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Harry Hornbill

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Harry Hornbill

  1. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (214) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Cloud Automations for Technology Forge TF Cloud - improved error handling when no siteCode or siteDesc input parameter is provided in the Get Site ID operation.
  2. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Timesheet Manager (164) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Minor UI updates
  3. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Admin Tool (1377) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change system - email - templates: use new mail.client.defaultFontSize for mail template editor.Apps - Reporting - Editor: When on Schedule tab refresh schedule info every 2 minutes. Useful when testing schedule and need to see the status change from running to expired.remove feature: system - data - manage indexes view.app - adv analytics - measures: added support for measure timezone settings (requires server build 3478)Fix app - entity viewer: when in db schema mode the print button doesn't work.
  4. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ITOM Content Pack (36) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change IT Automations for Windows Management. Updated the Set Execution Policy operation to better handle security errors
  5. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ESP (3477) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix The operation session::getSystemLicenseInfo now correctly returns the build date/time instead of the current date/timeFailed to populate the title for the post when posting an image for the workspace or an entity activity stream types
  6. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ITOM Content Pack (35) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change IT Automations, Windows Management. Extended debugging output from the Set Execution Policy operation.
  7. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ITOM Content Pack (34) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix IT Automations - Windows Management. Fixed an issue in the Set Execution Policy operation where failures may not be reported back to the job.
  8. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (213) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Cloud Automations for Microsoft Office 365. Updated Create Calendar Event operation to support Group Calendars.
  9. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Admin Tool (1368) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change system - security - network rules: change success and failure of ip test message.Fix app - reporting - report editor: save button disabled behaviour when working on report that has schedulesystem - email - templates: do template copying client side as server method not workingEmail - Template: Fixed an issue preventing to create new email templates.workflow - bpm - editor: Hornbill Automation - when flowcode param is a stored query data picker set the app context to that of the selected flowcode not the Application selected in propertysheet.Error message incorrectly displayed occasionally when not logged in
  10. Hello Everyone The latest build of Service Manager (2223) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New We have added a new feature to include Urgency as part of assessing the importance of a Request. What was the "Escalation" action on a Request, has been renamed "Assessment" which includes Priority, Impact, and now Urgency. - See more on the wiki https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Service_Manager_Assessments Change Description is now included for each attachment in the selector pop-up when sending an email from a Request. Fix Sub-group subscription is not considered when raising a Request via the Employee Portal. {PM00167339} Asset details form in Progressive Capture only shows 5 items under the "My Assets" tab. {PM00166782} Error when downloading an Asset template. {PM00167239} Organisation's Requests section Requests in organisation Request section belong to a different organisation. {PM00167185} When exporting from the Request list, the "Category" value shows the last element only. {PM00167145} Handle the error caused by the cancelling of the existing process when updating a Request's service. {PM00167107} Connection is not able to view a Request that has no customer in the Employee Portal. {PM00166940} Timeline entry in a Request does not show a translated task custom field. {PM00166928} Selected site in Progressive Capture is overwritten by the user's default site in the Employee Portal. {PM00166738}
  11. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (212) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Cloud Automations for Nexmo - renamed to Vonage, as per the Nexmo to Vonage rebrand
  12. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (211) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Cloud Automations for Microsoft Azure Users - Password Reset. Corrected issue in documentation.
  13. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ESP (3475) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Extended automation::packageGetInfo to include a content access token. Also marked contentID as deprecated in docsExtended automation::packageGetInfo to include a content access token. Also marked contentID as deprecated in docsFix This fixes the issue where the SMTP OAuth2 authentication fails because the username is not being provided.This fixes the issue where the cleanup, initiated by XMLMC API data::entityAttachCleanup, takes up a long time or gets cancelled as the database query is taking too long. The fix involves reimplementing the SQL query to just retrieving the entries in the h_cafs_ext_details table and determining in the platform code which DB entries to remove and which CAFS items in the filesystem to delete.
  14. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Configuration Manager (62) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Error when exploring a Configuration Item due to a case-sensitive back-end reference.
  15. Hello Everyone The latest build of Board Manager (178) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Problem when reordering lanes
  16. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Core UI (1449) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: * Backend changes
  17. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (210) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Cloud Automations for Esendex. Send one or more SMS messages via the Esendex gateway. See the Hornbill Wiki for more information.
  18. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Timesheet Manager (162) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Improved performance for retrieving an individual timesheet value's audit information
  19. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Timesheet Manager (162) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Improved performance for retrieving an individual timesheet value's audit information
  20. Hello Everyone The latest build of Supplier Manager (177) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Improved query performance when retrieving supplier assets and supplier contract assets
  21. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Admin Tool (1362) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New system - email - outbound mail routing: added support for DKIM security keyITOM - added new feature Asset ImportChange app - adv analytics - widgets: custom widget - only allow iframe and img option as no longer support php.itom - packages - package editor: call entity attachments cleanup after removing a file from package.Fix system - email - templates: when using images in template save the image height and width as attributes as well as inline style.apps - workflow - pcf editor: custom form field - flag conditions - check for Session->User Has Role not showing is true/is false option.itom - runbooks - live instances: do not allow restart from beginning of process.
  22. Hello Everyone The latest build of Project Manager (365) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Unable to complete project tasks due to an issue with estimated hoursBoard icon not showing in My Favourite Projects view within the project portfolio
  23. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ESP (3471) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Incoming SMTP emails are now DKIM verified if there is a DKIM signature present.Mailbox outbound email now supports DKIM message signing where configured on a domainDirect outbound email now supports DKIM which can be independently configured on a domain by domain basis.Change The operation mail::getMessage now include options (set to false by default) to return the rfc822 message header and the inbound message verification statusFix The user profile did not return manager's display name for basic user type
  24. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Core UI (1447) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Email Composer - Allows now sending an email with only BCC or CCCHANGE: Employee Portal - Knowledge Search - Increased typing time on search input to 400msFix User profile - Connections->Followers - user popup was not showing followers detailsEmployee Portal - Activities Widget - Added missing string when no activities foundEmployee Portal - Tables don't show border if not defined by style in FAQsForm - when using custom fields sometimes save button is not available
  25. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Admin Tool (1357) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change home - apps- bpm - executed processes: perform search on blur instead of while user is typing (saves hitting db table).home - apps- bpm - executed processes: do exact match search when using full BPM, ORC or RB instance reference.workflows - bpm / runbooks: when deleting a single process show process name that is to be deleted in confirmation prompt.Fix sys - org data - guest accounts: fix case sensitive reference to "contact" entity - should be "Contact"apps - pcf - pcf editor: custom form field editor static checkbox allow multiple default valuessystem - security - SSO Profiles: Import IDP Meta Data xml textarea importing not working.home - system - customise: hide service and customer portal tiles if do not have rightsA.managePortalAccounts
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