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Everything posted by QEHNick

  1. Simple ask, is it possible to change the start/end times of a change after it has been submitted? Some doofus has selected an end time before the start time....
  2. No, nothing in the timeline, which is frustrating.
  3. I'm not sure if this is a known support issue or not so I'll just ask. Some of my team members are reporting that previously closed calls are mysteriously re-opening unbidden. The BMP is completed, all timers indicate that the call has been resolved and yet the call has re-opened with out any interaction from the analyst or the supported colleague. Any one else seeing this today?
  4. Here you go, it's in the computer assets section. The "Owned by" column.
  5. I don't know if this is behaving as designed... In ASSETS, computer assets; when an asset has an identified customer, their displayed name in the "Owned By" column is a hyperlink. I got all excited thinking, "Ah! Great, I can drill down into the asset owners details!" But instead, it loads up the requests list. Is this by design or an afterthought which was forgotten?
  6. You guys are terrific. A minor fault like that and you go at it like a dog with a bone. Thank you.
  7. Will do, thank you @James Ainsworth.
  8. After testing, it does it on multiple bulletins. One key thing I haven't mentioned, this is amending them and leaving them in DRAFT, not publishing them. I don't know if that would help with testing.
  9. Can I pick someones brain please. I need to change the standard config file for importing assets from Lansweeper to differentiate between Laptops and Desktops. I'm assuming it will be the variable chassisName and filtering "Laptop", "Notebook" and "Desktop". However I cannot figure out how to incorporate this into the json file/SQL statement. Any guidance is appreciated. Thank you.
  10. @James Ainsworth Either the Title or description, any change there results in the error upon updating.
  11. I have a bulletin which I have been updating, however, now it errors as such. /apps/com.hornbill.core/flowcode/fc_modules/xmlmc.js(189): error X1001: Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[data::entityUpdateRecord] Superfluous entity record update detected for 'ServiceBulletin'. The primary record was updated but no data changes were applied. It doesn't appear to cause a problem.
  12. Hey @AlexTumber, I've created a project team, I need to oversee activities logged against project categories. But I've since found out you can drill down by clicking on the reported category, so I'm a happy bunny.
  13. It makes sense. In the meantime, I've created a workaround process so we can effectively capture time on projects for billing without the need for tasks/activities as they can get messy.
  14. Er my gawd.... I just realised you can click on the category and drill down. Forget I was here.
  15. In the Time Sheet overview, I would love to see the function to filter by Category and then Sub category. Thank you. xx
  16. Ahh! I think I' found the culprit; the name separator has those strange characters. I'll just alter them.
  17. So when we select a closure category, we get some unwanted characters appearing. As you can see , "->" Totally a cosmetic issue, doesn't cause me sleepless nights.
  18. Thanks @Gerry, I'll see if I can wrap my head around it when I have time.
  19. Can someone explain to me why the ability to prompt for time spent in a Task is not reflected in a timesheet? Why are the two separate and can we somehow integrate this? It seems like a redundant feature. Cheers!
  20. Thank you @Gerry , a very succinct denudation of my "moon on a stick" request. You quickly supplanted it with a "gold plated moon on a stick" response . The alternative sounds equally good. The level of integration you're talking about; is there any published guidance on this or do I need a one-to-one with someone?
  21. One thing which would be excellent would be to show a summary of any active bulletins on the login screen. Customers could be informed of service affecting events without the need to login to discover them, saving them a moment or two. It sounds insignificant, but when you're in an environment such as ours, every second that can be saved benefits our customers and patients.
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