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Everything posted by SamS

  1. Hi @Adrian Simpkins, It should be possible to set up templates within GOV.UK Notify as you "...need to create a reusable message template first." https://www.notifications.service.gov.uk/features I'm not familiar with the interface, but I am sure it should be under a menu somewhere.
  2. Hi @ljbrown, Task information is stored in the h_sys_tasks table. You are likely interested in teh h_created_on, h_completed_on and h_obj_ref_urn fields.
  3. Hi @Nbt, The following article might be of some use: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=XMLMC_API_File_Upload_Sample
  4. Hi @ljbrown, The eternal problem with "time spent" is what one means by that. 1) IF what is meant is the time between logging the request and the time it was resolved, then showing those fields and calculating the difference will give one the answer. This would also hold that if a request is logged on Friday 16:45 and resolved on Monday 09:15, the time spent will include the weekend. 2) IF what is meant is SLA time (i.e. the clock stops at Friday 17:00 and starts at 09:00 on Monday), then the h_fixtime field keeps track of the SLA seconds between logging and resolving (1800sec = half-an-hour). Naturally h_fixtime only has a relevant value if the call has actually been resolved with an SLA. 3) IF what is meant is how long someone has actually worked on the request, then the Timesheet Manager would keep track of that. There is probably another way of interpreting "time spent", so please let me know if I haven't covered your specific requirement.
  5. Hi @RIchard Horton, Behind the scenes, the Board Manager boards are located in the h_boardmanager_board, h_boardmanager_lanes, and h_boardmanager_card tables. There are no triggers that fire on modification of a card on the board, with exception of the Webhooks which would require a middle layer/glue application that you would need to create yourself - and it is a little overkill as ALL movement for ALL cards on ALL boards will trigger and not just the "few cards" you are interested in.
  6. Hi @aykut.boyraz, From what I can make out, the full BP definition(*) can be up to 4GB. (*) that is all the node configurations and links between them. The hard-coded/variabled text will be part of the node-definition. My previous estimate was (wildly) off - War and Peace will likely fit, as that only comes in at about 3Mb. I would advise against storing text of the W&P length, though - the text box to modify the text in is not made for easy management of such large texts.
  7. Hi @aykut.boyraz, Whatever you fill in in those fields (whether hard-coded or a variable name) will be stored together with full iBridge operation in a large text field - which is quite large (but I wouldn't think War and Peace would fit, though). So, hard-coded text will take up more space than a variable. WHEN the iBridge node is PROCESSED - i.e. when data is handed over to SN over the iBridge, and the variable is translated to actual text, then that part does not have any limits on it (as far as I can tell - again, it would be the receiving end which would instill the limit). So, if you fill in a Short Description of "Shall I compare... to thee" or have that information come in via a variable, then all of that will be sent to SN - which in turn might reject/truncate it.
  8. Hi @aykut.boyraz, First: Which iBridge operation are you talking about? Second: Any limitations are more than likely imposed by the RECEIVING end. Third: what limitations are you specifically talking about? Amount of characters? Character CodePages?
  9. Hi @Mark (ESC), You should be able to run the script with the -forcerun parameter - that should close off the old log. Another issue might be that the API key has expired, you might want to double-check that - as well as perhaps the local log file.
  10. Hi @Martyn Houghton, The Hornbill Export Tool uses: reporting:reportRun reporting:reportRunGetStatus reporting:reportRunDelete
  11. Hi @Kevin Kennedy, If you look at the history of the page, you will realise you didn't miss it.
  12. Hi @Kevin Kennedy, The following wiki page should answer your questions: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=XMLMC_API_Quickstart
  13. Hi @BillP, You might want to try the following instead ( https://api.hornbill.com/xmlmc/apps/com.hornbill.core/Task?op=getEntityTasks ): <methodCall service="apps/com.hornbill.core/Task" method="getEntityTasks"> <params> <objectRefUrn>urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Requests:SR00######</objectRefUrn> <counters>true</counters> <taskStatus>1</taskStatus> <rowstart>0</rowstart> <limit>10</limit> </params> </methodCall> (naturally, modify URL to your own instance)
  14. Hi @s_devoy, I was referring to the settings (via the Administration area). The tool is specifically to import translations to Services (en masse). For just a rename of a colulmn, you can do it manually. Admin > Appications > Service Manager > Translations > user.view.asset.computer.h_public_ip_address
  15. We are using the following endpoint: https://__instance__.service-now.com/api/sn_customerservice/case According to the API documentation, the account must have the csm_ws_integration, sn_customerservice.customer, or sn_customerservice.consumer role
  16. Hi @s_devoy, Yes, you CAN rename it - just change the label using the translation tool within Sevice Manager (translation key: user.view.asset.computer.h_public_ip_address ). The potential downside is that it will be renamed for ALL of the assets of that particular generic (computer, mobileDevice, pritner etc), not just a particular asset (sub)type (eg Desktop, Laptop).
  17. Hi @Adam Toms, I will add "removal of all roles for listed users"-functionality just below "removal of all roles of archived users" on the list. I might create a separate utility for it - to keep it at arms length from data preserving functionality. I will not implement a "remove all roles for all users"-functionality - only because no one would be able to log in to undo the damage. Yeah, this is going to be a separate utility - so it cannot be accidentally confused/triggered with the data import.
  18. Hi @LouiseT, As it happens there is currently an undocumented (read: unTESTED) feature within the DB Asset Import tool (it's been in there since v1.16.0) which allows one to connect the imported asset to a Supplier and/or a contract. It would be setting field names for "DBSupplierColumn" and "DBContractColumn" (respectively) within the "AssetIdentifier"-section - configured in the same way that "DBColumn" is defined. In a couple of weeks it will likely be tested (possibly tweaked) and documented and officially "released". Please look out for the next version (i.e. later than v2.0.0). Although if it works for you in v2.0.0, then please let me know - I can skip a step in testing;-)
  19. Hi @Adam Toms, The tool currently does not handle the removal of roles - it makes a statement within the documentation that it does incremental adds & updates. For roles this is a little complicated: IF we compare current roles to those provided in the import to make a decision which roles to drop, then we might be dropping too many roles. A lot of customers will set initial (baseline) roles via an import and then elevate inidividuals on a need-to basis. Within this set-up all those manually modified would require a manual modification after every run of the script. Running a second script which allocates (but not removes) roles after running of the first script (which set the baseline), then that would work - indeed it does for many customers setting up their analysts - but it would, again, make manual elevations moot. So, selectively removing roles might be a possibility, it would require a list of which people you would need which roles removed. I am thinking this is not an easy list to set up - and it would be easier to manuall remove the roles. I can see a functionality to be added which removes all roles from archived users - I'll put that at the bottom of the list. All that being said, however, archived users should NOT be able to log in/use Hornbill - their permissions are moot. IF you can prove otherwise (i.e. if an archived account is still active), then please let us know and we will treat this as a priority bug.
  20. Hi @Rob Gething, You might want to have a look at https://github.com/hornbill/goSimpleListImport As before, we do not provide support/assistance on creating/modifying PowerShell scripts. You might want to ask Google for samples: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+read+and+process+csv+using+powershell or turn to a PowerShell specific forum and ask your question there: https://forums.powershell.org/ (there are others).
  21. @Rob Gething, The resulting string is a JSON array of objects. You will need to convert it first with PowerShell. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=powershell+convert+JSON+to+array+of+objects
  22. Hi @aykut.boyraz, From what I understand SN uses a basic authentication structure, so it would be specific levels of security (API ACLs) configured on SN which might be interfering here. Is there a REST_Service role of sorts which might need to be applied to the account?
  23. Hi @Rob Gething, If you could test with a key which has more permissions, then we can confirm the functionality working. We'll be working on minimizing the permission requirements to the specifically used iBridge functionality (as now mentioned in the forum entry you found).
  24. Hi @AndyHill, Just to let you know that we (our developers) are aware of this and we will get to separating out the permissions at some stage in the future - i.e. it is on our to do list. We will likely make an announcement here (in the forums) once the work has been completed.
  25. Hi @Rob Gething, Just going over the basics - I wasn't aware that you had tried the account via another way. That being said, the error message provided IS coming from Azure, so I would still urge you to investigate that. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66136902/why-do-i-receive-a-403-forbidden-response-when-calling-this-endpoint-with-angula https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/unable-to-assign-o365-license-because-the-license/e6814ade-0f7f-41e9-a157-fa3c638c7bfc https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/enterprise-users/licensing-groups-resolve-problems Perhaps your bot has a lower permission set than the requirements for the account used by the BP (i.e. the creation/registration of an application).
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