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Michael Sharp

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Everything posted by Michael Sharp

  1. Hi, It would be useful to include the original email into a timeline when using progressive capture when raising a ticket manually via an analyst. At the moment, whenever a progressive capture is used, the original email is discarded. Regards, Mike.
  2. Hi Ehsan, We would like this filter to be available on the general assets area as well please, not just when raising a request? Regards and thanks, Mike.
  3. Oddly enough we can't sort by department in the requests view. Not sure why but the field just doesn't have the option? This would be extremely useful for us where agents are deployed to specific locations and could potentially pick up multiple tickets. Regards, Mike.
  4. Hi @Victor, don't think this ever got implemented?? Mike.
  5. Thought I'd bump this request as there are no replies?? Mike.
  6. Hi Keith, We will review this at a firewall level and come back if there are further issues. A thought we've had is that all exchange DAG traffic is being marked with the first user that has activity for the day (as this mailbox polls all day every day, it might be the highest likely). @DeadMeatGF this report shows actual data volume sent/received and appreciate "bandwidth" isn't the best term (we don't write the reports unfortunately) but we have a 200Mb/s dedicated line with various other users consuming vastly less in the same report. Regards, Mike.
  7. Hi Keith, These stats are generated from our outbound router. I can share this report privately if required. Regards, Mike.
  8. The mailbox responsible for emails being delivered to Hornbill is generating sending DAILY upload traffic of 37.4GB however the total size of emails being delivered to Hornbill is nowhere near this amount. Please can this be explained? The mailbox does not function any other service and is not leveraged by Hornbill for outbound emails. Report figures as follows: Internal Mailbox Sent Bandwidth 37.4GB Internal Mailbox Received Bandwidth 510.2MB Session Count for Internal Mailbox 9602 Regards, Mike.
  9. These are now resolved thanks although have since given up on Edge for various other reasons!
  10. I think this is definitely something Hornbill should consider as an improvement? It's not uncommon multiple emails would be linked to a single ticket?
  11. Good morning, I've tried to apply multiple emails to a ticket however when I tick the emails I want and click Apply, it only seems to attach the email I currently have open in the preview pane. Is this an error or an enhancement request? Regards, Mike.
  12. Hi, When using Asset Management, we don't want to see archived/retired equipment on a day to day basis as often it is equipment we have disposed of. An initial though I had was to develop an icon filter similar to the service manager i.e. Current/Active/Archived or icons for Operational/Pre-Production/Retired. Ideally this filter could be fixed to our preferences on a per person basis. Not sure on developers thoughts on this? Mike.
  13. This works perfectly thanks although it is an additional overhead having the company to select (appreciate the reasons for this however). Mike.
  14. Ive also added a custom image and called this "Virtual Machines"
  15. Hi @ArmandoDM, See below. Nothing ticked in financial, disposal or depreciation.
  16. Hi Armando, the class is Computer System and there are no errors within the browser? @ArmandoDM
  17. I've created a new asset type "Virtual Machines" and am unable to create new assets under this. When you press "Create" the page does not respond (it doesn't crash). I have filled in all required fields. Does anyone have any ideas on this? Regards, Mike.
  18. We use progressive capture in this way e.g. Try solution A which is decribed (multi-line text that is visible on the form but non-amendable Have a question underneath that says "Did this work?" (yes/no drop down, then "Next" button) If solution A worked, cancel the request If solution A didn't work, proceed with solution B on the same configuration and record a fault if none of the options worked As for the sub category element of the post, this is definitely something we would favour as well as the ability to add attachments to FAQs. Regards, Mike.
  19. Good morning, Would it be a good idea to include a status toggle or customised on-hold statuses for tickets? This would help us determine at a glance, where tickets are up to e.g: Outstanding In Progress (currently being read by analyst or manually set) Awaiting third party support On Hold (already present) We would ideally want to determine how long tickets have been in certain periods for. This will give us good feedback on why tickets may have been open for longer periods of time than expected. Regards, Mike.
  20. Hi Chaz, I've tried using the "no team assigned", "all teams" and "all services" toggle without any luck. Is there a permission in Hornbill that will allow me to view all requests regardless of teams etc.? I am the main Hornbill administrator. Regards, Mike.
  21. Hi all, I've got a service request appearing on a report which collects all open/on hold tickets within a certain date range, and groups them by Owner. On this report I can see SR00002302 however I can't see this ticket when viewing "all tickets". I have also created a filter where "the owner is X" in the service manager and this doesn't appear either. Please can someone suggest what I am missing? Cheers, Mike.
  22. Michael Sharp


    Can I add that I am getting a notification every time I add a request, comment or post updates on tickets. I have made those submissions - why on Earth would I need my mobile device to tell me that as well???
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