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Steve G

Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by Steve G

  1. Hi @Steven Cotterell, The "check console" message is referring to the console within your browser - any error messages for this will be listed in there. If you're a Chrome user, the shortcut to get there is Ctrl+Shift+J (or Cmd+Shift+J on Mac). What you should actually see, if the Keysafe entry has a valid token that has access to retrieve a list of Teams, is: Let me know what is being written to your browser console, and I'll hopefully be able to point you in the right direction. Cheers, Steve
  2. Hi @nasimg, A couple of AD packages are going to be released alongside ITOM, here's a sneak-peek at the operations within the AD User package Regarding the API call to raise a Service Request, you need to follow the instructions in that ServiceNow document, but for the details: Enter URL: The API endpoint for your instance (replacing yourinstanceid with the case-sensitive ID of your Hornbill instance): https://eurapi.hornbill.com/yourinstanceid/xmlmc/apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ServiceRequests?method=logServiceRequest Method: POST Headers (replacing yourapikeygoeshere with an API Key generated against a user within Hornbill, to authenticate the API call): Content-Type : text/xmlmc Authorization : ESP-APIKEY yourapikeygoeshere Body - this is the payload of the API call, in XML: <methodCall service="apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ServiceRequests" method="logServiceRequest"> <params> <summary>New onboarding request for {{new_hire}}</summary> <description>New onboarding request for {{new_hire}}</description> <teamId>TEAMID/GOES/HERE</teamId> <externalRefNumber>{{externalid}}</externalRefNumber> </params> </methodCall> And that's pretty much all there is to it... So that will log a new Service Request on your Hornbill instance on the back of a webhook event in Enboarder, populating the summary, description and external reference number fields, as well as assigning the SR to the team specified in the teamId element. To add additional details to the request being logged (service, catalog item, priority, workflow etc) this can be done by adding to the XML payload, as per the API documentation here: https://api.hornbill.com/apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ServiceRequests?op=logServiceRequest Let me know if you need any more information. Cheers, Steve
  3. Hi @nasimg, I've had a look at that document, and it looks like a pretty basic integration - Enboarder just logs new tickets on ServiceNow as part of their Webhooks functionality. Is this the same integration you're after - so an action in Enboarder would log a Service Request in Hornbill Service Manager? If so, then I could help with populating the webhook API call... Cheers, Steve
  4. @Jeremy Yeah that makes sense, I've added a new output parameter to both the Sheets operations that will contain the row number that has been updated/appended. I've just released them to live, so your instance should have the updates in the next 5 minutes. Let me know how you get on with this. Cheers, Steve
  5. What's Changed Google Sheets iBridge integrations - new output parameter to pass back the number of the row that has been updated/appended.
  6. Hi @Jeremy, As long as you know the row number, and the column you want to start stiring from, then this is possible with the Google > Sheets > Update operation. See ther Row and Starting Column input parameters here: Cheers, Steve
  7. Hi @Dan Munns, Yeah you should be able to pick that out of the request description and tag on to the end of the request summary in the BPM workflow without too much of a headache. If you have 2 nodes in your workflow, one to grab the request details, and one to update the summary: And the Summary field is populated with: &[global["flowcode"]["summary"]] : &[global["flowcode"]["description"].match(/(WKS[0-9]{4})/) ? global["flowcode"]["description"].match(/(WKS[0-9]{4})/)[1] : "Not Found"] This will overwrite the summary with itself, followed by a colon, and then whatever has been matched by your regular expression from the description field. In my example, I'm looking for WKS followed by 4 numeric digits: You'll notice that the regex is being done twice - this is just a bit of ternary logic, to make sure that the workflow doesn't fail if the regex doesn't match anything. Cheers, Steve
  8. Hi @Andytaylor93, The Hornbill API requires datetimes to be provided in UTC, and that is how they are stored in the database. When viewing request data (vi the main app), these UTC datetimes are displayed in the session users local timezone (BST in your case). Is the issue actually with Jira providing the scheduled datetime in your local timezone (BST) rather than UTC? Cheers, Steve
  9. Hi @dwalby, I've had a cursory look at their API documentation and we should be able to implement some iBridge integrations to PivotalTracker easily enough, as they have RESTful APIs with pretty basic token authentication. What specific integrations were you thinking about? Giving their endpoint list a once-over may help for you to work out what we can do compared to what you need https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api/rest/v5#Endpoints Cheers, Steve
  10. Whats New New Hornbill Service Manager integrations - Log New Change Request; Log New Known Error; Log New Problem; Log New Release. Whats Changed Hornbill Service Manager integrations, added new exception handling - Log New Incident; Log New Service Request. Whats Fixed iBridge integration - HTTP Request - Basic Auth. Fixed typo in output parameters display name.
  11. Just to close this topic off, v1.8.0 of the asset import tool has fixed this issue. The latest version of the tool can be downloaded from here: https://github.com/hornbill/goDBAssetImport/releases/latest Steve
  12. What's Changed Password Generator utility - added support to exclude specific characters from the generated password
  13. Hi @Jeremy I've added support for the above in to the password generator utility, it's been released so should be on your instance in the next few minutes. Config as below. Cheers, Steve
  14. Hi @MikeW, I've just given your config a whirl through v1.2.0 of the import tool (with a number of non-visible characters stripped out - I presume these were added by this forum though), and have been unable to replicate your issue Could you re-run the tool with the -dryrun=true command line parameter, and post the log file output so I can take a look, please? Thanks, Steve
  15. Hi @Paul Alexander, The first message I'm not sure about to be honest, your Azure admin may be able to help with that. The second message suggests that the keysafe key that the integration node is configured against has been deleted? Could you check the integration node in your workflow and make sure it's got an active key defined against it? Cheers, Steve
  16. Hi @SimonSheldon, The logs should be in a /log subfolder within the folder that holds the import executable. Cheers, Steve
  17. Hi @David Longley, Re ITOM availability, you may want to follow this post Re attachments, no this isn't possible currently, as there's no method to pull the files together in the BPM to send to a Zendesk integration node. I reckon it could be done easily enough with a Powershell script though, so may be another job for ITOM... Cheers, Steve
  18. The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (123) has been released to live.Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix DocuSign Send Envelope Template integration - fixed issue where we were unable to populate envelope with multiple document tabs of the same type.
  19. @SimonSheldon Yeah exactly, import your cost centres then follow it up directly with your user import. SQL would be the preferred option for us, the tool already supports SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB and ODBC. I'll give @Victor a nudge to get it released, as he's the one who's been writing it Cheers, Steve
  20. Hi @Paul Alexander, This will most likely be due to an Azure session being active in the current browser (or the Stay logged in option has been taken on a previous Azure login, so the session information is kept in the browser storage). So when keysafe launches the Microsoft page for authorisation, the MS page detects an existing account session and uses that for the key... Hard-logging out of Azure in your browser before trying to re-connect the key should fix this. Cheers, Steve
  21. Hi @Izu, From that page, you need to click Releases to get to the executable downloads. Or visit the Latest Release page directly. Cheers, Steve
  22. Hi @SimonSheldon, The LDAP import tool won't currently import new cost centre records if a match is not found. Are these cost centres just in your LDAP, or are they stored seperately in your accounts system too? The reason I ask is that we're in the process of writing an import tool for group type records (so cost centres, departments, teams etc) which could be pointed at a database or ODBC data source of your choice, that could be scheduled to regularly import any new cost centre records in to Hornbill. Cheers, Steve
  23. Hi @David Longley, The custom button functionality can only write its output to a popup on the screen and/or in to a message in the request timeline. It can't actually write in to fields within the request itself for further automations to use I'm afraid - you can only do that with the BPM workflows currently. But! There is functionality on its way that will allow you to do this - as part of the ITOM release that Gerry spoke about at Insights, so watch this space Cheers, Steve
  24. Hi @Paul Alexander, I've just done some testing, and that error is returned from Intune if the Azure user who the Keysafe key is created with doesn't have an Intune license, or access to those records. If the key is created with the details of a user who does have access to the record, the connector returns the device details as expected. I will improve that error message though! Cheers, Steve
  25. @David Longley Sorry I should've been clearer - it's not in that node, it's the Update Text option in the Write Zendesk Details to Timeline node: Cheers, Steve
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