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Michael Sharp

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Everything posted by Michael Sharp

  1. @Martyn Houghton the service already has a HUD but it isn't being displayed. Looks as though the out of the box default workflow is being run without a service. Really odd? Mike.
  2. Really not sure what's going on but a new business process point blank refuses to run for me. I've so far: Created a new BP, validated/activated/published (showing as Active in the BP list) Assigned the BP to a catalog item which ran the default BP where all functions are unavailable except assign (and no HUD) Changed the BP to an existing one, ran fine Changed the PC to the basic request one, did not run Tried renaming the BP and re-applying to catalog item, did not run Tried copying the BP and re-applying to catalog item, did not run Request/process is not present in "Manage Executed Processes" Created a new catalog item, did not run Need help/suggestions please??? Regards and thanks, Mike.
  3. Is it possible to branch progressive capture based on customer details? In my current example, I would like to create a service call out form for an office printer however would only like to present the relevant printers to that customer (we have a fleet of 40+ MFPs but a user would only use two of these based on their "site"). Regards, Mike.
  4. Worked a treat thanks @Steven Boardman - feel free to delete this post. Mike.
  5. @Steven Boardman I'm seeing platform 3327 and client build #133
  6. On the mobile app it appears that the Requests menu is not visible - I previously thought this was when a request was not open but that doesn't seem to be the case and is not visible under any conditions (though I've seen it before, not sure what is happening here):
  7. On the desktop version of the Employee portal, the Me Too button isn't going green as in the mobile web app. I think this is clearer for the end user to acknowledge they have reported their affected issue. It's also a little laggy. Regards, Mike.
  8. Also really glad these have been addressed and look forward to seeing them @Steven Boardman!
  9. @Steven Boardman apologies will raise a couple of new posts for the further issues
  10. @Bob Dickinson We've also adjusted "My Staff's Requests" to "My Team's Requests" but I suspect that will have a shallower uptake for you. The idea of an ownership of staff didn't go down too well here! Mike.
  11. This has been extremely useful thanks @Bob Dickinson. I've adjusted the "Post something new...." to "Provide an update..." in the user request timeline as our pilot users suggested this was misleading and meant post a new fault. Regards, Mike.
  12. @James Ainsworth any feedback on this one please?
  13. @Steven Boardman @Daniel Dekel has there been any progress on this? Also, I've found that the "request list" is not visible in the app unless you have a request open/on hold? As a consequence, you cannot view closed requests? Other issues outstanding: Service icon colours do not match the desktop version (screenshot previously provided) Request list colours are not the same as the desktop version (screenshot previously provided) Me too button no longer goes green when clicked (this made it clearer that a user had registered their issue) on known issues Text on text widgets is a lot bigger in ratio on the app than the desktop (screenshot previously provided) Regards, Mike.
  14. @James Ainsworth I don't wholly agree with your comments here unfortunately - as these comments would generally apply to non-production/time-sensitive use services e.g. Facebook, Netflix and others. Changes to the styling for example I appreciate would be a waste of your customer's time reviewing however changes to the operational aspects of the system I think do merit a weekly or monthly notification in advance of those changes going ahead or should be considered to be instead included in your update roll-ups. Removing the House notification on the top ribbon is a good example of this and I don't get the impression this was customer led (or queried with) due to grumbles above and I can't see anything on the forums to request this. Also, the drop down icons were not tested properly but rolled out automatically which (particularly if affecting a more popular browser) could have had severely impacting results. I'm not averse to automatic updates at all but we rely on your product to deliver based on tight SLAs and think it unfair to have to react to unexpected changes to the behaviour of the product as well - this is one of the sold benefits of using Hornbill, as we are usually in control of these adjustments. Regards, Mike.
  15. @James Ainsworth has there been any traction on this please? Thanks, Mike.
  16. Hi @Steven Boardman has there been any traction on this please? I can see there has been support for this suggestion from others. Mike.
  17. The fix works perfectly thanks. Could "Respond By" be added in its place please? We think it is important for users to see this and is an achievable SLA which we would like to publish @Mohamed Thanks and regards, Mike.
  18. Mine is already set to as yours is above? Is this correct? Mike.
  19. HI, unfortunately this is not applying the roles still. I've attached the output for the batch file but also the log file hasn't been generating? Regards, Mike.LDAPLog.txt
  20. Thanks for the response @Victor. The rule is not applying to either added or existing users. Have updated the LDAP client and will see what happens at 13:00 (my next sync cycle). Mike.
  21. Could you let me know once available please @Mohamed
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