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Posts posted by Miro

  1. Hi @Alisha

    I think I've found what is wrong. When you are comparing category name you need to fix subcategory separator. So you have something like 

    Category name == "Category/A>XYZ"

    and you actually need to do it like follow: 

    Category name == "Category/A->XYZ"

    So as you can see there is missing "-" (minus). Categories and subcategories are separated with "->" (not ">").
    I did it and it started working for me.
    Let me know if that fixed the issue for you.

    The is one last bit I'm interested to know. In last branch if there is NO MATCH - it's pointing to next node named "THE END" - wasn't it making loop?

    PS. Please also rename capture names you are pointing to with same fix.

  2. Hi @samwoo 

    In theory it could be possible by adding another site definition that return site name instead of id but in practice it would fail if there would be two or more same names or someone will change name later. Also adding almost redundant query definitions for this is not the best idea.
    Anyway we are aware of this problem and looking for a proper solution and hopefully have one soon.


  3. @Aaron Summers @samwoo I created simple pro cap flow where I put custom form with site selector, then I added two hidden labels with conditions. Labels become visible if you pickup specific organisation (matching id). Also added branch and depend on selected organisation is going to specific form. All works as expected. Can you have a look and say if this is the case or its different problem?
    Here you have a short video how it works https://www.screencast.com/t/k7iL64S0


  4. Hi @Aaron Summers

    Just read your question - could you specify what you mean with "Simple list" in BPM read by pro capture form?

    Anyway will try to answer, there should be always item "Display" visible to user. "Value" is done just for data processing so you can do check against simple 1,2,3... not entire character sentences. 
    Progressive capture when is displaying data from simple list in drop down/checkbox list/radios is always displaying items name (and item "Value" should be stored in DB).
    In case of BPM not sure. Need to ask someone who is more familiar with this part but guessing that is similar.

    Let me know if this is answer you've been looking for.


  5. hi @samwoo,

    I finally managed to replicate it and understand what happen here :) 
    So the global view is affecting all views and in this specific scenario (board view) extra filtering is added from lanes by merging view + lane filter. So if you have category A+B in view then you adding yet another category from lane and you end up with category A+B+C. Is not overwriting it.
    This behaviour is intended. Hopefully I make it more clear now, but if you still have questions then do not hesitate to ask.


  6. hi @samwoo,

    When trying to find source of issue I found that I did mistake in filters, both line I defined as BAU Tasks... :(
    After correctly defining filter I'm not able to replicate that problem anymore. Tried different scenarios with and without list, also similar category names - always task was showing in proper line.

    I checked everything from top to bottom ending on SQL queries... really sorry to say it but can't find any reason why it happen to you.


  7. @Alisha @BobbyB this message could be displayed only if you switch flows. Could you confirm that is not such situation:
    You have at least 2 flows A, B. You start with A and then switching (continue) to B. And now if user loop back to A->B->A then this error is thrown.
    I hope I didn't mess here and explained it clear. Could you confirm is not that case and loop doesn't occurs?

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