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Posts posted by nasimg

  1. I've had a few reports from analysts reporting some of their teams are no longer visible today.

    Although the team is not visible in the drop down, the request are still visible in the request list.

    Turns out the scroll bar (on the side of the menu) is not active, the only way I can get this to work is to use the middle scroll on my mouse. I think this has happened once before but believe this behaviour has returned since the latest Service Manager update (last night for us).



    Scroll in this area with the mouse SCROLL BUTTON, allows the other teams to appear, then the scroll bar is active (if you come back later).




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  2. This concept works where you have a master ticket and use Activites, there is a setting to stop the request being resolved unless all activities are complete.

    Only issue we have is you need view the activities in a different location to the Service Request (unless the request is with you)....also you don't get an email notification of an activity being assigned to you (or your team).

    So if we could do this with linked requests I would say + 1 for us


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  3. Hi Gerry

    For us its for analysts in Hornbill, but we struggle to get them to use activities.

    Our joiner/ new starter process uses a lot of them (eg. email/ apps/ laptops etc) but I would take the notification that a task has been assigned as the main one we need. This should encourage use of the views for activities/tasks.

    Sadly this morning I received another message from our SD teamleaders saying they are missing deadline as they can't easily see the tasks, I'm looking to see whether we drop them in favour of separate SR's for each activity.


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