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Harry Hornbill

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Harry Hornbill

  1. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (212) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Basic users not selectable in the people section of supplier contracts
  2. Hello everyone, The latest update of Service Manager (2491) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Catalog's Id is now shown as a tooltip on the catalog title in the service form.The conditions in Custom Buttons now include 'Source Id', 'Source Type' and 'Customer Type'.Fix Task completion posted to timeline with a post type of "Update" rather than "Task". {PM00170603}Service Portal FAQs redirect to Employee Portal. {PM00170376}View requests belonging to retired services in Self Service. {PM00169999}Error sending an email from a request with a suspended process. {PM00170258}Enabling Preview Mode on the email tab in the request details page does not update the setting. {PM00170514}Incorrect year is considered in January when using the 'Previous Month' requests list filter. {PM00170508}Corrected the tooltip on the Location Type attribute in the asset type form. {PM00170440}Translations are not displayed on the Site details form in the Employee Portal. {PM00170232}Select a basic user when populating the 'Used By' option in 'Requests > Assets > Update *' Hornbill Automation tasks. {PM00170211}
  3. Hello everyone, The latest update of Board Manager (206) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Performance Improvements on large boards. When a board contains more than 200 cards (configurable by the app.view.board.largeboard setting) the ability to drag and drop users on cards will be disabled and standard scrollbars will be used to help performanceAdd option to hide filtered items on board view
  4. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (211) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New Clicking on a supplier tag in the supplier catalog performs a search for all suppliers with the specified tag.Fix Issue with pagination on supplier attachments
  5. Hello everyone, The latest update of Admin Tool (1455) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New system - data - data imports: added pre-action GUIDConversion.Fix System - User & Guest access - User Info: Home organisation field resetting when changing from org tab.system - User & Guest Access - User Info: save button enabled when loading user that has a managersystem - users accounts: create new user job desc and manager fields not saving.
  6. Hello everyone, The latest update of ESP (3550) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix When retry schedule encounters a process that has already been cancelled, completed or failed, the retry schedule is removed as no further scheduled processing should be applied.The bpm retry schedule now gets cleared down correctly when a workflow is cancelled. Previously this was causing already cancelled BPM's to get periodically updated after the process had been cancelled. While this did not cause any specific issues, it was unexpected behaviour which has now been resolved.
  7. Hello everyone, The latest update of Timesheet Manager (188) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix The application subscription details were not correctly populatedIssue with time appearing on incorrect days in list view on a user's timesheet
  8. Hello everyone, The latest update of ESP (3548) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change The API's userCreate, userUpdate, userGetInfo API's have been extended to allow the creation, getting and setting of extended user profile information Added checks to not allow task creation with an expiry date in past, because Human tasks that are set with an expiry date in the past will suspend the workflow indefinitely when the task is created. Added to correctly handle and report an error in the case a related entity could not be located in a given application Fix The userGetRoleList operation only returns roles that currently exist on the instance When posting images in timelines and conversations where the image includes EXIF orientation information, thumbnails are now correctly converted with the correct image orientation Resolved an issue where it might have been possible for a temp file name duplication under heavy load.
  9. Hello everyone, The latest update of Document Manager (483) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change getDocumentInfo and PostToTimeline Operation can be invoked by guest usersFix getDocumentInfo operation returns revision number with spurious decimal places
  10. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (210) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New Added button to supplier contracts overview console which links to the new supplier contract screen
  11. Hello everyone, The latest update of ITOM Packages (47) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New IT Automations for Active Directory User Management. Additional operation to remove all group memberships from a specific userIT Automations for Exchange Server. Additional operation to hide mailbox from address list and GALsFix IT Automations for Exchange Server. Fixed issue with ObjectState output parameter in the Add Mailbox Permissions operationIT Automations for Exchange Server. Fixed issue where operations would not always exit on failure
  12. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (207) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Basic users can now be selected as well as co-workers when defining owners of a supplier contractFix Unable to save custom field data against supplier contactsIssue with saving form customisations to supplier, supplier contact and supplier contract formsMissing translation string for information section of a supplier contractDraft status not available when creating new supplier contract in full screen modeUnable to remove field values once they had been set against both suppliers and supplier contracts
  13. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (200) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New 'Notes' field added to supplier contracts - unlimited charactersFix Issue with agreed compliance percentage target when renewing a supplier contract
  14. Hello everyone, The latest update of Live Chat (144) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Added a popup with more details to the participants list when the participant is of type user/basic userFix The User not displayed by the user field on the chat viewAvatar icon using the user Id rather than users name in the participants list and chat view
  15. Hello everyone, The latest update of Hornbill Core UI (1558) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Action buttons position in email previewUnable to remove tags with long text in tags inputUser popups not opening when hovering over a profile image in the activitystream
  16. Hello everyone, The latest update of Customer Portal (52) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix When autoLogin is switched off the original url used is lost a redirected to landing page. So now if customer logs in from landing page it will redirect to the original url they used after logged on.
  17. Hello everyone, The latest update of ESP (3540) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Extended the index::indexSearch API to optionally automatically escape several rarely-used query DSL character sequences.Extended the indexer::indexSearch API to support a new highlightLength parameter that controls the number of characters returned for highlighted search results.Fix Fixed the issue with application setting getter when specifying set/group filter
  18. Hello everyone, The latest update of Service Manager (2448) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New A prefix can now be configured when managing an asset type. When creating a new asset against an asset type, the prefix will be used to generate the Asset ID. Furthermore, we have added a new option 'Auto Generate Name' to the asset type form that when enabled, the Name attribute of the asset will be set with the generated Asset ID. - See more on the wiki https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Asset_TypesThe site associated with a request is now available in the variable picker when editing an email template. The variable is prefixed with 'RequestSite'.Reload button added to the assets list to refresh the list.We have added diagnostics capability to help debug reported issues when managing a request's Service Level Agreement. This can be accessed through the designated option in the 'Amend Service Level' pop-up which can be accessed by clicking on the associated service level from the request details. This change only applies to new requests.Change As per the email communication to customers with active priority-based Service Levels and the forum announcement, this release removes the priority-based Service Levels capability.Users with the 'Service Desk Admin' role can now view the list of boards in the system, including whether or not each board is migrated to the Board Manager application. There is an option to remove each board. This option is available through the main menu > Service Manager menu > Boards sub-menu item.Fix Unable to view Self Service requests with a sub status. {PM00170159}Template variables are not recognised in the email sent when updating a request via Routing Rule. {PM00170055}The wrong update is included when the "RequestLastActivity - Content Preview" variable is used in the template to notify analysts of a customer update. {PM00170034}Performance issue when retrieving service details {PM00169729}Fixed an issue where the Request Categories popup is not displayed correctly on smaller screens. {PM00169951}Request list refresh rate value is not updated. {PM00169898}Asset search errors when the filter text contains an apostrophe. {PM00169790}Asset list query error when loading software type list. {PM00169774}Service with no visible catalog items is shown when the catalog required setting is enabled. {PM00169411}Failure to send an email via an active process instance when the process is deactivated. {PM00169299}
  19. Hello everyone, The latest update of Hornbill Core (126) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Added rights for can view sites and can view coworkers which will come into effect in upcoming core UI release
  20. Hello everyone, The latest update of Live Chat (143) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New Added new chat popup to make it more obvious when new chats have been startedChange Added support for wiki markup to chat
  21. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (199) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Supplier company records not displaying correctly.
  22. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (199) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Supplier company records not displaying correctly.
  23. Hello everyone, The latest update of Project Manager (393) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Tag Language selection not displaying correctly
  24. Hello everyone, The latest update of Hornbill Core (122) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Database optimizations around Account Groups
  25. Hello everyone, The latest update of ESP (3533) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change The admin operations for getting list of system and application setting now includes optional param to return advanced settingsITOM: We created a new system setting to manage what file extensions are allowed in ITOM (security.fileUploadRestriction.itom.fileAttachments)
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