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Everything posted by JamieMews

  1. Just wanted to add more Investigation details It was working successfully on 06/11/20 21:02:37 when an email was received into Service Desk The next ticket to be logged via email was on 08/11/20 11:16:27 This failed with the above message but instantly worked when I restarted the BPM without creating a new case.
  2. This was working fine until this weekend without any changes that I am aware of. The BPM issue is a follows "Status : Failed Last Updated On : 09 Nov 2020 08:57:56 Xmlmc method invocation failed for BPM invocation node 's1/flowcode-b0352867-2f33-4f4c-804e-b6b6d6a26918': <methodCallResult status="fail"> <state> <code>0200</code> <service>apps</service> <operation>notifyEmailCustomer</operation> <error>FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_bpm/notifyEmailCustomer): nodeName: Exception; nodeId: acd1ebbe-1cd9-4aed-bf14-50ce53f9a013; At 317/1: &quot;Uncaught FCSException: The email template specified is invalid. Please contact your Hornbill Administrator. More details: EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[mail::sendEntityTemplateMessage] Access token session mismatch&quot; throw(e); _fc_node_exec_acd1ebbe_1cd9_4aed_bf14_50ce53f9a013</error> </state> </methodCallResult>" I am not sure why the BPM is failing to find the Email Template. If logged via "Self Service" or "Analyst" it works fine. Please see screenshot of BPM failing inside the "Manage Executed Process" If I restart the BPM on the case without any changes it will work fine so I know the BPM works fine.
  3. Hello. I am unsure what I am doing wrong here. I initially had this value as a date variable captured from the PCI. (Just added a time on the end) I have now changed this to a manual entry just so I could try and get it working. I have tested in this format with the 2x Date/Times. 5 minutes into the future (I logged a ticket straight away and waited for the time. Nothing happened) Random date last year (Was expecting this to just recognise the time has past and continue) Any help would be great. Thanks
  4. Hello. We have started using the "Custom Buttons" with "Auto Tasks". There is a key feature missing... Inputs into the "Auto Task" can only be given from existing variables. I would like to have an option for the input variable to pop up with a data entry box. I could then seamlessly "branch" from the input rather than creating several buttons with similar process. (I know i could use the Data Form and assign a Variable Text to that but this is not seamless) Thanks Jamie
  5. Hello. I think this started today. Might be to do with the update we had. Every time we log a ticket. or complete a task etc. Thanks Jamie
  6. Hello. I am looking into ways that I can create a BPM that assigns tasks depending on if the User is in a group. I have attached a sketch BPM to show example. (The logic for the decisions has not been applied so ignore errors) Custom Attribute Solution I have considered using "Custom Attributes" to determine if a User has that software e.g "Custom Attribute A" = Yes / Custom Attribute = Software 1 My issue with this is we have more software than "Custom Attributes" and I dont know of an easy way to populate these fields automatically. Roles Solution I have considered creating a "Role" for each piece of software and adding Users. This also doesnt seem practical for keeping the groups up to date. Active Directory Solution We have the groups populated in Active Directory already. Does the new "IT Automation" allow to see if a User exists in a group? Or even "Cloud Automation" with Azure. Is there any way to see if a User is part of a group? We do not have these additional features just yet but are looking into them. Any suggestions or guidance on how to solve this would be great! Thanks Jamie
  7. Ahh. We only have our own domain. I should have checked. I thought it was a default domain. Is it as simple as "Add Outbound Route" and setting the above config? Thanks Jamie We only have
  8. So I didn't actually use this email address. I used mine but wasnt sure about posting it. It fails so quickly. Doesnt feel like it really tried to send it if you know what I mean. Are there any preliminary stages that need to be set when the case is created? Thanks for your help
  9. Thank you for your response. My BPM has been created to test this process so its very basic. Here is the outcome
  10. Good Morning. Just having a look at "External Authorisation" to see its capabilities. This was on the Wiki "https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/External_Authorisation" "To utilize External Authorisations, you will need to enable the experimental.feature.bpm.enableEmailApprovalNode system setting. This can be located in the admin console > Home > System > Settings > Advanced" This entry does not sit in our settings. I have tried using the "External Authorisation" Task within the BPM as I can see it but it Fails. Error Message: Email Approval failed with state error... I have seen comments that this is a new feature but someone confirmed from Hornbill that we are on the latest build. Any clues?
  11. I have been running Power BI reports on my machine for 2-3 months with no problems I updated to the latest version a few hours ago and now i get this message I have not made any changes to the report and it was working perfectly before the update. Anyone else had the same issue? Thanks Jamie
  12. Thank you for looking into this. This is currently how i have the report setup. Unfortunately we have 2x people with the same full name. It then pulls data from the wrong account. Thanks Jamie
  13. I am trying to gather more information from the User that has been assigned the Asset "Used By" and "Used.By.Name" are the fields that are available I am not sure how i can link this with the sys_acocunts table? The PK could be the Customer URN but this is not located in the sys accounts Thanks Jamie
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