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Martyn Houghton

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Everything posted by Martyn Houghton

  1. @Ehsan I have applied update 1074, but I am unable to restart the workflows on the affected request. The announcement only mentions the variable picker, have I got to edit my workflow as well? Cheers Martyn
  2. @Victor Is the issue only to do with going between a request with a sub status to a state such as New or Resolved without a sub status? Wondering whether I need to stop my analyst 's from completing the resolution stage on their requests as all the workflows are breaking. Are you fairly confident it will be released tomorrow? Cheers Martyn
  3. @Victor, @David Hall Following application of SM 1073 we are now getting errors on when changing from Open with a sub status to either New or Resolved where there is no sub status. I wondering if this could be related to this change? Cheers Martyn Error extract from another occurrence. 2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [DEBUG]:[SYSTEM]:[7936] XMLMC Request Failed: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/updateReqStatus): nodeName: API Call: Update Request Sub-status; nodeId: ee6f8f41-bd6f-4671-b5aa-35a5854a30f5; At 708/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:smUpdateSubstatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/smUpdateSubstatus): Input parameter validation error: Non-digit characters found in the element <substatusId>, the expected data type is 'integer'. The value was [New] at location '/methodCall/params/substatusId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_ee6f8f41_bd6f_4671_b5aa_35a5854a30f5 2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [DEBUG]:[SYSTEM]:[7936] Output message schema validation failed in operation apps:updateReqStatus: The element <state> was not expected at location '/methodCallResult/state' 2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [ERROR]:[COMMS]:[7936] Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests/bpmOperation:updateReqStatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/updateReqStatus): nodeName: API Call: Update Request Sub-status; nodeId: ee6f8f41-bd6f-4671-b5aa-35a5854a30f5; At 708/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:smUpdateSubstatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/smUpdateSubstatus): Input parameter validation error: Non-digit characters found in the element <substatusId>, the expected data type is 'integer'. The value was [New] at location '/methodCall/params/substatusId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_ee6f8f41_bd6f_4671_b5aa_35a5854a30f5 2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [ERROR]:[COMMS]:[7936] Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests/bpmOperation:updateReqStatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/updateReqStatus): nodeName: API Call: Update Request Sub-status; nodeId: ee6f8f41-bd6f-4671-b5aa-35a5854a30f5; At 708/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:smUpdateSubstatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/smUpdateSubstatus): Input parameter validation error: Non-digit characters found in the element <substatusId>, the expected data type is 'integer'. The value was [New] at location '/methodCall/params/substatusId'" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_ee6f8f41_bd6f_4671_b5aa_35a5854a30f5 2017-10-17 11:34:43Z [DEBUG]:[GENERAL]:[7936] The BPM State is [{"id":"BPM20171017000039","application":"com.hornbill.servicemanager","name":"idox","currentStage":"4a2e5015-4bf4-bc96-b090-1a35b65c323b","currentNode":"flowcode-96651129-f109-4356-b8ef-f2d72b59f102","suspended":false,"cancelled":false,"failureMessage":"Xmlmc method invocation failed for BPM invocation node '4a2e5015-4bf4-bc96-b090-1a35b65c323b/flowcode-96651129-f109-4356-b8ef-f2d72b59f102': <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\r\n<methodCallResult status=\"fail\">\r\n\t<state>\r\n\t\t<code>0200</code>\r\n\t\t<service>apps</service>\r\n\t\t<operation>updateReqStatus</operation>\r\n\t\t<error>FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/updateReqStatus): nodeName: API Call: Update Request Sub-status; nodeId: ee6f8f41-bd6f-4671-b5aa-35a5854a30f5; At 708/1: &quot;Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests:smUpdateSubstatus] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/smUpdateSubstatus): Input parameter validation error: Non-digit characters found in the element &lt;substatusId&gt;, the expected data type is &apos;integer&apos;. The value was [New] at location &apos;/methodCall/params/substatusId&apos;&quot;\n\tthrow(e);\n_fc_node_exec_ee6f8f41_bd6f_4671_b5aa_35a5854a30f5</error>\r\n\t</state>\r\n</methodCallResult>\r\n","stages":{"4a2e5015-4bf4-bc96-b090-1a35b65c323b":{"number":1,"displayName":"Resolution","status":"failed","items":{"4be938f6-40f3-3ba7-f102-473e8cc59c4c":{"displayName":"Investigation Started","required":true,"state":true,"position":0},"871c9a1b-39e5-3afe-3b6d-d3e310c567eb":{"displayName":"Investigation Complete","required":true,"state":false,"position":1}}},"585d6fbe-21a1-8429-7be9-b722f46e52bd":{"number":2,"displayName":"Resolved","status":"notStarted","items":{"40614cc3-3cd6-7c7d-e753-ce2875a71ec2":{"displayName":"Customer confirmed Resolution","required":true,"state":false,"position":0},"5bc734b5-ab4d-4137-f508-05c2856bf1b1":{"displayName":"Request Closed","required":true,"state":false,"position":2},"7b3c8060-66bc-3507-254c-449559dbdc1a":{"displayName":"Request Resolved","required":true,"state":false,"position":1}}},"s1":{"number":0,"displayName":"Response","status":"completed","items":{"2f742e5a-b28f-c68e-8dec-7408e3ac8822":{"displayName":"Request Confirmation","required":false,"state":true,"position":2},"6573ee34-1e92-f346-8d77-7811b5c34c93":{"displayName":"Request Acknowledgement","required":true,"state":true,"position":0},"cfd073bf-0e50-bc96-12d3-db88ebc7c49c":{"displayName":"Request Validation","required":false,"state":true,"position":1}}}},"TASKS":{"4a2e5015-4bf4-bc96-b090-1a35b65c323b":{"task-77df8e4c-0da2-4ec2-e71c-0bb2f211ac85":{"type":"task","threshold":100,"tasks":[{"assignee":"beverley.hatchman","weight":100,"grouping":"b6c566f1-5971-4c83-af80-d2b78f66bc71","assignmentOption":"oneMustApprove","request":{"result":{"@status":true,"params":{"taskId":"TSK20171017000327"}}},"response":{"result":{"@status":true,"params":{"status":"complete","title":"Pending - IDXIN00047490 - Enquiry","details":"Investigate the issue IDXIN00047490 - Is there a limit on number of records in a DTF file that can be bulk imported into gazetteer?","options":{"timeSpent":"true"},"priority":"normal","appointment":"false","reference":"bpmTask","createdOn":"2017-10-17 10:30:21Z","createdBy":"SYS_BPM_MANAGER","startDate":"2017-10-17 10:20:31Z","dueDate":"2017-12-15 13:30:19Z","timeSpent":"0","timeBillable":"false","progress":"100","assignedTo":"urn:sys:user:beverley.hatchman","owner":"idoxsd","outcomes":"OnHold,Reassign,Resolved,LogWithDev,Log3rdTier,Log3rdParty,Pending","outcomeInfo":[{"outcome":"OnHold","displayName":{"text":"On Hold -Awaiting Customer Response","language":"en-gb"},"buttonColor":"warning","requiresReason":"false"},{"outcome":"Reassign","displayName":{"text":"Reassign to 1st Tier","language":"en-GB"},"buttonColor":"default","requiresReason":"false"},{"outcome":"Resolved","displayName":{"text":"Incident [TRUNCATED]
  4. @Mohamed Yes it would have been before SM 1073 was applied. Cheers Martyn
  5. @Ehsan Thinking about this more, I think it is the action of putting the request on hold causes the data loss as you cannot email when a request is on hold. Cheers Martyn
  6. @Ehsan Just had another occurrence now, where I as typing an email on a case and my colleague sent an email, completed a BPM activity and the BPM put the call on hold, triggering the email I was typing on the request to be lost, the request screen updated losing the update and then displayed the blue warning update text. I am wondering if the process of preserving the action only works for certain actions or number of them? Cheers Martyn
  7. @Ehsan Point one, I prefer it to prompt before opening the 'other' action about unsaved changes on the current actions, but having it retained would also be a useful option. I think this would come down to personal choice so might be something that could be configurable. My view is that the analyst could forget about the unsaved update and therefore lose it, hence the prompt prior to changing action. Point two, yes, but the triggers are not just the refresh of the page, but you can lose a partial update when you do other actions such as the timeline 'View Email'', click on a notification alert, popup desktop alert. Cheers Martyn
  8. Would it be possible to insert a 'Stay on Page or Leave' prompt when you have unsaved work on a request, i.e. an unsent email, update etc when the page is attempting to change. For example, it is quite easy to accidentally lose an update you are part way through when you click on the notification popup to an update on another request. A having the prompt would at least warn you that you are about to discard the change you had started. Cheers Martyn
  9. @Ehsan Would it be possible to extend this so that you can refresh the page but carry your unsaved changes, so that you can view the update prior to then deciding to save the changes you had started to make? Cheers Martyn
  10. @Lyonel From my experience, I have purposefully stopped responding to my colleagues who ask me questions via email or IM. I copy their question on to the appropriate workspace prefixing it with their user id tag, then respond to the question on the workspace. Though it takes a while to get through this stage, it does start to get through and make a difference eventually. Cheers Martyn
  11. @AndyColeman We have also just had the same issue with our instance as well. So looks to be multiple instances. Cheers Martyn
  12. @Daniel Dekel Glad that it is of benefit and will certainly help as the implementation of the platform grow within organisations. Cheers Martyn
  13. @chrisnutt It appears the same restrictions being applied to the Request List search by the setting 'webapp.view.ITSM.serviceDesk.requests.limitSearchToVisible' are not mirrored in the search method used in the Link Request option. @James Ainsworth, is possible to have the same search restrictions applied to the link incident search option? Cheers Martyn
  14. @SJEaton There seems to be a reference to a similar issue resolved in Collaboration build 701, which has been released this morning that may relate yo your issue. Cheers Martyn
  15. @SJEaton You if you are trying to accept a four digit number you could use "(?!0000)[0-9]{4}", to exclude them entering 0000. You could extend that to exclude other common numbers. (?!0000|1111|2222|3333|4444|5555|6666|7777|8888|9999|1234|4321)[0-9]{4} Cheers Martyn
  16. Is it possible to both add and remove a service subscription for an external organisation through the BPM workflow? We are looking at implementing a process where an organisation will be given access to a service for a temporary period of time in order for them to do UAT project testing. I am looking at using a Service Request to add the subscription, put on hold for the period of time and then on off-hold remove the subscription, so in essence there is no manual intervention or someone having to remember to remove a subscription to the service. Cheers Martyn
  17. @James Ainsworth, @mojahidm Improvements to the Date/Time Picker is something that has come up before, in terms of making it more easier to use. Cheers Martyn
  18. @TrevorKillick Thanks for pointing us the direction of the above. I give that a try ASAP. Cheers Martyn
  19. @James Ainsworth One thing from our testing is that you can only set the 'Display Name' for the mailbox and not the additional addresses. It would be good enhancements to be able to set the 'Display Name' against the additionial addresses so it is clearer when received and shown in the customer's email client. Cheers Martyn
  20. @David Hall Thanks for the update. Any idea what v2.52 will be in build number terms? Cheers Martyn
  21. @James Ainsworth This is becoming an issue for us with email integration with third parties as they require the reference to be in the subject line and it is not possible to use a different email template from the request email option as there is no option to override the subject line or template. We could get around this if we could include the custom field on the subject line in the template which would be blank most of the time, but cannot do this at the moment as the field name will get inserted instead. Cheers Martyn
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