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Harry Hornbill

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Harry Hornbill

  1. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Customer Manager (188) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: Fix Application was loading wrong translation strings
  2. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Document Manager (229) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: Change Open all links in documents in a new window
  3. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill User Tool (498) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New Workspace List shows refresh button option Change As a Co-Worker I would like to see the completed tasks sorted by completed date Fix In Tasks Board List - Unable to edit Assign to Is Group Unable to open attachments with hash (#) characters in them BPM HUD Flickering on updates Conversations View was not catching server errors properly Spelling mistake in Suspended Account Alert (depends on server upgrade too) Dates problem in New Activity from Calendar Radio Buttons in form Designer are selecting first option by default Unable to comment or like a post if is in an Organisation
  4. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill ESP (2608) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New When using E-mail routing rule expressions, the case insensitive behavior of the LIKE operator only applied to US-ASCII A-Z/a-z, all other characters would require binary matches. We have now implemented case-insensitive LIKE matching for all Latin character sets including Cyrillic, Greek, Coptic, Armenian and Georgian as per UCS-2 Level 7.3. While this does not expand the case-insensitive matches for languages that require Case Folding or Semantic normalizing, this does expand the usefulness of LIKE expressions considerably beyond the previous implementation of US-ASCII only case insensitive matching. Added experimental flag - experimental.feature.showPluginsInCollaborationCore - Flag to show/hide the areas in the Collaboration Core that were added by other applications. This will not affect the functionality Fix New Email List query was not getting properly the Order Direction parameter Invoking library::documentUpdate operation multiple times with exactly same file content incorrectly updates the CAFS Administration Tool had hidden Advanced Analytics and Reporting from the Collaboration Application.
  5. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Timesheet Manager (47) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New Added All Values Report to Entity Time Viewer Change Reports time is now showing values based on time format Report View component now displays hand cursor over the time Fix Time viewer was showing blank if no time was set. Is now showing 0 Failure in some cases when trying to add a value to the timesheet from an external source if timesheet was not created before. Report not working for Groups Entity report was showing wrong Category Name when filtered by Category Setting value to 0 did not work Category Selector shows the button "Unset" when is not needed Time Picker plugin will not be displayed in the Task if the Time Spent option is not displayed. Timesheet Plugin Button was not setting time properly if user in a different time zone
  6. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Admin Tool (466) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: Change Advanced Analytics - measures view - remove clientside tz formatting from list dates as api is doing it already. Fix Regression - Date formatting methods. Dates using OS datetime tz + session tz instead of UTC datetime + session tz. Adv Analytics - Chart Widget - Measure Type chart set sample limit to 1 million as workaround for api issue (need api fix) Workflow - BPM Editor - Variable Picker form position out of sync when scrollbars are active. Workflow - BPM List - Rename process showed process id instead of title in the rename box. Adv Analytics - Chart Widget - Do not attempt to fetch data until datasource is setup correctly.
  7. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill ESP (2607) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New new table h_sys_entityviewer_states to store entity viewer info for app / entity The service will no longer defer application cache reloads because of locking, application caches will be reloaded instantly. Application cache has been re-implemented with a lock-free scheme to remove the possibility of an application context from being reloaded after an update. Previously in some rare cases, an application update would fail to apply roles and rights properly after an update because of application resource locking which would require people to log out and back in again, this is now no longer required. Change getApplicationStrings logs the queried strings if no matches found Depreciated the operations admin::devAppLock and admin::devAppUnlock as these are no longer used or relevant to the platform operation Fix The operation admin::getEntityList now correctly excludes special items when the option is set to do so
  8. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill User Tool (493) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New Added option (based on Experimental flag - experimental.feature.showPluginsInCollaborationCore) to see functionality added by other applications (plugins) Fix When uploading an image to a post, the ”Upload Image” button and dashed area are not disabled and remain visible In some areas, the time duration was showing 1 as plural for day, hour and minute Conversation members list style improvement BPM HUD sometimes does not display correctly
  9. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Admin Tool (464) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New Analytics - Widgets - "Measured Samples" Chart type now supports tick type grouping by period part (hour, day, week, month) i.e. calls logged on "day" of week where "day" is grouped by sun, mon, tue .. Change Experimental Entity Viewer - When hovering over an entity connection highlight the columns in the 2 entities that make up the connection. Workflow - PCF Editor - disable radioset buttons as SM aren't ready for it. Experimental Entity Viewer - Added ability to move entities about. Waiting for schema change to take affect so can save position state. Workflow - BPM Editor - Create generic func to get user assignment lsit items for task, approval an access permission list boxes in property sheets. Workflow - BPM Editor - Rework parallel flow connection checking Fix Adv Analytics - Widgets Datalist - allow column wrapping. Workflow - BPM Editor - save not enabled when changing automated task method. Workflow - BPM Editor - allow parallel nodes to connect to free floating nodes. Application Subscription Utilisation was incorrect Reporting - Editor - If report has dateTimeBetween user input field type the time fields are not fully visible. Workflow - PCF Editor - When uploading a flow do not overwite existing process name.
  10. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Admin Tool (459) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: Change Workflow - BPM Editor - Task & Approval user assignment now uses entitybrowse to get records. Manage Application Subscriptions is now only available if you have the right to Manage Users. (N/F) - Workflow - BPM Editor - show mandatory indicator on approval assignment fields. Workflow - BPM/PCF Editor - Use localstorage for cutting and pasting Workflow - PCF Editor - Enable Custom Form Datalist ordering as of server version 2601. When uninstalling an application the dialog now shows the friendly Application Name not its ID. Fix Create new SLC dialog would not close and continue to newly created SLC when the Create button was clicked. Workflow - BPM Editor - move flowcode input info icon to beginning so does not wrap. Workflow - PCF Editor - Activating flow with radioset and radiosetDynamic throws error. Data - Simplelists - Restrict list item names and values to 64 chars
  11. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Document Manager (227) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New Added preview of experimental Drawing tool (requires setting webapp.mylibrary.document.experimental.drawingTool to be enabled) Added application version info XML to build Change Cannot share libraries with the can edit medata privilege Allow any user to view library properties page (but only users with the correct permissions can modify) Allow library sharing with any group Collections/Library dropdown is organised into sub menus to make it easier to use Fix When changing type in library share, the autocomplete isn't blanked
  12. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Customer Manager (187) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: Change Move Customers List in Organisation from Customer Manager to Core (to allow users to view the contacts belonging to an organisation without Customer Manager) When adding a member the current ones will be excluded from the search option
  13. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill User Tool (489) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New Resolve task "assignedTo" field value to user friendly role/group/user name. Change In Activity Stream Filter, allow selecting multiple options rather than one at a time Block third party content in email automatically Move Customers List in Organisation from Customer Manager to Core so its available to all collaboration users Use notification counters directly from event to improve notification preformance In Progressive Capture allow going back even if fields are mandatory Fix Can't set empty site field in user profile Hiding department field in profile if is empty Removed option to move emails to the Drafts folder and not allowing moving emails to the same folder
  14. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill ESP (2592) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New Added new operation admin::webhookGetEventSourceList which returns a definitive list of available web hooks Added new operation system::subscriptionCheck which is used by Hornbill Subscription Manager application to perform ad-hoc subscription status and audits Enforcement of application subscriptions is now applied for all applications Session caching now handled by HTTP2MEM distributed cache implementation Added experimental flag to enable the new email view Update Admin Tool Initial Loader Added operation admin::appSubscriptionGetUsage The system setting subscription.application.allocateOnLogin has been added. This is set to true by default and will allow subscriptions to be allocated automatically when a user that has been granted rights to an application first logs on. The following operations have been added Change Expanded XML Schema for Entity definitions to include new options Expanded the entity definitions to include an option to disable entity web hooks. The default value if not specified is to enable web hooks, see Task entity.xml definition for further information and example Adding application subscription enforcement to app store, it is no longer possible to install apps that require a subscription without having a subscription or trial applied to your instance The system no longer merges application strings definitions with core string definitions The operation session::getApplicationList now returns all installed applications when the user account is at privilege level admin Flagged deprecated API's in the API documentation. admin::roleGetLibResourceList, admin::roleSetLibResource, admin::roleDeleteLibResource. These operations are no longer required The operation data::autoValueGetNext has a new optional input parameter that allows you to specify the seed date/time value when generating a autoVal that includes date/time parts. This option is only useful for testing and validation of the auto sequence generation function. userAddRole silently ignores duplicate roles instead of throwing and error mail::getMailboxList returns a new isDefault parameter for the default email address Expanded system::releaseNotesGet API to include a result param indicating if there are more release note items available beyond the current result set User Subscriptions are now enforced at login Email counters are now returning also counter per mailbox for the user Hiding Progressive Capture and BPM from Admin tool for the Collaboration App Application subscriptions are now enforced at login. Fix Issue where an exception was thrown when opening the admin tool with no Applications Installed. unable to share/unshare documents with archived users activity::postImage failed to process the image if image URL contained any invalid characters for the file name activity::postImage failed to process the image if image URL contained any white spaces for the file name profile code's fullName and fullCode only includes the name and code of the immediate parent Fixed a problem that could create duplicate auto key values when using date/time parts. The problem related to rollover values being triggered on instance local time instead of UTC time. Duplicated emails in mailbox view If user notification flag was coming as use_default the flowcode was sometimes setting it as false
  15. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill User Tool (483) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: Change I would like to see the BPM Heads Up Display being updated automaitcally when it advances Fix Preventing XSS when an email first arrives
  16. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Admin Tool (441) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: Fix PCF Editor - Branch node goto conditions - fix issue where variable type was not resetting when initialising the condition and when changing the selected variable. BPM Editor - Decision node goto conditions - Fix variable contains/starts with/ends with another variable condition. BPM Editor - Decision node goto conditions - check that tested param is a string before doing case insensitive check.
  17. Hello Everyone The latest version of Hornbill Admin Tool (436) has been released to live. Release Notes for this release are as follows: New BPm / PCF Editor - Added print canvas button. BPM Editor - Show information icon on automated task node input params that have a description set. BPM Editor - Task Node - Add ability to setup and manage task checklist (requires orion server 2588) Change BPM Editor - do not show timeplan "expand" pane button if there are no timeplans. BPM/PCF Editor - Remove cut / paste options from toolbar as accessible from right click on canvas Sys/App Settings - Show tooltip over revert settings icon BPM / PCF Editor - goto links new conditions will now be generated as case insensitive. BPM - Add new form now uses custom title and apply button labels BPM / PCF Editor - cosmetic - apply shadow to decision and branch nodes (diamond shapes) Fix Group Select for Human Tasks in BPM would set the Assignee as #undefined ‘Available’ would show as a string in the User Info View
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