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Posts posted by Jim

  1. Hi, 


    I used to have an escalation event for our new starters service which sends an email the day before an account is due if it hasn't been resolved. I have since deleted this however we all continue to receive the emails continuously? I'm not sure what more I can do

  2. Hi, 

    We are looking to enforce 2FA on all of our licensed users however I can't find an option to actually force it, I can apply it and turn it on but if I go into my test account I can just turn it off? 


    Can anyone advise on this, we can't disable direct logon categorically as some of our user base use this to sign in

  3. Hi, 


    I have some strange behaviour with the add customer assets node, regardless of used by being false, true, auto, or ignore I am only returning one asset out of 10 in my name, the interesting thing is that its the only asset where I am the 'used by' and not the owned by, so if anything its the one asset I was expecting issues with

    No warnings occur unless I use the add customer computer systems node, despite them all being within that class

    I have even tried removing the user id and setting myself as the customer for testing, 



    I have noticed an even stranger issue though, when searching for my name sing the 'handle' as displayed in the asset list I only return the one asset also despite as in the screenshot multiple asset being in my name.


    Upon further investigation and 'kind of' resolving this issue by updating via the GUI I noticed the database column h_owned_by_name displays in the format, {{First Name Last Name}} rather than {{Last Name, First Name}} take note of the missing comma also, 

    Now the main thing I am curios of is that if this is something in the asset script, why don't they return although I'm sure the asset script resolves the user prior to updating the owned by or used by field?


  4. Our mailboxes have stopped working today, I have reauthenticated the keysafe connection and still getting the same error when testing connection 


    Unable to login to the IMAP server via oauth2.

    HornbillMailLog Login(157ms): DllDate: Mar 28 2023 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: HRNBLL.CB8102024 Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: Visual C++ 2022 / x64 VerboseLogging: 1 imapServer: outlook.office365.com loginX(157ms): login: ////// greeting: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready. [TABPADQAUAAyADYANQBDAEEAMAAxADIAMQAuAEcAQgBSAFAAMgA2ADUALgBQAFIATwBEAC4ATwBVAFQATABPAE8ASwAuAEMATwBNAA==] authenticateXOAuth2(157ms): xoauth2Imap(157ms): ConnectionType: SSL/TLS ImapCmdSent: aaac AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2 ImapCmdResp: aaac NO AUTHENTICATE failed. --xoauth2Imap isOK: serverResponse: aaac NO AUTHENTICATE failed. --isOK --authenticateXOAuth2 --loginX Failed. --Login --ChilkatLog ----INFO---- Connecting to IMAP server at outlook.office365.com:993 ----IMAP RESPONSE---- * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready. [TABPADQAUAAyADYANQBDAEEAMAAxADIAMQAuAEcAQgBSAFAAMgA2ADUALgBQAFIATwBEAC4ATwBVAFQATABPAE8ASwAuAEMATwBNAA==] ----IMAP REQUEST---- aaab AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2 ----IMAP RESPONSE---- aaab NO AUTHENTICATE failed. ----IMAP REQUEST---- aaac AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2 ----IMAP RESPONSE---- aaac NO AUTHENTICATE failed.

  5. Hi, 

    A question that I am sure I will still be asking in years to come the joys of regional time and dates...

    I have a progressive capture that captures a date time, this is then written to h_custom_21, When I format this date using the formatter I lose the DST value but all the documentation shows is it's in utc no z or anything on the value? 

    So I can format the date to show how it is preferred but the time value is 1 hour behind? I have tried this not using h_custom_21 also and going straight from the form field to the formatter but I don't like this option anyway as its open to error when users have different format settings

    What is the obvious thing I am missing here?  



  6. Hi, Since setting the rules stated in the wiki our user import has not been able to assign roles to users, it states the following

    Error returned from sysOptionGet The following rights [manageSystemSettings] in Group C are needed to invoke the method admin::sysOptionGet

    Error: You cannot create or update the role as you do not have sufficient permissions to set the system rights.


    The API key has all the rules the wiki says as shown below but I am having to manually add roles to new starters, can anyone advise? The user import also has the 'userimport role and any it assigns to users


  7. 25 minutes ago, Steve Giller said:

    The Clean Utility is "primarily intended to be used only by an administrator of a Hornbill instance at the appropriate stage of the switch-on process, to remove demonstration and test data prior to go-live" it's not something that we would expect to be used as a housekeeping tool.

    This is interesting, so we would not be expected to clean up our footprint when historical data was no longer required? won't this have an impact on our allocated storage in 5 years and then the following? 



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