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David Hall

Hornbill Developer
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Everything posted by David Hall

  1. Hi @Steven Cotterell It should apply retrospectively as this is just a front end correction to the indicator, nothing changed in terms of the underlying data.
  2. Hi @Steven Cotterell Thanks for the post, this fixes an issue for the following scenario... * You have a response due in 1 hour * You place the request on hold indefinitely rather than a specific date * After an hour has elapsed the indicator on the request list would show as red (missed) rather than on-hold/ongoing. Hope that helps, if there is anything else you need let me know. Regards, Dave.
  3. Hi @Ann-MarieHolloway Apologies and thanks for posting, we have already identified the issue and have a fix for this which is currently being tested and we should have that made available Wednesday morning. Kind Regards, Dave
  4. Hi @RobPeck Great news, no problem at all. Regards, Dave.
  5. @RobPeck Thanks for the screenshot, will discuss with the team to see if we can understand why this would only be occurring for a single user. Regards, Dave
  6. Hi @RobPeck Strange one. It looks like you are using Chrome, if so if you open the console (ctrl + shift + I) and reload the new request page, do you see any errors in the console? Regards, Dave
  7. Hi @RobPeck The status on your instance looks OK and I'm not seeing this issue locally. Have you tried clearing browser caches etc as a first step? Just for further information, is this affecting all users or just yourself? and are other Hornbill views broken in the same way or is it just raising requests? Kind Regards, Dave.
  8. Hi @Alberto M The fix for this was made available on the 9th March. Kind Regards, Dave
  9. What's Changed Assets: the property 'Location Type' has been enhanced with a new value (Virtual). CC recipients will now be displayed in Request timeline updates and will also be available as an additional output parameter from the BPM node Get Request Info -> Source Email. What's Fixed Various fixes for the Employee Portal. Employee Portal: Unable to raise a Change Request as a basic user. {PM00161539} Requests list counters show a value of zero when using the "I'm a member" filter. {PM00161837} Asset Additional Properties fields not being audited. {PM00161589} SLM Rule processing fails when using multiple "contains" conditions against custom fields.{PM00161664} Intermittent issue when 'Last Updated Date' is not updated when posting to the Timeline.{PM00161553} Enhance the Quick Request Search feature to work with just the right most numbers of a reference.{PM00158414} No option displayed to unlink a corporate SLA from within a service.{PM00161695} Request category tab can not be configured to be active when a request is on hold.{PM00161727}
  10. Hi @Alberto M I've tried some more tests locally in various scenarios with different email types but currently I'm, not able to replicate. I spoke with our platform team and apparently there was a scenario similar to this in the past where if the inbound email did not have a plain text body the HTML version was being interpreted and taking the txt file content into account. The logic was updated a long while back so that in such cases a plain text version is generated from the HTML and should prevent this issue. Due to the fact that I'm unable to replicate in my environment, it might be best to raise a support request with a specific instance of an email/request that has this issue, that way the specific email can be analysed to look for any possible issue. Kind Regards, Dave.
  11. Hi @AKetteringham Just following up on this post, are you still experiencing issues or is this now working correctly for you? Kind Regards, Dave.
  12. @HHH OK that makes sense, @James Ainsworth something we can consider for future development? Dave.
  13. Hi @HHH Its not currently possible to disable or remove the field, but you can choose to make it optional or mandatory via the application setting guest.app.requests.assign.commentMandatory Kind Regards, Dave
  14. Hi @Alberto M I've just double checked with the setup above and as I would have expected, the txt file is attached to the request but the timeline entry just contains the email subject and text content. To my knowledge there is no functionality that would inspect any attachment content so I'm not sure how the above would occur. Kind Regards, Dave
  15. Hi @Alberto M That's not something I've seen before... can you just confirm which operation you are using in the routing rule e.g. Kind Regards, Dave
  16. @Adrian Simpkins I could be wrong, but initially to me this looks like there is no suitable (associated) app installed on that individual user's machine for whatever file type that is trying to be opened from the request, e.g. no associated app to open a .txt file etc. This looks like a local client issue rather than an issue with Hornbill based on the error you have posted. Kind Regards, Dave
  17. HI @Alberto M Apologies for the inconsistencies, if you are able to maintain a list of references and the required rating, once the fix has been released next week, if you raise a support query with the relevant data we can look to get those values corrected. Kind Regards, Dave.
  18. Hi @Paul Alexander Sorry we haven't been able to get the bottom of the specific issue as yet by way of replication. I think at this point it might be worth raising this as a support issue and then we can tackle it from there, perhaps we'll need to see the specific issue on your instance in order to find the underlying issue. Kind regards, Dave
  19. Hi @Paul Alexander Just following on from your last post about the users, I've configured a service manager user with the self service user role and that still loads for me. One last test I was going to try is when you are logged into the service portal and open an example where the image is not loading. Could you then try opening in a new tab the URL for the image.. e.g. in your previous comment you listed the URL for the image so in that example in the new tab you would try opening https://service.hornbill.com/vinci/php/attachment/image.php?application=com.hornbill.servicemanager&entity=Faqs&key=1479&secure&filepath=image1582729088477.191.png When it works correctly the image should load, if not then I'm hoping it may return some form of error. Kind Regards, Dave
  20. Hi @Paul Alexander Apologies and thanks for posting this up, just investigating this now and will let you know when I have an update. Regards, Dave
  21. Hi @Jack_Podmore Thanks for the post. I've checked this out and you are in the correct place, we just appear to be missing an option for the category tab. I'll raise a defect for this and we'll get it corrected for the next update so watch out for it in the release notes. Kind Regards, Dave
  22. Hi @Adrian Simpkins Thanks for the post. I've just checked which fields are supported and I have made a clarification on the wiki page. The fields listed (which now additionally includes "Priority") are the only fields which are searched as part of the quick filter searching, sites is not currently available to the quick search. Kind Regards, Dave
  23. What's Fixed When General Asset depreciation information section is hidden, changes to an Asset cannot be made. {PM00161655} Unable to apply an email to a closed Request. {PM00161661} Unable to view images in an FAQ within Service Portal as a user with 'Collaboration Role' and 'Self Service User' roles only. {PM00161645}
  24. Hi @HHH If the admin tool go to Applications > Hornbill Collaboration > Translations and then you'll need to search for the string guest.core.form.cantBeEmpty Hope that helps. Regards, Dave
  25. Hi @mojahidm I've been through and double checked and in all my tests it is updating the last updated date whenever the the request comes off hold. The only reason I could guess it might not be updated is if the timeline entry has been turned off... provided you get an entry in the timeline when the action occurs (as per the screenshot) then you should see the last update date updated. Kind Regards, Dave.
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