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Everything posted by HHH

  1. @Martyn HoughtonWe made a workaround by creating a simpleList that contained the Service Names and Id's and then using that as a picker in the intelligent capture and finally using the input from that field to populate the BPM. Clumsy, yes, but at least it works. Now we'd need the same setup for languages and timezones but preferrably those would be accessed directly from the BPM rather than through this kind of workaround
  2. Also make sure that the person doing the update has access to the service's mailbox as defined in service, and that mailbox is specified
  3. @samwoo Here is my workaround, adjust timestamps as needed. SELECT left(h_assignment_timestamp,7) as 'Month', h_previous_team_id as 'From Team', h_team_id as 'To Team', h_itsm_requests.h_fk_servicename as 'Service', count(distinct h_request_id) as 'Requests' FROM h_itsm_request_team_assignment JOIN h_itsm_requests ON h_itsm_request_team_assignment.h_request_id = h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference WHERE h_previous_team_id <> h_team_id AND h_assignment_timestamp between '2022-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2022-10-31 23:59:59' group by h_previous_team_id, h_team_id, h_fk_servicename, left(h_assignment_timestamp,7) order by left(h_assignment_timestamp,7), h_team_id, h_previous_team_id
  4. I solved it by creating an SQL query in database direct and exporting results, but a nice PDF report would be preferred
  5. @James Ainsworth Basically From Team A to Team B, 10 requests with Service X From Team A to Team B, 7 requests with in Service Y From Team B to Team C, 8 requests with in Service X etc...
  6. Basically what I'm out for is "show the number of tickets reassigned between teams by team and by service"
  7. I'm trying in vain to create a report in service manager that groups the data by both team and service, is this a bug or by design. If by design it seems like a strange design decision since the data is there.
  8. @Dave LongleyFirst start by following Victor's advice above. Employee portal translations/texts can if needed be handled in https://live.hornbill.com/{instance}/admin/platform/customize/employee-portal/ we used translations to handle local contact information etc. not ideal but it worked OK. As for the internal stuff. What we did was ask our staff to check and report any mistranslations found. I then made an SQL script to run in database direct. SELECT * FROM h_sys_app_strings where h_value like '%[CHANGEME]%' and h_lang = 'sv' Change the [CHANGEME] to the string that is wrong (case sensitive) and if needed the 'sv' to whatever language code you are looking for (codes use ISO 639-1 Language Codes). The script will show application and usage of string, you can then change it manually using the GUI in the respective application.
  9. @DanielRi Beside what @Dan Munns requested above, being able to change status and sub-status in bulk is at the top of our list
  10. @Dave LongleyWe are based in Sweden and run Hornbill in 11 languages, among them Swedish. Base set up was easy using Google translate, getting everything really good took some time since there are a lot of strings that we had to hand-edit.
  11. @samwooWe share the same definition of Global
  12. Is there a way to get an email when another analysts updates a request owned by me? There is Email Update (Owner Notification) and Portal Update (Owner Notification) but I'm not sure any of these cover it.
  13. Is there a way to view someone else's notification settings? https://live.hornbill.com/{instance}/{co-worker}/personalsettings/notificationsettings/ Our managers would like to check so that everybody in their team has the same (minimum) settings
  14. +1 to be able to define custom buttons globally to avoid needing to define every button multiple times
  15. @Gerry I think we are talking past each other here, (the problem with written posts). I'm not talking about the emails themselves being truncated but about the routing rule engine doing it to the email body when updating the timeline. Since email body is converted to text before updating the timeline it should be possible to match some kind of pattern in the text and removing anything after that. Sorry for being unclear
  16. You don't, which is why we would like it
  17. @James Ainsworth@Gerry The description provided by Gerry is correct. In Hornbill's email templates, the placeholder is inserted (if wanted) *Reply above the line---------------------------------------------Reply above the line* Then not the email system but Hornbill itself would when raising or updating a request from email only keep the part above the line. So basically the placeholder is defined by Hornbill and added to the email templates as wanted, that way only one placholder definition would need to be recognized. When someone emails Service Manager ad-hoc, there would of course not be anything defined but at least we would keep the multiple email threads in reply emails at bay
  18. In the request list. When you have a custom view and set which columns will be shown. You are able to set custom column to be shown. Please make this possible in the standard "My Request", "I'm following", "I'm a member" etc. views as well.
  19. One of our analysts claims that he previously had the column Organisation/custom_5 showing in the request list. Has this ever been possible? Is it possible somehow?
  20. @James AinsworthAny news about this request?
  21. I'll take it that no news are good news, but your solution looks good
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