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Darren Rose

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Posts posted by Darren Rose

  1. Hi

    I was trying to create a report about linked assets. However, when trying to build the report, I noticed that some assets in h_cmdb_assets had an entry in The Asset URN column and others did not. Typically, the one I wanted to report on didn't have this info which means I couldn't use it in a report that was joined to the h_cmdb_links table.

    Any ideas why the URN value would be missing for some assets?


  2. Hi

    One for you maybe @alextumber

    I want to be able to give someone access to manage Project Types and Project Templates. However, when adding the Project Administrator role, they get 'you do not have permissions' error when clicking on the project types on project templates icons. 

    What project and non project roles should they be in? 



  3. Hi @alextumber

    This was one of a few in the server service log

    1851683 10:55:30 10-09-18 error system 11228 XMLMC Request Failed: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.projectmanager/entities/ProjectTasks/fc_ops/addProjectTask): nodeName: Invoke Flowcode: updateProjectMilestone; nodeId: bc5037e3-23b4-4092-82fb-be4209cd424c; At 675/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.projectmanager/ProjectMilestones:updateProjectMilestone] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.projectmanager/entities/ProjectMilestones/fc_ops/updateProjectMilestone): nodeName: Invoke Flowcode: bmUpdateCardTypeProject; nodeId: 62d411b5-e788-4bc5-839c-9081ae138e64; At 96/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.projectmanager:bmUpdateCardTypeProject] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.projectmanager/flowcode/fc_ops/bmUpdateCardTypeProject): nodeName: Invoke Flowcode: updateCard; nodeId: b00fbfa4-c8be-4ead-82b0-2bf1bc761395; At 301/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall:invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.boardmanager/Card:updateCard] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.boardmanager/entities/Card/fc_ops/updateCard): nodeName: Update Card; nodeId: b9e6bd6a-057a-47e3-8b93-074bfdb84e2a; At 174/1: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'record' of undefined" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_b9e6bd6a_057a_47e3_8b93_074bfdb84e2a" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_b00fbfa4_c8be_4ead_82b0_2bf1bc761395" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_62d411b5_e788_4bc5_839c_9081ae138e64" throw(e); _fc_node_exec_bc5037e3_23b4_4092_82fb_be4209cd424c
  4. Hello

    When I am notified of someone mentioning me in an activity, I cannot find an easy way to see the actual activity. I am not the owner or member of the activity. 

    This is a typical notification I get. If I click on the 13 days ago, I get taken to the comment, but I do not know what activity it relates to, and I cannot see a way of finding the activity. 


    Any ideas? 



  5. Hello

    I created a report yesterday and when I try to download it, I get the following error


    It only happens on this report, and everyone that tries to download it gets the same error. It also happens for PDF and CSV versions of the report. 

    I also created a copy of the report, and get the same error on the copy version too. 

    The preview of the report works fine and it brings back the data I was expecting.

    Any ideas? 


  6. 19 hours ago, Gerry said:

    @Darren Rose

    I am currently on leave ATM but will give a better update on my return. There are a number of outstanding usability issues which I wanted to have addressed before we finalise this. We also have a fair bit of back-end work to complete in order to complete the transition from service.hornbill.com, we will aim to get this done as quickly as possible.

    We could take it out of preview now if needed sooner rather than later because it is functionally complete, please let me know if there are any gaps that you would need closing out. 



    Hi Gerry

    No particular requirements from us at the moment - we have haven't run into any major issues, and reported any bugs we found.

    My query was just one around communication. I am going to use the change to rebrand the portal, inline with other depts. in VINCI starting to use Hornbill. It makes sense for me to do it all under one comms plan, so I am just looking to schedule that for the best time. 

    Enjoy your holiday! 



  7. On 7/25/2018 at 8:12 AM, Chaz said:

    @Paul Alexander we looked at how other tools/services (not just service management) handled lists like this and the majority did not include descriptions and where they did they weren't truncated so we made a design choice to remove them in the new My Services view.

    Was it something your users found useful?

    Our users did find the descriptions very useful, yes. Whether this come become an option that turn on or off, that way your customers have a choice if they wish to display the description or not?

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