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Nick Brailsford

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About Nick Brailsford

  • Birthday January 25

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  1. My eport reports have stopped working and the logs say Error Invalid API key, any reason why this has stopped working and where I reconfigure ?
  2. Hello, I am sure that this has been asked already but I couldn't find anything. Can you let me know where the Reports have moved to please? Thanks Nick
  3. +1 we would definitely benefit from being able to have custom fields in. @Cassie would you agree?
  4. Hi There, Is it possible to create custom fields in assets ? I would like to report on when an Asset is End of Support / End of Life and number of years a device is expected to be in production for. Thanks Nick
  5. Hi There, I downloaded the latest version of the import application and ran it on a seperate server, it imported the users ok so i upgraded it on the sync server which went through ok this time. Thanks
  6. Hi There, We upgraded our LDAP server last week to a new server but retained the same IP address. Not sure if its related but the ldap sync stopped working around that time. in the log files I get : Error Loading Configuration: The specified primary entity [Imports] was not found I have had a look around but unable to find pointers - are you able to help at all? Thanks Nick
  7. Hi, the iOS app will not start up on my device, it tried to start then it closes back down. I’ve deleted the app and reinstalled but still the same thanks Nick
  8. Hi, I am attempting to create some reports that display requested / resolved within sla by sites for both incidents and requests with some graphs, as a way to show what each site is raising and how well the service desk are at resolving them against SLA It would be great to show this graphically Could you help please? Thanks Nick
  9. Thanks @AlexTumber i tried that but it didnt work in the report designer, i have since managed to do it using sql but would like to be able to set this up as a report for others to use.
  10. Hi, I am trying to get a list of all our suppliers out of Supplier Manager but i believe I need to make a join on the tables so i can see contact names. I cant seem to make the join between the two tables i think i need (h_supplier_suppliers and h_supplier_contacts) Could you help please? Thanks Nick
  11. @AlexTumber it would be useful to have this option but like you say it possibly wouldn't of stopped me completing the wrong task
  12. @AlexTumber ok thanks - can this be added to the development stack as it was an oversight and once there are a lot of tasks in the project it could happen again
  13. Hi @AlexTumber I have marked the wrong task as completed, i am unable to now go back and unmark it. Am i missing something? Nick
  14. @AlexTumber Hi Alex, We sometimes use 3rd parties to assist in delivering projects (EG we are developing processes in Service Manager and use one of your colleagues to help us develop it) i need to be able to add that resource into the project so that I can track costs and time etc for full viability. This is more import than physical assets. Re Tasks - Should we not be using the progress bar in tasks then to track progress, will it automatically calculate that? Once i have completed the task i have set this to 100% but it marked the milestone as complete. I have a lot of ideas and questions around this application :-)
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