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Harry Hornbill

Hornbill Staff
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Everything posted by Harry Hornbill

  1. Hello everyone, The latest update of Timesheet Manager (196) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows:
  2. Hello everyone, The latest update of ESP (3566) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New Added bpm::lifecycleUserGetList operationFix The system folders (.system) are no longer showing in the iBridge content browser
  3. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (220) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows:
  4. Hello everyone, The latest update of Project Manager (399) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows:
  5. Hello everyone, The latest update of Timesheet Manager (195) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows:
  6. Hello everyone, The latest update of Service Portal (25) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows:
  7. Hello everyone, The latest update of Customer Portal (68) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Internal changes for upgrading to new Progressive Capture version.
  8. Hello everyone, The latest update of Service Manager (2526) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New Introduced 'ChangeRequests > Get Information > Change Request Details' to get the attributes from a Change record.Change We have exposed the "Following" visibility in areas that allow posting to a request timeline.Request notices now support wiki mark-up. - See more on the wiki https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php?title=Incident_Requests#Request_NoticesFix Not able to select a catalog when raising a request in the mobile app. {PM00170703}Request information panel in the Employee Portal is not mobile-friendly. {PM00170598}Incorrect tooltip on the Operational State and Location Type attributes in the asset type form. {PM00170674}In the service subscribers list, the add button is not visible when the team Id is long. {PM00170544}In Internet Explorer, catalogs are not loading in Progressive Capture when a service is selected. {PM00169958}Missing results when searching for the property Owned By of an asset. {PM00170006}Missing results when linking customer's assets to a request through a business process. {PM00170275, PM00169843}
  9. Hello everyone, The latest update of Project Manager (397) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows:
  10. Hello everyone, The latest update of Timesheet Manager (194) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New added support for new admin ui navigation plugin
  11. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (219) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Supplier card images not appearing correctly in Hornbill Board Manager
  12. Hello everyone, The latest update of Admin Tool (1461) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Email - Shared Mailboxes: use set password button in mail service settings formSystem - Email - Domains: hide password field in classic auth modeFix Workflow - BPM Editor: tidy up stage checkpoint v node checkpoint validation
  13. Hello everyone, The latest update of Board Manager (210) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Blurring not removed when exiting design modescroll bar at bottom of screen not accessible without scrolling down main windowWhen creating a new lane, if you click cancel on the lane config popup the lane is no longer visible
  14. Hello everyone, The latest update of ESP (3563) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Removed some of the general email rights and protected with system rights
  15. Hello everyone, The latest update of Document Manager (486) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New Added global search option for basic usersadd support for new coreui admin ui module and nav plugin.Fix Create External Link action doesn't do anything when in a library
  16. Hello everyone, The latest update of SIS (3377) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Minor formatting improvements for the discovery import log.
  17. Hello everyone, The latest update of ESP (3559) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New It is now possible to supress follower notifications when posting a message or comment. This is to allow for automations and other integrations to post to an activity stream to keep a log of activities but supress otherwise noisy notifications that are not required.Change General performance improvements to event service caching mechanismPreviously, any mentioned people would get two notifications for the same post, one for the general notification and one for the mention. Now, when a post or comment is made, any users that are followers of that activity stream will no longer get a general notification if they are mentioned, they will just receive the mention notification for that post/comment.General performance improvements to event service caching mechanism
  18. Hello everyone, The latest update of Hornbill Core (129) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: New Added method achievement deleteFix Date Time information had some of the examples wrongSome BPM flowcodes throw translation error when setting up in BPM editor.
  19. Hello everyone, The latest update of Project Manager (395) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix depends on task name not showing correctly when creating a new project taskproject rag tolerances not rendering correctly in project timelines view of a programme
  20. Hello everyone, The latest update of Supplier Manager (214) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change A user with the 'Supplier Administrator' role can now change the owner of a supplier.
  21. Hello everyone, The latest update of Hornbill Mobile Catalog (182) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Added support for Shared Image (future feature)Fix Progressive Capture - date inputs wasn't respecting user date/time preferencesUpdated Header text colour coming from Employee Portal AdministrationLogin popup - Spelling mistakeProgressive Capture - missing style customisations set by adminWhen colours changed in the Administration, changes were being cached by the application - required clearing the cache
  22. Hello everyone, The latest update of Hornbill Core UI (1565) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change Icon Picker - Added tooltip to the icons to know the name of itAdd rights check for access coworkers and sitesFix In BPM HUD Checklist can be cutoff at certain browser zoom levelsEmail View - Move to Folder dropdown - When folders list is too long it does not show the last folders in the listdisplay issue when switching between tag search and title search in advanced search dropdownProgressive Capture - Paste text to custom field using only mouse was not always workingInternet Explorer - Sometimes there is a thin border in the header of some views. Removed.
  23. Hello everyone, The latest update of ESP (3552) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Fix Corrected the supported language translation codes to map with Google Translate supported language code/variants
  24. Hello everyone, The latest update of ITOM Packages (55) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change IT Automations for Active Directory User Management - updated Groups input in the Create User operation to use semi-colon separated list instead of comma-separated, to ensure consistency with the ProxyAddresses input
  25. Hello everyone, The latest update of ITOM Packages (54) has been released to live. The change log for this update is as follows: Change IT Automations for Active Directory User Management - updated the Create User operation to allow newly created users to be associated to one or more AD Groups
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