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Darren Rose

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Everything posted by Darren Rose

  1. Hi I'm trying to report on when a ticket update history, in particular when done by an analyst and not a system update (BPM system manager etc...) I expected something to be in h_itsm_requesthistupdates, but the table is empty. Any ideas where I get ticket update history from? Thanks Darren
  2. Hi @Bob Dickinson thank you for this. It helped get us going in the right direction. I did have one query though, which I tried to work out but couldn't. Is it possible to add filter the results based on calls logged this year? Darren
  3. Thanks, @alextumber It's a shame, because having the option to identify a relationship, but for it have no effect, is giving the PM team a reason to moan (which they love doing ) and trying to dodge adopting it... If there is an importance on the list of development ideas, having dependencies of the tasks would be high up there for me if possible
  4. Hello I appear to be able to complete a task, even though the task it is dependant on is not complete. Why is this? Also, would it be possible to have a task be dependent on more than one other task being done? i.e. The previous 3 tasks must be done first thanks Darren
  5. Thanks @alextumber and @Steven Boardman hopefully the update will fix it.
  6. Hi I'm having trouble with default project tasks on a project template. They do not get created. I have setup resources, risks and milestones in the template, and they work fine. This is how I have set the task up. Any ideas? Thanks Darren
  7. Thanks, Bob. I've set @Joyce the task of deciphering it all
  8. Hi Would it be possible to add 'run quarterly' as option when scheduling activities? thanks Darren
  9. Hello Has anyone tried to report on Meantime between failures before and able to offer any tips on how best to do it? What I'm after is measuring the time between P1 incidents against a service as one of our availability targets Thanks Darren
  10. Hi @VictorIt's not all requests. I created a couple this morning, and I can search for them without any problems. That ref was raised on the 15th December
  11. Morning, Is anyone else having issues searching for tickets this morning? We had a connection issue this morning, and since then, we're unable to search for tickets. Just says no results found, even though the ticket is open and assigned to a team and owner. Any ideas?
  12. No problem @alextumber. Being able to set a default currency would also be very helpful. We only work in GBP for 99% of the projects, so being able to set a default somewhere would be beneficial
  13. Hi I'm assuming the first field on the project budget in the details section is for the currency?? If so, could this be drop down, or labelled accordingly? Thanks
  14. Hello once a task has been created, you are unable to add it to a milestone retrospectively because the option is simply not there. Can this be added please? thanks Darren
  15. Any updates on being able to add a Risk Owner and Risk assignee? @alextumber
  16. Hi @alextumber has there been any movement on being able to add some organisational relationships to Projects?
  17. Hi, I have a couple of problems, where I am the customer, but when I look on the portal Problems do not appear under 'all my requests'. Is this by design, or am I missing a setting somewhere? Thanks Darren
  18. Thanks, @alextumber Do we have a date for the next update?
  19. That's great, thanks @Steven Boardman We'll see what the new build brings
  20. Hi @Steven Boardman It was the new Service Manager Reports I was interested in. At the moment, I can't give everyone access to the current reporting functionality, but if there was a user app where people can select their own dat ranges etc... against standard reports such as resolved / logged, then that would be great. If they could be scheduled to send a PDF output, even better thanks
  21. Hi is it foreseen that people will be able to raise a project via the self service portal at some point in the future? This would be a really useful feature for us thanks darren
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