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Michael Sharp

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Everything posted by Michael Sharp

  1. thanks very much for these - extremely helpful!!
  2. Please can I get some assistance with Analytics and require the following widgets: Show the total number of emails currently in the mailbox inbox (most important for me please as we are manually raising faults) Show a total count of outstanding tickets as per the attached report (all-outstanding-partner-requests) Show a total count as per the attached report (jmw-staff-count) Show a pie chart of all outstanding tasks (split by allocated to) Regards and thanks, Mike. jmw-staff-count.report.txt requests---all-outstanding-partner-requests.report.txt
  3. Apologies see attached! Also, if the report filter is possible - can this be an analytics measure? date-logged-vs-date-received.report.txt
  4. Hi all, See attached report which shows date logged and date when the email was received. Is it possible to filter these requests where there is a difference of more than X minutes? i.e. email received and logged over 60 minutes after arrival. Regards and thanks, Mike.
  5. In the footer would be preferable please? Is it possible to also add the report name?
  6. The date the report is run please?
  7. Hi James, Not ideal as we have SLAs which are bumped upwards based on the customer title e.g. a decision node on the BPM looks if the word "Partner" (and other VIP words) is contained on the users' title. With that in place, we can bump up a P3 to a P2 automatically for example. Appreciate there may not be a large appetite for this however. Regards, Mike.
  8. Absolutely perfect thanks, and thanks for the explanation. Is there a way of adding the date to this report? Regards and thanks, Mike.
  9. Hi @Victor had to tweak this to present the title of the task and remove the task ID but this is a great report! Thanks very much as always. Mike.
  10. Hi all, I've been setting up the centralised LDAP import (we have so far been using JSON files) however I've now got an error which says "unable to run import, a previous import is still running" and also when I try to access the data import configuration from the Admin panel, its stuck on "Loading Configuration". Please can someone help with this? Thanks, Mike.
  11. Apologies James, to be clear a "Partner" is a usually a title for a VIP in the Legal sector so essentially I want a filter on a set of values taken from the customer's title field e.g. any title with the word "Partner" in it. Regards, Mike.
  12. Excellent thanks, will have a look at this!
  13. See attached - I want to be able to remove Helpdesk 1st, 2nd, Training and Mobile Phone Users sections of the report because they are duplicates. Please can you remove the attachment once reviewed as I'm unable to PM you. Cheers, Mike.
  14. Hi James, Can this be revisited please? Currently we're running reports on a continuous basis which isn't ideal for day to day ticket management. Cheers, Mike.
  15. See attached report - I have users in multiple account groups and need to remove all the duplicate assets in this report. I need to remove certain teams from the report please. Cheers, Mike. classic-view---laptops.report.txt
  16. Since the most recent update to Service Manager, one of my users now sees the Cancel Ticket function however they are unauthorised to do this (and never had this before). This seems to be present on new tickets raised but not on historical tickets. Further to this, the cancel function fortunately doesn't work properly for this user but is a concern for me. Please can someone have a look at this? At this point is a cosmetic issue but would prefer peace of mind on this. Regards, Mike.
  17. Thanks Victor, is it possible to add a prompt for the user to input a team as a filter?
  18. Thanks Sam, seemed to order users in alphabetical order historically but now seems to do what I need! Mike.
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