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Everything posted by LifeOfJonny

  1. Hi Hornbill, "Portal Chat Session User" role has disappeared, as you can see when my script added it to the newly created user via the API its make it a blank role. When you try add other roles to this user, the big list of roles has now disappeared. Is "Portal Chat Session User" meant to be there or is that a non-basic user role? I was lead to believe all users who want to use live chat in the Company Portal need it? Jonny
  2. Hi James, Defining settings per service would be amazing! It would be really good if you can set the default visibility of each action per service, and quite a few other settings. When is this sort of update coming or is it good few months away? Jonny
  3. Hi Hornbill, In our instance we have "This setting prevents resolving or closing a Request that does not have an owner" set to false because the other service in our company using the platform would like to be able to resolve calls without an owner. Would it be possible to add it so this can be toggled in the BPM process, so the service area's that require this can have it turned on for their requests? Jonny
  4. Hi Hornbill, I'm unable to set manager or any other fields on a user without having to make them a User, set the properties and then change them back to basic. As you can see from my screenshot the details tab is missing, if I make them a user it'll appear, then I can do what I need then change it back again. Jonny
  5. Hi Hornbill, You able to provide an update on this? Jonny
  6. @James Ainsworth Here's a screenshot of what Teams I can see and filter not showing the Teams. Jonny This issue has been logged: IN00164184
  7. Oh yes that worked, will be good to hornbill's stance on it :-)
  8. Hi, When you looking at a service, and go to look at the direct requests, the filter options aren't quite right. "All My Teams" filters correctly, but if I want to see all the requests in any of its supporting teams, I have to select "All my service", then create a filter for the service, which makes this section of the service pointless??? Jonny
  9. Hey @HHH I think we're trying to do the same thing. I'm trying to check multiple parts of a BPM process (see screenshot) below. Instead of using via, I'm having to use a hornbill automation (does nothing to the request, all options set to ignore for "Lock/Unlock Actions"), so I can combine the 2 results of the Decision then input to another decision. What I'm wanting to do is... "team set?" if Yes go to the "Check Source" Decision, if not set the team to Service Desk and then move to check source. As a decision node doesn't support two inputs, I can't do this without some form of middle man to bring the two different actions back together before moving on to the next decision. Is this what you are having problems with? Jonny
  10. I connect to Hornbill direct, as we use a Split Tunnel with our Corporate VPN. Some people do connect to Hornbill via our VPN, our corporate ISP starts with 195.x.x.x or 95.x.x.x addresses RFC1918 networks aren't publicly route-able, so you wouldn't see our internal IPs anyway. https://www.arin.net/reference/research/statistics/address_filters/#:~:text=According to standards set forth,0.0 – 10.255.
  11. Hi, I was monitoring the user sessions and its showing the same 2 RFC1918 IP address for all our sessions. Guessing its meant to show the IP they are connecting from, Eg their home/work IP address. Eg 88.109.x.x Jonny
  12. Hi Hornbill., This is still effecting us and a request has been logged. IN00163938 Jonny
  13. Any news on this, as we'd like to do this as well. We'd like to push users to Self Service to log new requests, updating requests is fine by email though. Jonny
  14. Hi Hornbill, Myself and other users of Hornbill Service Manager, are unable to add our mobile devices via QR Code. QRCode section is just blank. Using Google Chrome - Version 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (64-bit) Jonny
  15. Hi Hornbill, The problem has returned again, very intermittent. Is there any extra bits of information you require to why this behaviour is happening. I've got colleague wondering why its not working now.
  16. Hi Hornbill, If you search for a co worker at the top of Hornbill, it then searches and you find the co-worker in question. If you go and use the same search box again to find someone else it doesn't actually search. The Search box above the results works but not the global search bar at the top. Many Thanks Jonny
  17. Just had lunch and come back to an notification email which is now formatted correctly and is now in the mailbox's sent items. Is there some strange bug going on here?
  18. @Victor (Offline) We've no gotten a new mailbox just for this purpose setup, its not got a inbound service configured as its not going to be used for receiving any emails, just sending these SYSTEM emails. I've now set the setting as you pointed our in your post there, but when we first set this up. My account wouldn't get any assignment notifications but the other two people testing it with me got their notifications emails when we would assign each other requests or incidents. So I left my assignment emails setting off overnight and turned it back on this morning and now I do get these emails but the display name has gone from being "Hornbill Notification" to "noreply". Since its gone to noreply as well it no longer shows Sent Items in the mailbox. Please see screenshots below. Today's email Yesterday's emails Sent items of this mailbox Created Mailbox Service Manager Settings
  19. Gotten it working but how do I update owned_by its not on your list? or do I need to call different method to change that? Jonny
  20. I was thinking of building an array of hornbillAttribName and new value of any that had changed you see. So what your saying is I need to hardcode the field mappings between generalProperties or additionalProperties to update the array of values?
  21. I'm trying to write code to use updatemethod2, but its bit tricky when I want to pass a value to be updated to a updateAsset function and the field doesn't know if its a generalProperties or additionalProperties. I basically retrieve my using getAssetsFiltered, to get the exact asset I'm after, which returns the data as a json array. but it does not report where the values belongs (generalProperties or additionalProperties) How would you recommend going forward? Do I do one update per field changed field, this way I can control where there value goes in to generalProperties or additionalProperties. Ideally I want to create an array of values that have changed, and then throw that in to the function and it to then update the asset. Don't really want to be doing 3/4 calls to change 3/4 fields.
  22. Thanks for confirming, as the API says its optional, but as you say its actually required
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