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Michael Sharp

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Everything posted by Michael Sharp

  1. @James Ainsworth @Steven Boardman If I can throw this idea in. If a request has another agent present (within the past 5 minutes) the presence (or peer presence) will be green - this will otherwise be grey. If you hover over a green spot, this will show the agent/list of agents. Further to this, if an "important information" field is populated on a user/customer record, this will display the red bar at the top with the corresponding text. Further to this, a BPM could be used to adjust this.
  2. brilliant thanks, also used a group to specify a couple of users which worked a treat!
  3. Unfortunately my LDAP User import is stuck on "Loading Configuration" as I ran a dry run without inputting the API key. Please can someone help with this? Further to this, please can someone check my import is configured correctly (LDAP User Import)? I want to be able to import sites and images from AD. The sites in AD correspond to the Site names in Hornbill. Regards, Mike.
  4. Have found another example where this functionality would be useful - when a staff leaver is registered we would like a red banner at the top of each request (perhaps just under as they may request an export of data which is not authorised for example. This would be visible if a text string is present in a defined field. Have mocked something up below: Thoughts @samwoo @Steven Boardman @Gerry @davidrb84 ? Regards, Mike.
  5. @James Ainsworth is it correct that only an admin can log onto this? Ideally I want any of my team to be able to log the dashboard in without any editing rights to the dashboard and without access to all other admin pages. Regards, Mike.
  6. @Steven Boardman I think @samwoo is bang on the money with his example (especially for the benefit of customers who have special needs requirements) and the arguments against the notes section against the customer. I think the ability to add a bulletin style "note" on the top of all requests for a particular customer might work? Regards, Mike.
  7. Hi @Steven Boardman this is great but doesn't really help me for the snippets for adhoc use? I don't really want to reinvent the wheel with the RMs if I can help it with the custom mappings etc? Regards and thanks, Mike.
  8. Hi all, I need Hornbill to be able to reference RM fields please in snippets and/or email templates. I've tried creating the below which didn't work. We're engaging a third party with development work and need a way for them to get the information they need. We have bought a user licence for them however they have three domain accounts so unable to log into the platform as we have SSO employed. A development task has been assigned to you by JMW Solicitors LLP (Cust.No #######) Eclipse Reference: {{h_external_ref_number}} Summary: {{summary}} Description: {{description}} Requested by: {{h_custom_b}} Reason for Request: {{h_custom_c}} Priority: {{h_release_type}} Risk Level: {{h_disruption_level}} Proposed Start Date: {{h_proposed_start_time}} Deadline: {{h_proposed_end_time}} Test Plan: {{h_test_plan}} Communication Plan: {{h_communication_plan}} Training Plan: {{h_support_plan}} Rollback Plan: {{h_backout_plan}}
  9. Hi @James Ainsworth did anything come of this?
  10. Thanks all for your comments - I have configured my BPM to display requests as "New" until allocated so I know which ones have been "seen" as such
  11. Really sorry @Gerry I've no idea what that means
  12. Hi all, On our case management system, when we attempt to open a case we are presented with a floating window that shows important information about the client before going into the case itself. I thought similar functionality might be neat for Hornbill for example - "please escalate to MS before communicating as is investigating a wider machine issue", or "this user is only available by mobile". Not sure on the thoughts of this functionality by other members of the forum? Also, is there an area we can attach files/emails to user records? Regards, Mike.
  13. How do we use a dashboard when ADFS is employed as a sign on method? Surely I don't have to keep an administrator logged in with a domain account? My screen is currently driven by an off domain machine and logged in as myself for the wallboard. Mike.
  14. Good afternoon, Few questions all related actually: Under what circumstances would a request have a status of "New"? When a user logs a request through the service portal - do you have any tips on how these should be distributed or captured by our technicians? Currently we log everything from an email so is triaged on arrival - we have a dashboard widget that shows all emails unread in the Inbox waiting to be triaged. Is it possible to have a widget that shows [Unread Emails in Inbox + Unread requests submitted via the Portal]? Or would these have to be separate? Regards, Mike.
  15. @Paul Alexander that would indeed be the simple answer however I'm limited by a third party product unfortunately! Mike.
  16. Is there a way to route emails directly to an exact request? I'm struggling to get this working as per the attached which doesn't work.
  17. @Steven Boardman do I have access to the new Employee Portal?
  18. Thanks @James Ainsworth - anything to try to further encourage the feedback being returned would be great
  19. Can "Awaiting feedback" be a filter listed on the service portal home page? Or at the very least when clicking on "All my Requests"? Currently only visible if you look at the requests for a particular service? Thanks, Mike.
  20. We would like to be able to use a star rating on feedback questions please and perhaps the values recorded as 1-5 in the database. For example: How would you rate the speed of service How would you rate the quality of service Is this possible? Mike.
  21. You can use the BPM to control on-hold/in progress as a request status too
  22. Hi @James Ainsworth, I'm fairly desperate to have this available by 4th July. Will the release be available by this time? Regards, Mike.
  23. Hi, I spoke to Dan about this issue at the Hornbill Insights workshop and he suggested I post this on the forum as appears to be a permissions bug. We have an issue whereby paid-for users are able to see images in the Service portal FAQs however basic users only see a black box with a white cross in. The images have been uploaded/embedded when creating the FAQ. This is also apparent on all browsers/endpoints. We want to go live with the portal on the 4th July and without this function in place, is a complete non-starter. Please can you help? Thanks, Mike.
  24. Absolutely perfect thanks @James Ainsworth however I don't appear to be able to add a new parent to an existing department?
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