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Enabling AI assist


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do we know how this is working and where the data being scanned is that going elsewhere? just wondering from data sharing agreements as i know some similar sites with AI share with 3rd parties and being and dealing with members of the publics information (potentially in the notes) is this data no longer on hornbills servers.
Also is it documented what each function actually does (just so i can explain to others :D), think the first two options are self explanatory.



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The current implementation of AI Assist does not use your data for the purpose of training any data models.  We are using OpenAI behind the scenes to power this feature, and the way it works is takes the specific data you are elaborating on, it does feed that into one of the GenAI models which will apply general knowledge from its prior training to produce a result.   The idea of Suggesting a Solution only works when it knows about the thing/problem being referenced.  If you ask it to suggest a fix for a broken iPhone screen for example, it should do a pretty ok job at filling in the gaps and providing a sensible answer.  If you feed it something that it knows nothing about like your super secret widget, it will have no idea and will either make something up, or tell you it does not understand whats being asked. 

In terms of what the other two do, in is simply asking the AI NLU processor "Can you Expand on the following.... <your text>?", where as the other one is along the lines of "Can you Expand on and suggest a fix for the following.... <your text>?"

We are not sure how useful customers will find this capability, but the market frenzy thats out there demands we look at these kinds of capabilities, of course, we are not wishing to impose the AI nation on our customers and to have a very high level of moral integrity in terms of protecting our customers data, so anything we do add in this regard will be disablable by our customers individually if they want to. 

So as of today, please use it if you like, the service costs are on us, so enjoy playing and see how useful it is, all feedback always welcome of course, and expect to see more of this sort of thing as we learn more and find more interesting ways to apply the us of Generative AI in our products. 


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  • 3 weeks later...



Appreciate this is an older thread but seemed most relevant.

I notice the Generative AI option exists for the update, but not the email or resolution options.

Is that a conscious choice, or just an indication this is still early doors?


By default our "updates" are set to Team privacy, and we encourage analysts and engineers to use "email" where they need to communicate with the customer. Is there a plan to expand the availability?

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Also can we have it so that the suggested text replaces (or gives the option to replace) the written text when you click the little tick. At the moment is just appends your text. 


e.g. Also can we have it so that the suggested text replaces (or gives the option to replace) the written text when you click the little tick. At the moment is just appends your text.  We should have it so that the suggested text replaces (or gives the option to replace) the written text when the user clicks the tick. Currently, it only appends the text.

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