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Everything posted by SamS

  1. Hi @Giuseppe Iannacone, I'm not absolute sure, but the error message suggests that somehow $h_id isn't set correctly. What happens if you output $h_id separately. Another item of note: "entityBrowseRecords" has been marked as "deprecated" for a while. You might want to look into using "entityBrowseRecords2" instead.
  2. that was assuming you ( @Joe ) wanted to automate something - a simple report would do the trick as well.
  3. Hi @Joe, Please have a look at https://github.com/hornbill/goHornbillDataExport and specifically at the skipdb option
  4. Hi @BillP, Your intuition is quite right, you would just need to concatenate it to your instance URL - the intermediate folder you are looking for is "dav". In the full URL, "/dav/" would replace the "/xmlmc/" bit. You will still need to pass the Authorization on via the header in your GET request.
  5. Hi @Jack_Podmore, That is what I would do/recommend :-)
  6. Hi @LifeOfJonny, I am sure that "created" should indeed be "updated". assetClass would contain telecoms, printer or any of the other keys in the mapping @Ehsan gave.
  7. Hi @LifeOfJonny, I can recreate your issue, but I'd suggest you consider using Asset::updateAsset2 instead.
  8. @AndyHill "outcome" should be "OK" (when all went OK) or nothing at all (at the moment :- it should be "FAIL" or "WARN" depending on the issue). At the moment anything that fails will not have any responses from the script at all. In this particular instance "outcome" and "errors" are NOT populated when anything fails. We ARE working on this, so a future version will populate "outcome" and "errors" appropriately. Please keep an eye out for a new version of the "Active Directory Group Management" package.
  9. Hi @AndyHill, Not off hand - and I guess I would need to go through a few iterations to potentially capture all - or check AD's documentation. The easiest way to find out would be to add the outcome as an update to a dummy/test request. I would be more inclined to check the "errors" response. IF it is at all set, then the absence of errors would be either empty of any text or it would be set to 0.
  10. Hi @AndyHill, The Active Directory Management Add Group (the Result Reference defaults to "ADGMAddGroup") will provide an (hopefully unset) "errors" response and an "outcome" response. They should be selectable under the "IT Automation" Variable Picker. You might want to rename the "IT Automation" node so the specific one you want (assuming there are more than one IT Automation nodes) is more easily findable.
  11. Hi @bernie, It is indeed a table and field I was referring to.
  12. Hi @bernie, The 'auditTransactionId' and the ' TransactionId'-s in the 'EspApiTransactions' log are NOT the same. The auditTransactionIds refer to auditing that is done for the audit trails within the Project, Supplier and Timesheet Managers. For this you could have a look at h_sys_audit_trail.h_txn_id.
  13. Hi @AndyHill, Could you check whether proxy is enabled for system level services (as opposed to users-only; which might explain why your test worked)? That being said, the SIS currently does not support going over a proxy.
  14. Hi @AndyHill, The next items we would want to check: How did you clear the SIS? There should be a log file in: C:\ProgramData\Hornbill\Site Integration Server\log Are you using a proxy server (for :443 access) How many network cards does the server have?
  15. Hi @Chris, I believe I might have found and fixed the issue you appear to be having. Please download the latest release (v2.4.2) of the import tool and please get back to me either way.
  16. Do the numbers add up? There should be a few entries of [Azure] Found ### Users before a [Azure] No Skip Token Found signals the end of whatever is found/processed via Azure. It is likely chunked in lots of 100. The summary at the end is indicative of what has been processed. It currently suggests that from the 100++ Azure accounts found only 32 were processed. That is admittedly quite a disparity. Looking through the code, I have a sneaky suspicion: Could you please confirm whether the 32 is the last number (or near enough) of users found in Azure before the "No Skip Token Found"-message? N.B. Errors regarding managers not being found can be ignored - they have no bearing here - as far as I can tell.
  17. Hi @Chris, Does the log file provide any hint about what went wrong?
  18. Hi @Will J Douglas, Our iBridge connection does not inject the necessary extra code to make the mentions work, so it is very unlikely that anyone has got this working. The reason this has not (yet) been done is that behind the scenes, in order to make a mention, you would need all the targets' GUID (i.e. the very longy ID used to identify the target (user, channel, group etc)). Our code would also need to know what "type" the target is as well. There would be two ways for us to obtain that information: through querying Teams (but we would have to search through each type (for each mention)) or by adding extra areas in the Cloud interface and for you to know the GUIDs (or store them against the intended recipients).
  19. Hi @R3ECEM, You can use SQL expressions for any rules - there is NO database behind the scenes though, so the use of SELECT is not going to do anything other than cause errors. You might be able to try: subject REGEXP ('^[0-9]{7}') which should returns either true or false depending on whether the first 7 characters of the subject are digits or not.
  20. @R3ECEM LEFT(subject, 7) will give the first 7 characters.
  21. And in addition to that, @R3ECEM , you might also find relevant info in: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Email_Routing_Rules
  22. Hi @R3ECEM, You might find what you want here: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Routing_Rules_-_Call_Logging
  23. Hi @samwoo, When I run [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol I get "SystemDefault" returned. From what I gather this is defined in a registry entry specific to the .Net framework in use. So, I would gather that one of the following might have happened: An upgrade/removal of a .Net version A tweak to the registry to fix some other script
  24. Hi @samwoo, I cannot recreate your issue myself (it seems a Powershell error), so it seems unlikely that the issue is our server. Could you please run the following on your PowerShell command line: [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol This should identify what security protocol is currently set. If the result does not contain not TLS ("Tls" in Powershell speak), run the following before trying the script: [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
  25. Hi @Dan Munns, The following SQL will get you your random 5 entries (of the filtered) per analyst. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT h_pk_reference, h_summary, h_datelogged, h_resolvedby_username, h_source_type, h_fk_team_name , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY h_resolvedby_username) AS row_num FROM h_itsm_requests WHERE h_pk_reference LIKE '%IN%' AND h_status = 'status.closed' AND (h_datelogged >= LAST_DAY(NOW() - INTERVAL 2 MONTH) + INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND (h_datelogged < LAST_DAY(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH)) AND (h_source_type NOT IN ('Autoresponder', 'Email', 'Self Service') AND (h_summary NOT LIKE '%Password Reset%' AND h_summary NOT LIKE '%Account Unlocked%') AND (h_fk_team_name IN ('IT Service Desk', 'IT Infrastructure', 'IT TEAM 3', 'IT TEAM 4', 'IT TEAM 5', 'IT TEAM 6') ) AS abc WHERE row_num < 6 LIMIT 100 The LIMIT 100 at the end is because there should not be more than 100 results in the widget The row_num < 6 is because the rows start numbering with 1, so first five is < 6.
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