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Additional Notice types

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We use notices extensively to provide guidance for agents when dealing with requests, however we frequently get questioned about what to do, even though the answer is on-screen in the information notice.

Currently, there are only 2 notice types:

  • Information (rendered in a blue panel) and 
  • Alert (rendered in a red panel)

We'd like to request some additional notice types, with different coloured panels which would help these to stand out:

  • Warning (rendered in an amber panel) and
  • Success (rendered in a green panel)


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+1 for another few types (colours) except I would add something to this.

Like Gareth said, we use notices for guidance and sometimes there are permanent pieces of guidance we want to persist for most if not all of the lifecycle of a Request. Examples: link to the Change Calendar for changes, (in the absence of a button for this), links to procedures or documents for a given ticket like Starters/Leavers. It would be useful to be able to be able to place some key bits of useful information like this in the Information Box

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@Berto2002 Another option for your specific use cases could be to use the URL option that exists behind a custom button, so a Change Calendar button is easily achievable.
The buttons can also have conditions applied to only appear in certain scenarios e.g. only show a button if the Service = New Starter 



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Indeed, we have quite an array of custom buttons and I do have one for change calendar. Maybe that was a bad example. I did make another post previously about the change calendar being a permanent link on all CRs.


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