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Harry Hornbill

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Harry Hornbill

  1. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Core UI (1471) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Added ''Preview'' button
  2. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (219) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Cloud Automations for Clubhouse - create and comment on stories against your Clubhouse projects. See the Hornbill Wiki for more information.
  3. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Admin Tool (1383) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New add support for "is in" and "is not in" to PCF conditions.Change Workflow - Pcf - Editor: Custom form field 'test regex validation message output' now supports markupWorkflows - Bpm - Editor: variable picker - add support for pcf form date/time fields having a raw value and display value when picking pcf field variableservice catalog - domains: add flag to hide domain from employee portal navigation (server build 3483 onwards)workflows - live instances: add search by method option (general [slow], bpm reference, external reference)show loading icon while initialising admin tool.Fix General: formatting bytes value would be 88.0 bytes and is now 88 bytesworkflows - bpm - editor: If decision node parent is a Via node then do not allow exit outcomes. Can only use custom expression.workflows - bpm editor: labels on exit lines wrap if label is generated off screen.
  4. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ITOM Content Pack (37) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix IT Automations - Active Directory Group Management package. Fixed issue with upgrading package.
  5. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ESP (3486) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Added option to service domain API's to allow the control of domain visibility in the top navigation of the Employee Portal
  6. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill SIS (3373) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix CPU description not correct for a multi-processor computer where processors have differing core counts or steppings.Some failed device discovery imports are incorrectly reported as successful.Older versions of CentOS are not correctly discovered.Duplicate entries added to Installed Options aspect of the device inventory
  7. Hello Everyone The latest build of Supplier Manager (184) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Incorrect label and display for expired supplier contract dateOverlapping contracts in supplier contracts gantt view
  8. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (218) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Cloud Automations for Microsoft Teams - Reply To Channel - new operation to create replies against Teams channel messages.Change Cloud Automations for Microsoft Teams - Post To Channel. Updated operation to output the newly created messages ID.
  9. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ESP (3481) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Added the mail.client.defaultFontSize setting so our mail clients can use consistent default font size for editorsFix The file attachment(s) related to conversations were not accessible for the specific conversation post/messageCorrected the paging issue of library::getTagList operation and the associated usage counts
  10. Hello Everyone The latest build of Supplier Manager (183) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Loading icon would continue to show after applying form changes to the supplier view
  11. Hello Everyone The latest build of Project Manager (369) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Project ResourcingChange UI: Primary action of each popup form moved to the right of all buttonsFix Display issue when selecting project task and project template task assignees
  12. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Customer Manager (310) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Compatability issue with contract attachment in upcoming server release
  13. Hello Everyone The latest build of Service Manager (2246) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change The attachment procedure has been updated in line with the server changes to enhance the storage and security of attachments.
  14. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill ESP (3480) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Advanced Analytics Measures are now configurable to work with specific time zones, other that UTCChange The document list operation now supports an order by on review dateFix The activity::conversationGetList operation when using paging it doesn't always return all the participants in the conversationsThe report output was not correctly formatted when reporting column option RAW was checked
  15. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (217) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Cloud Automations for BeyondTrust Remote Support - Generate Session Key. Catered for a returned error edge case.
  16. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (216) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Cloud Automations for Beyond Trust Remote Support - Generate Session Key. Improved error handling.Fix Cloud Automations for Beyond Trust Remote Support - Generate Session Key. Fixed issue where session was not generated when no skills were provided.
  17. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Configuration Manager (63) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change To simplify the management and use of the Configuration Manager app, we have merged it together with the Service Manager app. Users that had access to Configuration Manager will now find the menu option under the Service Manager app menu. The Configuration Manager app is no longer accessible from the main menu.
  18. Hello Everyone The latest build of Service Manager (2241) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New The display fields for the 'Site Details' Progressive Capture form can now be configured through the editor in the Admin Tool. - See more on the wiki https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Progressive_Capture_WorkflowA connection's response to a Request via the Employee Portal can now process the sub-status change. This behaviour can be controlled via the "guest.servicemanager.portal.request.connectionResponseCanChangeSubStatus" application setting. By default, this setting is disabled.An email can now be sent to CC or BCC recipients without a To recipient in the email action in the Request details. - See more on the wiki https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Email_Action_ItemChange In the Employee Portal, the Knowledge pop-up displayed FAQs for other services when raising a request in the context of a service. We have now corrected this behaviour to unify the experience with the Customer Portal and main app. {PM00167216}In order for the menus to better reflect the available apps and their features in Hornbill, we have moved the Asset Management and Configuration Manager menu options from the main menu to new menu items under the Service Manager app. This is detailed in the Harry Hornbill Notice. - See more on the wiki https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Asset_ManagementExtended 'Requests > Get Request Information > Request Details' Hornbill Automation to return the closed by and resolved by user Id.Extended 'Requests > Log Request > Log New Problem' Hornbill Automation to set a Catalog Item.Extended 'Requests > Log Request > Log New Change' Hornbill Automation to set a Change Type.Fix Selected Co-worker is not retained when switching catalog via the Knowledge Centre. {PM00167457}Date formats on the assets list are inconsistent. {PM00167248}No timeline entry when task completed with custom outcomes. {PM00167510}Not able to update the Supplier Id attribute in an Asset. {PM00167460}Date formats on the assets list are inconsistent. {PM00167248, PM00167249}Display issue in the widget My requests in Employee Portal. {PM00166861}Unable to filter the 'Owned By' attribute by a basic user in the Assets list. {PM00167554}Date picker value is shown as null in the Questions section.Data from the custom fields are not included in the Requests list export. {PM00167532}
  19. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill iBridge Content Pack (215) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix Cloud Automations for BeyondTrust Remote Support - fixed issue in Generate Session Key operation when Expires property is not returned by the BeyondTrust API
  20. Hello Everyone The latest build of Board Manager (180) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix incorrect style used in some places
  21. Hello Everyone The latest build of Document Manager (461) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Fix display issue on documentmanager list if servicemanager was not installedCannot reassign document ownership in the admin tool
  22. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Core (97) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Employee Portal - searchService is capable of filtering by Service IDFix progressive capture pick list query could only be run by users and should also allow guests as it is used in guest portals.Basic user was not able to update it regional settingsCustomer search query not finding all users when search using first and last nameHarry Hornbill Welcome Message notice typo.Hornbill Automations for Hornbill Collaboration - Organizations > Email Primary Contact mailbox input parameter returned an error when trying to set a value.
  23. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill Customer Manager (309) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change Internal change to ensure compatibility with upcoming releases
  24. Hello Everyone The latest build of Hornbill SIS (3372) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: New Support for discovering Apple desktop computersChange The package source is now using the new secure-conetnt endpoint for package downloadsRemoved the "experimental" designation for ITOM settings. All settings that were previously "experimental.itom." are now "itom.". Note that this is purely a name change. All ITOM settings continue to operate in the same way as previously.Improved support for discovering systems running SolarisReduced the logging volume when running discovery against large networksReduction in overall discovery time when scanning large networksFix Fixed issues where jobs for Linux and its variant are either not running or not being logged.Fixed an issue with the sis updater trigger which was getting a broken url and preventing to update sis.Corrected discovery of Windows computers with names longer than 15 charactersCorrected discovered CPU count for Windows systems
  25. Hello Everyone The latest build of Supplier Manager (181) has been released to live. Change Log for this release are as follows: Change UI ImprovementsFix Unable to create new supplier due to case sensitivity on file names
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