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Currently, the list of categories is displayed alphabetically except for those that are in capital letters. As an example, a category list may appear as follows:


We'd like the list to be sorted alphabetically, without listing those in capital letters at the top. Using the example above, this would mean that the list would appear as follows:


Is this possible?



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Hi @Lauren

It seems to be that this was done on purpose and is something commonly available.   While we can't change this behaviour as it might impact other customers that expect it to behave in this way, there might be an opportunity to see if we can provide an option to change between the ordering.  This is still being reviewed so at the moment there is no planned change but I will feedback if this changes. 



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@Lauren, @James Ainsworth

Does this relate to order of the catalog items being displayed by the Services node in the Progressive capture?

Would it not be best that the order mirrors the order you place them in on the Services Screen so it is consistent and can be controlled fully by the service owner?

This would also be consistent with the display order on the portal as well, those you do still have the issue of ordering between the different request types, as per the post below.





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As luck would have it, we were working in this area of the code over the last few days.  While we were in there we have added a new setting to profile codes which, when set, will do what you want and sort the list of profile names without case-sensitivity.  This change has been made to one of the core application services so it will take some time 1-2 weeks to work through the pipeline most likely,  one of our dev teams will also need to make a small tweak to the Admin tool to present this option.  So give it 2-3 weeks and this option should be there for you. 


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