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Dan Munns

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Everything posted by Dan Munns

  1. @Aaron Summers yeah my DSi plays everything from Gameboy OG to DSi games, and my RetroPi (Pi 3B+) plays all other old skool games like Atari and Amiga etc. The OG Xbox plays all old console games up to OG Xbox (including megadrive, snes etc) and obviously I use the Xbox One S and PS4 Pro for new stuff. I wouldn't bother with the 2080 (or any of the nVidia 2000 series cards for that matter) I have a 1080ti and have yet to find a game I cant play at highest settings. I cant justify the cost of the new cards to be honest and direct comparisons show that your not getting much extra performance for a lot more money.
  2. I know. But at the moment it takes around 30 - 50 seconds from kicking off the api to the call logging to complete. Then I have to invoke the BPM. If it could all be done at once it would just be...neater
  3. Would just mean that I didn't have to log a request, get the reference number then kick off the BPM. Lazy
  4. @Victor if the API could kick off a BP from either serviceId or catalogId (depending on lowest level set) that would be great. In the mean time we will look at logRequestBPM Thanks!
  5. PS4 Pro is awesome. As is my Xbox OG, Xbox One S, RetroPi, Nintendo DSi (patched) and Switch. Still mainly play my PC though. @Victor you finally upgrade that old GTX 770?
  6. Ah ok. I was confused by the API description of serviceId: No worries, I'll have a look at logRequestBPM then. Thanks @Victor
  7. Hi @Victor @Steve G Apologies for the tagging but I am having an issue with kicking of a BPM with an API So far I have this: It logs the request fine, against the correct service and CI, but there is no BPM assigned to it. The catalog item is set up with a BPM and the service has the same BPM set as the default under SRs Any ideas where we are going wrong?
  8. @James Ainsworth has there been any update to this since 2016.....
  9. Hi @Steven Boardman I did mention on another post just now that the option doesnt exist on the task capture. If this could be added ASAP it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Dan
  10. Hi @Steven Boardman I don't really want to add the person as a connection as this could muddy the waters with who is interested/impacted and who just needs certain information at a certain time which is what the email is for. Also the person will be selected on a human task and I cant see the option of anything other than a group picker on the task captures.
  11. Hi, Can we have a user picker in the capture options please? I need to be able to select a user from the collaboration users pool but at the moment there doesn't seem to be a way to do this from the PC or task captures (though I may be wrong, it is nearly midnight and I haven't had anywhere near enough coffee to still be working). Thanks, Dan
  12. Hi, Can we have the ability to add a co-worker email from a variable please. This is in the BPM > Email notifications > Email co-worker. I need to be able to add the co-worker from a variable but at the moment I only the a user picker. Thanks Dan
  13. As discussed at Insights @Gerry please add us to the list as well.
  14. @samwoo a quick google for the term 'dark reader' will take you to a Chrome plugin which sets the whole web dark (but in a good way, not like the bad way discussed on day 1 of Insights ). You can set the colour scheme a little and set exceptions as well. Sites which are already dark (a popular WoW site comes to mind) will be exceptions be default so not to screw with the UI. A word of warning though, dark mode + grid mode in BPM designer = bad day @Kelvin no worries. Every day is a school day and I learn loads from here as well
  15. @Sophie Springett In your override flags you will need to set it so that it shows the field if the drop down contains one or any of the drop down options. So you need to set the conditions on ICE as such: Do that for each conditional field and if you select multiple options in the drop down it will show all relevant conditional fields.
  16. @Miro yep, so this is my setup: Analyst completes a task and has to capture a SixSigma Green Belt they want to email some data to, They select the Green Belt within the task capture and the data for the Green Belts is held in a simple list. The list is configured to use the persons email address as the raw data but their full name as the display name. I then use the raw data (mapped to a custom field) to send the email with the relevant data on and use the display name (also mapped to a custom field) to enter the name of the person into the email template and also to let the originator know which green belt they need to liaise with going forward. However, the last step in red doesnt work as I cant select which data (raw or display name) I want to push to the custom fields.
  17. Hi, Could we have to option to search / filter on the variables in the email template creation? There are so many variables now and with them not being in alphabetical order it would be useful to be able to filter them. Thanks, Dan
  18. @RobertHall_CBC I suspect this has been overlooked as it should be posted in another area of the forum (@Victor could you move it maybe?) Can you see the status variable on the email template? It should look like this in the template: Status: {{.H_status}}
  19. Hi, When selecting a dynamic list in the task capture and then updating custom fields (or any details) with the list item selected, you do not get the option to use Raw / Display data and it defaults to Raw. Could this be added in so that it behaves like the PC lists and gives the option when injecting a variable? Thanks, Dan
  20. @samwoo there are role associated with Supplier Manager so only people with the roles will be able to see it. It is a very good app to be fair, which looks like it will be getting even better with some of the things showcased at Insights.
  21. Thanks @AlexTumber I have also been told that Harry is just sat in the middle of the screen on his lonesome even when there is no RAG status. So the RAG and the Progress don't render (as they haven't been set) but Harry is just all alone on the bottom of the screen.
  22. Hi @AlexTumber We have noticed that scheduled dates aren’t recorded when you create a new project. You select the dates in the form but when you hit submit and view the dates we just get 'null' for both. Also whilst you cant submit a form with the dates in the past, it still allows you to select the dates and then errors where as in SM the dates in the past are greyed out and non selectable once you have selected the start date. Finally, as you have to select the dates again, once you edit the dates you CAN select an end date in the past compared to the start date.
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