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Keith Stevenson

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Posts posted by Keith Stevenson

  1. @RRC
    Thanks for the Post. hornbill uses OpenAI for its AI assist and is not perfect and it may suggest incorrect content and therefore should be used on when it will be reviewed by a Human before sending.  The model is always learning (Although not from Hornbill content but from other world data) and will get better overtime.  An administrator can also disable this functionality if required 

    Further details on the AI Assist are below


    It should also be noted that the above AI Assist is AI in its crudest form, however we are now hosting the beta of HAI which is much more tailored to typical Hornbill customer use cases and Service desks.  This is currently in beta and you can request to be added to the beta list via your customer success manager. 

    Further details on HAI can be found at https://docs.hornbill.com/servicemanager-config/administration/hai

    Kind Regards

    Hornbill Cloud Team

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  2. @Paul Welby
    From the logs it appears the Username or password associated with the account is wrong. These should be checked and re-entered in Hornbill

    PopCmdSent: <base64 string in XOAUTH2 format>
    PopCmdResp: -ERR Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password.
    POP3 response indicates failure.
    AUTH_XOAUTH2_response: -ERR Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password

    Kind Regards

  3. @Sam P
    Thanks for the post. This is now resolved. This was due to a Ibridge file that seems to have been corrupted on download\application to your instance this morning and resolved by replacing the file with a valid copy.  We will look to add additional sanity checks to ensure that this doesnt happen again. 

    Kind Regards 

    Hornbill Cloud Team

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