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James Ainsworth

Hornbill Product Specialists
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Everything posted by James Ainsworth

  1. You can still use this with an email authorization. For example, in a bpm you would Mark the change authorisation as pending Sent out the email authorisation Have a decision node to confirm if the email authorisation resulted in a rejection or approved If approved, mark the change as approved If rejected, mark the change as rejected
  2. Hi @DRiley This information mentioned in question 1 is stored in the table h_buz_activities. In the request table, there is the h_activity_stream_id column which holds the matching ID for the stream. This should allow you to make a match between the request and the entries in the h_buz_activities that belong to that request.
  3. Hi Martyn, The latest build of Timesheet Manager is now available. Let us know if this is still an issue.
  4. Apologies Martyn, I should have said the next Timesheet Manager update rather than Service Manager. Even though this is displayed in Service Manager, it is a component provided by the Timesheet Manager app. This should also be made available soon.
  5. Hi @Adrian Simpkins This feature doesn't have anything to do with the authorisation tasks. The Authorisation Decision automation is simply a way to mark a request as being approved, rejected, and now if it is pending. https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Service_Manager_Business_Process_Workflow#Authorisation_Decision
  6. Hi @QEHNick Thanks for your post. So far we have not been able to replicate any issues here and I'm not aware of any other reports of this happening. I'll keep my eyes open and let you know if I hear anything. I take it that you have successfully updated your DKIM record and all is working?
  7. Hi @Sam P It is possible that for some reason some of the fields (such as Custom 40) have been set to non-nullable. A workaround can be to open the edit box for Custom 40 and add an invisible character/space by typing ALT+255. However, you need to keep in mind that this value is no longer NULL so for any reports or Request List Views where you try to exclude a record based on this field being NULL, these records may not be excluded. I'll feed this back to development to see if these are in fact non-nullable fields and if so, is a reason behind it.
  8. Hi @KShep I'm assuming that you are referring to when a manual timeline update has been added to a request, it is configured so that the customer receives an email, notifying them of the update. Possibly this is something that you are already doing but in place of having connections receive an email every time the Service Desk asks for something or provides some form of a manual update to the customer, using the Request Connections->Email Connections automation you could send off periodic email updates to the Connections at different stages of the workflow, such as an update after each check-point is reached.
  9. I tested this using an Auto Task. It seems to be working ok for me. Let us know if you still can't see it after a browser refresh.
  10. Hi Adrian, It should be showing in the information panel in the same way that it does when you mark a request as authorised or rejected. Could you try clearing your browser cache to see if that makes a difference? The same as when setting a request to authorised or rejected, the pending option helps visually display the state of the authorisation. It can allow you to do more within your workflows based on this and allows for reporting on requests that are pending authorisation. I will also test to confirm if I'm able to see this value in the information panel when set.
  11. Hi @CraigP Thanks for your post. BPM Automations are different from APIs. A BPM Automation may use an API when the BPM Automation is developed, but an API on its own can't run as a BPM Automation. The linkRequests API will be used in the main UI where one links the current request with other requests.
  12. Hi @Jeremy I believe that the development team has been working on this. There is a chance that it might be included as part of the next Service Manager update. I'll try to find out more, but do keep an eye on the release notes for it.
  13. Hi Salma, You may want to reach out to our services team to have a look. They have tools that would allow them to do this.
  14. Actually, I just found out that it has been fixed and will be part of the next Core update
  15. Hi Sam, These don't have to be new users in order to use the import to update their profiles. The imports are very good at managing updates to existing users too. However, I know that there can then be a dependence on having AD set up and used in a way to capture the correct information. Bringing this back into Hornbill, and having a change or service request to manage this could provide the automation and the audit trail of performing these actions. In place of taking notes, just open a request catalog item that asks for the appropriate information, which then automatically opens, updates, and closes the request. It's a bit like applying a template with an audit trail.
  16. No trouble @QEHNick. I just wanted to let you know that this is in our backlog to fix. It may have a slightly lower priority as it is just a UI refresh issue and the correct data is being displayed. No timeframes yet, but it will get fixed in a future update.
  17. Hi @Alisha It looks like you are using a custom form. This is available on the provided Assets form. The only catch is that it is a dedicated form and can't be used within a group of questions on a single custom form.
  18. Hi Salma, Thanks for your post. There is no access to run SQL. Because of the relationship between entities, it would be very dangerous to run SQL, and a likelihood of corrupting the database. From the Request List, you can filter requests by summary and then select the requests that you don't want and cancel them in bulk. Canceling will remove all active tasks and also cancel the workflow. Just deleting a request would leave the activities and bpm in place. Is there a particular reason why you feel these need to be deleted rather than canceled?
  19. Hi Adrian, Automation only ends if there is nothing else to process in the workflow. In the last stage of your workflow, after a request has been set to closed, you can have a suspend node that waits for status change. If the status changes from Closed to Open, you can have some additional automation included in this stage with how re-opened requests are managed. I would have an expiry on this "wait for status change" where you agree on the length of time when a request can be reopened after it has been closed. Once this time has passed, you can then lock all the actions to prevent any further updates to the request. You could even throw in a request notice saying that this ticket is now permanently closed. As part of this "re-opened" workflow, you can have appropriate automated emails saying things like the request has been re-opened. Your workflow may look a little like this...
  20. Hi @QEHNick Could you confirm that the organisation group that you are selecting has members associated with it by going into Configuration and viewing the organisational group from there? What I have found is that when selecting an organisational group within the co-worker list is that it briefly shows results from the previously selected list along with the members of the selected group. It then correctly shows just the members of the selected group.
  21. Hi @Sam P Are you manually creating and updating all of your users? Do you have some form of automation like imports from AD for creating your users? I'm going to assume that your users are being imported. The best way to manage this would be to have the roles managed as part of an import. You can have multiple imports set up, with each import configured to add and update roles based on information held in AD. For example, you could create a Data Import Configuration to be used when an AD User's department attribute = X. On that Data Import Configuration, you define the roles that you want for that user.
  22. Hi @Blowerl Thanks for your post. I think you might want to confirm this with the licensing agreement that you have with Microsoft. Personally, I'm not sure about their different license agreements and I wouldn't want to mislead you. Hornbill uses POP3/IMAP for retrieving emails, so you may need to look at your F3 license to see if POP3/IMAP mailbox access is included in your agreement.
  23. I can confirm that it is planned to be part of the next Service Manager update. Provided there are no issues with the release, it should be with you soon.
  24. Hi @Martyn Houghton I've seen a new working version of this popup. This would suggest that it has been fixed and it is just waiting to go through a release cycle. I'll try to confirm if this is the case.
  25. Hi Adrian, As part of the Authorisation Automation node in the BPM, you can use the Authorisation Details section, along with variables to populate the content of the authorisation email. The email template used for authorisations can then just be used for defining common headers and footers to the email. Everything else comes from the Details. Let us know if this is what you are looking for.
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