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Darren Rose

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Posts posted by Darren Rose

  1. Hi

    Would it be possible to select a milestone to a risk, so that you can see which risks might directly impact a milestone? From a reporting point of view, this would be a very handy feature. 

    Also, are there any updates on this one yet? Separating out risk owner and risk assignee would be really useful.


  2. On 9/12/2018 at 7:42 AM, Steven Boardman said:

    Hi @Paul Alexander

    Sorry for the delayed response, i had some annual leave and then have been playing catch up.

    The story you need for this is now in our incoming development queue, so you can expect to see it in the next 90 days (if not a lot sooner), subject of course to any issues found in the development of the feature. 

    I'll update here once we have a firmer idea of which Service Manager update it will be available in


    Really looking forward to this feature being available. We've got a few cross functional processes that we haven't been able to make live until this deployed. 

  3. Could the same functionality of editing risks in the portfolio view (drop down for impact and probability etc...) be added to risks within the project? At the moment, you can only edit a risk in the project view by opening it up and editing / saving


  4. Hello

    Would it be possible to enable the editing of tasks, simlar to a table view so that from the tasks view, you can change the assignee, start and due dates, without having to open the individual task? 

    Similar to the request to be able to duplicate a task, it's about making the admin side of managing projects a bit quicker for the PM team. 



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  5. Would it be possible to have the option to duplicate a task within a project. My PM's feedback to me that this would greatly increase the speed at which they can add tasks. Could this functionality be added? 

    e.g. Sometimes you might have 3 similar tasks, but different assignees. Being able to make duplicates, and then simply change the assignee would be helpful



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  6. Following on from the very useful feature of Links in Project Manager, would it be possible to add external links to the bookmark function? 

    Being able to add links to external resources, possibly under the same area as bookmarks, would be really useful for us. This would include sharepoint sites, powerbi dashboards etc... 


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  7. Hello

    In Project Manager, would it be possible to add a section for links, a bit like bookmarks.

    Our Project documentation managed in sharepoint, and it would be great to be able to add links to external locations within a project. If it was one of the options in the right hand panel by attachments for example, that would be ideal? 

    If we could add default links to the project templates that would be good too. 



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