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Everything posted by Jim

  1. I would say the world of ID and name being separate is a life saver in these scenarios, but consider any logic you have associated with it - I am sure they would all reference ID opposed to display value so you should be fine to make the change logically thinking
  2. I would add to that, that also including the Stage of the process a request is at also as this would make reporting much easier for certain processes
  3. Hi, I am having a bit of a housekeeping session and setting the naming conventions and categories on all of our forms and business processes, The Intelligent Captures are nice and easy and as I would expect however when it comes to the business processes it seems harder than what it ought to be, is their any reason I can't rename them and that I almost have to duplicate them with the new name, then update all catalog items to the new value? They are live processes but I would have thought an ID was used as the unique identifier so it seems odd a simple name change is so difficult to achieve
  4. I've just had to use the user off boarding, very useful feature however the flow was not great, I had to reassign some tasks but once I did this it returned with user has no tasks (as it had reassigned them) and then I had to refresh just to go back to the user and set them as a basic, so may need a bit more work doing to it, other than that great feature!
  5. Hi all, I have created a pre release for this for anyone interested to have a look into, hopefully it can be seen as a useful tool, I would greatly appreciate any feedback from anyone and if anyone is interested in seeing the source code and potentially contributing I am happy to share my private repo. Tags · JimParton96/Hornbill-Public · GitHub
  6. Are you referring to creating a request in the first place? assuming you are, what are your subscribers set to? when logging as an analyst you act as the customer you set, so if you are using the test account and they are not a 'subscriber' of the service you wouldn't see any catalog items for them, maybe this is your issue?
  7. Yes if both teams are a Supporting team within the service - by default this also gives access to the requests within the service You should be able to do this by setting the 'Subscribers' within a service for customers and 'Supporting teams' for analysts This is kind of possible but clunky, I have a similar scenario where a team can't see another services requests by default but sometimes an escalation will require them to be able to view them, I accomplish this by using an auto task that flips the Business process and service it belongs to so that the team do then have access to the request, but off the back of this you would need a skeleton business process to flip to (so you don't repeat confirmation emails and tasks etc) and then another one to flip it back Hope this helps
  8. Hi @Gerry Thank you for that, I do think an environment where we could almost build our own automations and maybe share them with the community would be awesome.
  9. Hi @Steve Giller I appreciate that but certain things such as changing asset status' when we move assets in bulk more often than not is quite tedious with what is currently provided and being able to make an auto task that could do this until something is developed within the workflows would make this task easier, The scripts aren't an option we would consider providing to every user that has to move assets around the organisation
  10. I had this problem, I take it you aren't using the default request details forms in your intelligent captures and are instead using custom fields, for some reason the behaviour is weird unless you use the built in form when raising a new linked request, I did this report this and I believe they accepted it as a defect
  11. Is it possible at all to make an api call to Hornbill within our workflows? some things don't exist ..yet? within the autotasks especially but if I can make an api call from within an asset I can do some status changes or anything else that is not yet developed. I had a ganders at the cloud HTTP basic auth request but I'm not sure what I would be passing over to authorize said api call from within a workflow, I would ideally rather that this behaved as each user opposed to a generic api key
  12. Hi @Frank Reay Thank you for the response, the translations is what I was looking into doing but I can't find the correct one for the life of me, I don't suppose you could send me that path? I tried querying assets, current, archived etc and nothing relevant returned in the translations
  13. +1 for this, quite a few times our analysts will do the same request as they have no way of knowing when another analyst is viewing it, granted it should be on the 'owner' but when requests first come in via portal our service desk will assign to themselves or request further info and sometimes 2 people could be doing this at the same time
  14. Hi, I'm curious as to the benefits of the status' Active, Current and Archived and how other people use them. Mainly interested in the 'Archived' ..this doesn't seem to actually archive assets? and further down the line once an assets lifecycle is complete are we to just change there status or should we be deleting them? what are the benefits of either and particularly considering storage?
  15. Can I add this as a feature request then please as I have quite a few use cases this would be useful for
  16. Hi, Is it possible to update an asset such as the status using a custom button? it seems the only nodes available are based on the requests and not just of an asset alone. The auto tasks are set to asset. Also when multiple assets are linked to a request, is there any way to differentiate the linked assets? For example when a device is initially linked to a request it is due to have an issue with it, when we replace it we would link the new asset to the request. Within the process I would like to update the status of the old device to something such 'with engineer' and the replacement device to be updated to 'with user'. Is this possible at all?
  17. So some requests we keep a sharepoint auditable list for, for example enhanced permissions which are provided on request with a business case etc, currently we use sharepoint for these lists from a form that then populates this the list
  18. How does the query work from the virtual agent into the knowledge base? is it working via inidvidual keywords or phrase or any other way? I could do with understanding this as more often then not FAQ's are not being returned that are relevant or the most relevant is returned lower down the list etc
  19. set a dynamic drop down select box and try Data query -> Get All Sites, I believe at UI level it got translated to say office locations but behind the scenes it is very much still Sites mines conditional so ignore the ticked options as your's may be different, mapping directly to h_site is useful also as it adds it to the site requests
  20. Apologies, just re read what you are after, I believe you may need to actually get the attribute from the customer, write it to the request tables, and then you will be able to do as I have above
  21. Hi @Adith In your custom view settings, go to the columsn section and click the +Custom Column in the lower left, it will let you translate into something meaningful also but bare in mind you can only see certain custom fields, I believe any that are not unlimited fields due to how it would look on the request list and general performance
  22. Is there anyway to integrate with Sharepoint in order to create lists from within Hornbill? I can see one drive in there
  23. I already ask for the ref in a task before linking which send the customer an email and adds them as a connection to the MI
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