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Posts posted by DougA

  1. Hi @Gerry

    I must be missing something REEAAALLLYYY obvious.

    app.itsm.progressiveCapture.newSelfService is set to run a default PC. We've set up all of the services and the associated catalog items which defines the PC to run. Until now only the analysts were using this but as part of a much larger project we're launching self-service. Both self-service and analysts are being presented the same form. I haven't seen where you can set a different PC for self service.



  2. I must be missing something REEAAALLLYYY obvious.

    app.itsm.progressiveCapture.newSelfService is set to run a default PC. We've set up all of the services and the associated catalog items which defines the PC to run. Until now only the analysts were using this but as part of a much larger project we're launching self-service. Both self-service and analysts are being presented the same form. I haven't seen where you can set a different PC for self service.



  3. Hi @Gary@ADL,

    I used to administer a Planet Press implementation where Regex was virtually essential! You can make date validation incredibly complicated but I'm using

    (0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](19|20)/d/d

    This validates dd/mm/yyyy where dd is 01 through 31. mm is 01 through 12 and year is 1900 to 2099. It doesn't check for leap years or the wrong number of days in a month. Good enough for us.

    I've not bothered validating times so anything can be added after the date. e.g. "13/04/2017 all day" or "21/04/2017 am only" or "21/04/2017 10:00am". It's not too difficult to write a regex to validate a time though.



  4. Ok, here's the initial part of the Progressive Capture


    When an analyst logs a request they would be prompted for the customer, summary and description before selecting the service and catalog item to switch to the defined progressive capture.

    When it's logged via the portal the customer information is provided automatically and the service details are provided by selecting the service and then the catalog item. The part that I don't have is the request details.

    Capture14.PNG.b1ae81d0611a93596c569e21d30f304a.PNG     Capture15.PNG.3733f023dcd94ee50d9b944b7245005d.PNG

    Hope that makes a bit more sense now!



  5. Hi, Another day, another challenge

    One of the long outstanding items on my to-do list is to set up the portal for our users. I've got it to the stage where it's displaying a panel of services. Selecting the service then gives a panel of all of the Catalog Items. Clicking on any of them jumps straight to the Progressive Capture defined for that CI which the console also uses.

    In the portal the customer search is negated by the fact that the customer is logged on and the service Details is supplied by selecting the service and Config Item from the portal menus.

    So the only bit of the puzzle is how do I get the Request Details????




  6. Following on from my earlier query on editing custom fields, Could you tell me if the details form is specific to:-

    1. The Service
    2. The Request Type under the service
    3. The Catalog Item or
    4. The Request Type of the Catalog Item.

    We used to just have services for what are now Catalog Items. That meant it was very easy to configure different custom fields for different services. We've now completed reorganising all of those services into 8 or 9 services and catalog items. Each Request Type can have a number of different catalog items e.g.

    1. Service:- Desktop Hardware
      1. Request Type - Incident
        1. Configuration Item:- Device Non-Operational
          1. Custom Field A
          2. Custom Field B
      2. Request Type - Service Request
        1. Configuration Item:- Supply New Equipment
          1. Custom Field A
          2. Custom Field B
          3. Custom Field C
          4. Custom Field D
        2. Configuration Item:- Device Configuration
          1. Custom Field E
          2. Custom Field F
      3. Request Type - Change
    2. Service:- Desktop Software
    3. ....

    In order to be able to edit the information gathered on a customised form I'm adding the custom fields into the details form. I'm pretty certain that the details form isn't specific to the service/request type/Configuration Item which means I can't collect different information for different Configuration Items.

    If I use a custom form then the fields can't be edited later. If I use a custom form but use the field name custom_a, custom_b etc so they can be edited I can't then display/edit just the relevant fields.

    Unless of course you know different...



  7. Following on from the topic Error with new service raised by @DeadMeatGF I've been struggling with something similar. I've added a number of custom fields into the form but I don't seem to be able to change the label from Custom Field A to something more meaningful. I'm clicking on the View Details Form button and then the Design Button. before clicking the cog wheel to edit the field. I can enter a translation (into en-gb) but no matter what I do after that the label reverts!

    Any advice?



  8. We've created a service and CI for forward notice incidents. I've set up an authorisation task with options to send a draft copy of the notification email to the customer or approve the email for distribution as per the workflow. If the forward notice is a long way off then the incident is put on hold until nearer the time.

    I'd like to modify the process to allow the notification email to be resent at any time up until the incident is resolved. There in lies the rub a request can't be closed while activities are still open. I can't figure out the best way so I'd really appreciate any suggestions.





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