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Unable to complete tasks assigned to other teams

Dan Munns

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Hi all,

I have had an issue reported to me where analysts are unable to close tasks assigned to other teams, even though both teams support the service. I thought that adding the role 'Advanced Request Task Completer' along with 'Incident Management Full Access'' and 'Service Request Full Access' would allow anyone with those roles to close any task assigned to any team as long as both teams supported the service. 

I vaguely remember there being a thread about it but my brain has decided to have the day off and I cant find it. 

Any advice would be appreciated! 



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Hi @Dan Munns

I've just tried this out and it all seems to be working fine, in my case I had just forgotten to turn the setting on.  Details of how to get it all working can be found here https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Service_Manager_Experimental_Features#Current_Features

If that doesn't work then let us know.



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Hi @Steven Boardman and  @David Hall

The setting mentioned above is set correctly and members of the IT Service Desk Team can close tasks assigned to other team members. The issue is that our IT Dev Teams are unable to close tasks assigned to IT Service Desk on a service that they both support.

They all have the roles 'Advanced Request Task Completer' along with 'Incident Management Full Access'' and 'Service Request Full Access' so I don't know why they can't close the tasks.

The tasks are assigned to the IT Service Desk team rather than a role or user but I didnt think that would make a difference.



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Hi @Dan Munns

I think I probably tested with the task assigned to a user as well.  I've just reviewed the implementation and found that the functionality was initially intended to cover a situation where a task was assigned to a specific user and that user was available to complete the task, in such cases this would allow another member of the team to complete it.  The original requirement did not include any concept of allowing users from other teams to be able to close tasks of other teams.  I'll mention the product team to get their feedback around raising this as a future change to this functionality.



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@Dan Munns


hi dan,

I raised this issue also and recently had a thread going to find a way to do this.

The experimental feature didn't work for us either.

however I have managed to find a way to do it as below

1. I created a new role called "taskapproval" - i believe the role type was "security"

2. I then assigned users or teams to that role for those I wanted to be able to close other teams activities\tasks

3. On my BPM(s) I updated the Human task where the activity is created as below to assign it to the role of "TaskApproval"

4. So now any activity generated to any team is assigned to the role of TaskApproval - so those with that role can now complete these activities regardless of what team it is assigned to.


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Thanks @lee mcdermott I will have a play around and see what I can do. Do all members of teams with that role receive notifications as that could be a bit of a pain? 

Thanks also @David Hall. I would suggest that the wording of the Wiki page linked above is changed to reflect that it will only work if assigned to a user as at the moment he page is a little misleading. 

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@Dan Munns @Lyonel @lee mcdermott right, so after I had a look at the internal discussion around this functionality (and looking at @David Hall comment above) the functionality to allow users which are not the assignee on a task to complete a task, only works (currently) for tasks that are assigned to an individual user, not that are assigned to a team. So, if the task is assigned to a "team", currently only that team can complete it... 

Now there is a change in the backlog to accommodate this as well but it requires some more work as there are other aspects to be considered, such as re-assign... this requires a bit more work as it involves some changes in the task layout too that is why it was not introduced with the latest updates.

Can you guys confirm if the issue you experience falls in the above scenario? Or is something else?

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