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Posts posted by Jeremy

  1. Is there a way to add the request creator as a member to a request?

    I am trying (via BPM) to add our analysts who raise change requests to be added as a member of the request, this is to easily identify your changes that are raised. I have seen that you can add specific users as a member but we would like a variable picker to be able to choose the 'created by' person.

    Any other ways around this issue?

  2. On 9/6/2018 at 9:44 AM, Steven Boardman said:

    Ability to view / choose the email template you wish to use (see drop down in screen shot) - controlled by a system setting, so those who do not want agents to have the choice and want to retain the existing behaviour will be able to do so.

    @Steven Boardman @Ehsan can you let me know where this system setting is to turn this off while we work out how to work with this new version of the email action.

  3. @Daniel Dekel we create tasks to ask different teams information about requests or to fill in forms (via bespoke tasks) which we can view in the request, but we need a way of reporting on these so that we can get the information out of the system to report to other departments etc.

    Is there a report that we can write or a database query that we can run to return the information that was entered in a task?

  4. @Victor sorry I have been on leave, I know that you can use the FAQ at resolution stage, but we were wondering when you log a request and the FAQ appears in the Knowledge centre if you select it, it just shows the FAQ details. We would like to be able to 'mark this as the solution' to automatically resolve the job so that you don't need to log the request then go into it an then select the FAQ etc, we were hoping to jump a lot of steps especially when we are busy at peak times!

  5. When we set up FAQ's against a service can you:

    • Have it so when you select a service it displays all associated FAQ's against that service
    • Can you accept an FAQ at the time of logging to resolve the request to the user with those details
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