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Posts posted by Jeremy

  1. @Pamela Yes, we have been using views to get information, but self-service forms make up a third of our requests that are logged and not being able to search the questions (where all the detail is contained) is frustrating. As we can easily miss requests when people call or chase these requests, we struggle to find them. 

  2. When searching for assets some of our's are not appearing when searching even though they are in policy, we have to log jobs with different assets then once logged go into the request and change it to the actual assets.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Also, is there a way to increase the list of returned assets? When you search there are 5 that are returned but if you need to add more or there is a list of multiple items, you cannot scroll or add more from the asset picker in the PCF.

  3. Is there a way of changing the default of opening attachments that are part of a request?

    We get a lot of screenshots and doc's attached to request which we have to download and then open, can functionality be included to open these in the browser?

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  4. @Daniel Dekel so when we are in the email list if you select the any/last email and are reading the main body of the email, if either another email is received into the inbox or an analyst raises a job/applies an email to a request and their email gets moved to the deleted items folder a green pop up occurs and your view of the highlighted email that you were reading changes and the highlighted email is now the top email in your list but is not selected or showing the new email details.

    Not sure if this makes sense....

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