Port: 110

    The error reported by the server was:

    DllDate: May 23 2020
    UnlockPrefix: HRNBLL.CBX102021
    Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit
    Language: Visual C++ 2019 / x64
    VerboseLogging: 1
    Component successfully unlocked using purchased unlock code.
    msgnum: 1
    PopCmdSent: LIST 1
    sendCommand: Elapsed time: 0 millisec
    PopCmdResp: +OK 1 59356
    getOneLineResponse: Elapsed time: 16 millisec
    PopCmdSent: RETR 1
    sendCommand: Elapsed time: 0 millisec
    Failed to read beginning of SSL/TLS record.
    b: 0
    dbSize: 0
    nReadNBytes: 0
    idleTimeoutMs: 60000
    Failed to receive more TLS application data.
    tlsApp: Socket operation timeout.
    elapsedMs: Elapsed time: 61938 millisec
    pop3_getRetrResponse1: Socket operation timeout.
    Failed to receive 1st line of response from POP3 server
    getRetrResponse: Elapsed time: 61938 millisec
    Failed to fetch POP3 email
    msgNum: 1

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