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Posts posted by Berto2002

  1. I have a workflow that feeds a report that goes into Power BI. I want the report to use conditional formatting to place a green icon against a RequestID when there is a 'next' problem review scheduled and a red icon when there is not one scheduled.

    To achieve this I had planned to detect if custom 21 (date/time) is blank or not. The Workflow would place a date/time in custom 21 when one was planned (through Human Task) but then nullify that value (through expiry) once the date has passed.

    My testing to run the node Service Manager > Enitity > Requests > Update Request > Custom Fields and then set the field to Manual but leave no value did not achieve the goal:


    Is there a way to nullify (or even 'empty') a custom date/time field please?

    PS my workaround would be to pick a date "long long ago in a galaxy far far away", 1978-01-29 00:00:01, for example, and have that as my null equivalent value for Power BI purposes; but it's a kludge.

  2. I want to use scheduled requests to point to SharePoint documents by pasting the link in the Description. That way, every month, the analyst is asked to follow the linked procedure stored elsewhere (which may have been updated).

    But there is a short character limit on the Description that is not even long enough to hold a SharePoint document Link.

    There is no mention of a character limit in the document; Scheduled Requests (hornbill.com). I think it is set at 299 or 300 characters because that's where my entry gets truncated:


    One single link to a OneNote document is 342 characters and that's without any other text to explain it:


    Can we please have this field extended to allow the same number of characters as any other Description field or at least something we would not hit in normal use like 5000.

    Thank you.

    • Like 2
  3. I am using custom 26 to store a binary number outcome from some workflow; values such as 11001, 01101 etc.

    I realised after testing that the number 01101 is not an integer when custom 26 was stored as 1101...

    HOWEVER, I have an email that sends me the contents of each custom field and for fields a-t and 21-30 it shows both the values from the Request and the Extended Information 'versions' of that field and they are DIFFERENT. I have done because I have seen variances in the past and now there's another.

    What I mean is that this expression in the email: {{.H_custom_26|empty}} --- {{Extended Information.H_custom_26|empty}} returns two different values: 1101 and 01101 respectively.


    In short, the Extended Information.H_custom_26 is storing the full sequence of digits added to the field which includes the preceding zero (01101) but H_custom_26 is truncating (to 1101).

    My question is can I rely on the extended information storing the digits (not as an integer) and thus refer to that in my workflow; or do I need to alter my number storage so we never have a preceding zero?


  4. We have a use case where we want Sdesk to validate the choice made by a user on requested software, else choose another

    In the absence of being able to have a variable in the default choice of a human task we present the choice made by the user in bold text to the analyst in the human task and then give buttons to "Confirm Requested" (in which case workflow uses h_custom_m) or "Select Alternate" which gives the same drop-down and workflow ignores what the user requested and uses this new value instead.

    Achieves the same as you need above I think.

  5. I would like to bring this item back to the table. There was some agreement among the customers at the HUG23 that we should have some way for customers to be told about and instantly state they are affected by an existing Incident rather than us have to publish Problems or Known Errors for them to use the "me too" option. I can see how Hornbill use the current feature in an application support environment where incidents get assessed and may or may not appear as defects weeks later for people to vote-up. But many of us work in Infra and Ops and we need to go from IN logged to announcing it to our customers within minutes. This is also unrelated to whether or not there is a Known Error (which may follow). This is a here-and-now immediate service availability notification with some additional functions.

    I request something like:

    • Two-click feature or workflow node to present notification of the IN to the Subscribed users in the portal; perhaps this is a fast-path access to an Announcement on the Service by adding a new Action Icon. Feature can be activated by permitted person which we'd want calibrated to include senior analysts at Service Desk
      • First click to activate a capture box in which we can enter the exact text to be presented; typically like "Users seeing error xxxxx when logging in" and a default, "Click if you are Impacted"
      • Second click to publish it
    • All Subscribed users can see it if they go to the portal.
    • Users have two options:
      • "I am Impacted"
      • "I am Impacted and keep me updated"
    • "I am affected" adds the user as an "Impacted" connection
    • "I am affected and keep me updated" adds as a connection as above with a flag to receive notifications flagged for "Customer"
    • One click removal of the portal text whenever required and by default on Resolution
    • Does NOT give access to see the Request itself or provide a link; this is announcements only

    Reasons to have this feature:

    • Reduce the number of logged tickets, saving customers and analysts time
    • Better gathering of the true extent of the impact of an incident; users are far more likely to click a button than log a ticket
    • Fast notifications to users of major incidents/outages

    My main requirement is that I have been asked for find the 'true' rather than 'assumed' impact of incidents. That is derived from the people directly affected at that time by that service. It is always only a subset of the known users; most people don't use all apps all the time and another group can go and do something else if one is down. We need to have a way of giving the business a very easy way to report how bad an outage is for them and reporting the result so they can encourage their people to use it. "It's two clicks (one to the portal URL and one to click impacted) for any user to declare they were impacted and this is how many people clicked the button to say it hurt them: X"

    @Estie @Smurfy @samwoo @HGrigsby @Sam P @BobbyB. Comments?

    • Like 2
  6. Impact: none of our iBridge integrations with Teams are working; which includes creating and updating private messages, starting and updating conversations in channels.


    Error received from Cloud node when attempting to create a new Teams conversation in a channel:

    Error: Error from Teams API: InvalidAuthenticationToken: Teams API Error: CompactToken parsing failed with error code: 80049217


    Error received from Cloud node when attempting to create a new private message to an individual:

    Create chat error (no error if blank after colon): Session Error from Teams API: Refresh Token Generation Error: AADSTS901002: The 'resource' request parameter is not supported. Trace ID: 1b86d243-630e-40a9-a965-0402d92b4c00 Correlation ID: 89602aa4-8dad-4293-85da-ba9fa3d52c73 Timestamp: 2023-12-14 08:29:40Z


    From our side we see this as traffic between Hornbill and Microsoft, and we don't have a point at either end where we can capture it and diagnose.

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