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Everything posted by Alisha

  1. Hello, The 'Close' and 'Cancel' bulk actions are missing when I view the 'No Team Assigned' list. Is there something I need to enable to see these please? Many thanks, Alisha
  2. Hi @Steve Giller, All our accounts are updated every night due to the LDAP import, so our h_lastupdated_on timestamp changes every day and our h_lastupdated_by is just 'admin'. Is there a way to determine when our basic accounts are changed to user accounts please? Can we somehow extract a history of who last updated the accounts and then filter out the admin entries? Many thanks, Alisha
  3. Hi @Steve Giller, Just checked and they were exactly where you said, in Direct Outbound. Thanks for your help and quick response, Alisha
  4. Hello, Where can I view emails sent from instancename-mail@live.hornbill.com please? To check that the process is working correctly, and in case of any internal email issues (i.e. not receiving an email from the above address), we would like to be able to check that the email was sent from Service Manager. Many thanks, Alisha
  5. Hello, We have something like the below set up in our process. However, this adds several entries to the Timeline, making it quite messy. Please could we have the option to switch off the Timeline updates on the Auto Assign Authorisation node, as we can do this with other nodes? Many thanks, Alisha
  6. Yes, please could we request this as an enhancement @Victor? The problem with creating a separate team is that requests could be assigned to that team by accident and it may create more work with maintaining the teams. Thanks for your help @Paul Alexander, I really appreciate your input.
  7. Hi @Paul Alexander, Thank you for your help. When I try the Assign to Variable option, I get: &[global["flowcoderefs"]["getReqInformation"]["assignedTeamRawId"]] Am I doing something wrong? The request will be assigned to Team A, but the Activity needs to be assigned to Team B, with the option of Team A being able to completing the Activity from time to time. Many thanks, Alisha
  8. Hi @James Ainsworth, Yes please, we would like to send the bulk emails as part of the 'Request Actions', so we can select a number of requests and then send the email to multiple customers. Many thanks, Alisha
  9. Hello, We sometimes require a team to complete an Activity on behalf of another team. Team A is not part of Team B, but we still need Team A to complete the activity when required (maybe 5% of the time). Is there a particular role that they would need to have in order to do this? Many thanks, Alisha
  10. Hello, We would like to be able to send a bulk email outside of the Business Process. Please could we request this as an enhancement? Where we can update a request in bulk in 'Request Actions', it would be handy to also have the option to send an email. Many thanks, Alisha
  11. Hi @James Ainsworth, We would also like to have the ability to add our own fields in Assets. Has there been any progress on this please? Many thanks, Alisha
  12. Hi @Rob White, I also encountered this. Please see Martyn's very helpful reply here:
  13. That's really helpful, thank you @TrevorHarris. I've managed to extract a list of all the Board Names, IDs and who created them using Advanced Analytics, and I can now access the Board. An easier way to view this information would be useful, so I look forward to any future developments. Thank you very much for your help.
  14. Hi @TrevorHarris, Thank you for your quick reply. I need to update a Business Process that has a Board linked to it. However, I don't have access to the Board and I don't know who created the Board. The person who originally created the Business Process has left now. So it would be really useful for the Admins to be able to view the Boards and see who created them and change the owner if necessary. Many thanks, Alisha
  15. Hello, Is there a way for Admins to view all Boards that have been created in Board Manager? I already have the following roles: Board User Board BPM Access Board Super User Many thanks, Alisha
  16. Hi @James Ainsworth, I have hidden the paste input field option but this still shows on the Employee Portal. Many thanks, Alisha
  17. Hi @James Ainsworth, Yes please, it would be helpful to have a check so that if there is nothing listed in 'Customer Sites' or 'Company Sites', it will move to 'All Sites'. Many of our customers do have a site listed, so we would prefer not to hide the 'Customer Sites' tab. Is there a way for customers to set their own Site? Many thanks, Alisha
  18. Ah, I didn't realise that, thank you so much @Martyn Houghton and for responding so quickly!
  19. Hello, In the new Admin UI, is there something we need to do to make our measures, widgets, dashboards, reports, etc. visible? We have a lot of these but they are not showing in the new UI. Many thanks, Alisha
  20. Hello, When capture answers are edited, we can see the new answer but can't see what was there originally. Would it be possible to track the changes in the Timeline please? Similar to how we can see edits to the Details screen. Many thanks, Alisha
  21. Hi @James Ainsworth, Please could the Site form default to 'All Sites' if a customer does not have a Site listed in their profile? We have a lot of customers who don't realise they need to click on 'All Sites' in order to find their Site. Many thanks, Alisha
  22. @Paul Alexander, I didn't realise that that's what those extended information variables were for! Thank you so much!
  23. Good morning, Please could you make custom fields 31-40 available in email templates? We are running out of custom fields and would like to make use of these fields in our captures to then automatically populate our email templates. My original post for more custom fields is here: Many thanks, Alisha
  24. That's great news, thank you so much @James Ainsworth!
  25. Hello, I've set up a capture field, similar to the example below. I wanted the heading to be in bold for the customer to see so I used Wiki markup. However, in a report, it still shows the quotation marks, rather than what is displayed in the left (value) column. I also added a note for our use only so it's not visible for the customer. We would like the notes to be displayed once the request has been logged and also without the wiki formatting. Please could someone let me know if this is behaving as designed? Many thanks, Alisha
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