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EWA last won the day on October 2 2024

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  1. I've figured it out. The Request Sub-statuses - for Awaiting Problem Resolution was set up Manual Update only. That didn't work.. I can update the all the linked requests but those are still onhold.
  2. When we link requests to a problem we put the request onhold "Awaiting Problem" resolution. Now, when we want to resolve the problem we can't automatically resolve liked requests as those are on hold. in this particular example we have nearly 100 requests and I would rather avoid manually taken them off hold. I've been searching through the library to see how the Problem management should be working but I couldn't find much. How we can resolved all those requests that are onhold?
  3. Yes. but how I was going to set up is the have table with approvers then in the the workflow - Custom Lookup- Get User (lookup to the Lookup) and then External Authorisation. We mainly using External Authorisation, so I'm rather disappointed I won't be able to simplify my Approvers flows.
  4. I was hoping to implemented the custom lookup for approvals workflow however it appears that only a User can be selected as an Approver. Is this intentional? wasn't this intended to be used with the External Authorisation node?
  5. Actually the string utility BASE64 will do what I require but I wonder, what would be the use case - encode the filed once the request is completed? How this filed can be then make visible at any time?
  6. Our HR wants to bring in a service requests which will gather sensitive data around employment contract, including salary details. On top of the application permission to view HR requests, is there a way to restrict further permission to view a few fields.
  7. Thank you James. I will give it a try later today
  8. Ideally, first we need to calculate the difference between old and new salary
  9. Has anyone worked out if it is possible to calculate a difference between two fields? In our process a salary increase of over 7% needs to go to a different approver. It would be great if this could be automated within the system
  10. We'are looking at redesigning out Portal and make it really simple to for the users and have as a first option only two choices - Something is broken or I need something. If the select the first option then they will be presented with options of incidents for various services. If they select the second option they will be presented with selection for SR. Will we have to have Service catalogue for incidents and SR separated to achieve it?
  11. @Berto2002 the cloud node to update Teams who approved the request - is this actually an integration with Teams? Just thinking how I can Updated follow up a human task who has approved and who rejected
  12. We'are looking at redesigning out Portal and make it really simple to for the users and have as a first option only two choices - Something is broken or I need something. If the select the first option then they will be presented with options of incidents for various services. If they select the second option they will be presented with selection for SR. Will we have to have Service catalogue for incidents and SR separated to achieve it?
  13. @Nanette i've found there are logs under Scheduled Activities but there those doesn't seem to showing any failures?
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