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Posts posted by Alex8000

  1. Hi @Daniel Dekel,

    Thank you! I sure did.

    I am 99% sure that there are no workspaces within our instance that I am not a member of. I am however 100% sure that I would not be mentioned 13 times in workspaces I am not a member of. Every analyst is experiencing this problem, and most of them have 'rogue notification' counts of 20+. It may be worth it reaffirming the fact that these counters suddenly appear, but when navigating to the workspaces screen they suddenly disappear.

    When it occurs again I will send screencast of the phenomenon and post it here.



  2. Hi @DanielRi,

    There are no workspaces under the 'public' tab. My colleagues are experiencing the same problem, and some of them have 25 'rogue' notifications. Being mentioned in a workspace for 25 times would take about a month here ;) 

    I just had it switch to 13 for some reason before vanishing again. This is getting interesting!


    Best regards,


  3. Hi @Daniel Dekel,

    Thank you for the suggestions!

    1. I don't have multiple tabs open with multiple workspaces, but I can't speak for my colleagues on this one. This would not explain why they keep coming back unfortunately.

    2. Our workspaces aren't that active i'm afraid :) People rarely remove a comment after posting, and when they do it would be in the order of one or two per week.

    The entire organisation is using Google Chrome.

  4. Hello all,

    My colleagues and I have been having some issues with the unread notifications counter. It is showing that one has X unread notifications, but when clicking on it there is nothing and the counter disappears for a few minutes before popping up again. It is showing 7 unread for me but 25 unread for one of my colleagues.

    For example it might show this: https://i.imgur.com/wi1RkCr.png, but when clicking on the workspaces view there are no workspaces with unread messages. (https://i.imgur.com/7iPFiHP.png) After refreshing the webpage the counter is magically reset to '0' before popping up again after a few minutes.

    Does anyone have any idea as to what might be causing this?

  5. Hi @Gerry,

    I see, that definitely makes sense. I completely forgot about those API 'middleware' solutions, that would definitely also work! (I'm not that well versed in the whole API <> API thing) 
    What would building such a connector for let's say Zapier entail? Facilitating some kind of API triggering/receiving in the BPM (and/or Hornbill in general) would be of immense value to those of us with multiple software solutions, which I think is most if not all of us. @Martyn Houghton would this work for you too?

    Best regards,


  6. Hi @Gerry,

    I appreciate you taking the time to respond to this post so thoroughly, thank you!

    The reason I started looking into this was because of a digital work slip tool http://www.getcrafter.nl/api/) we would like to use. This tool has an API which would allow us to:

    • automatically generate work slips and add them to the request,
    • synchronise master data,
    • synchronise work slip and request status between the two systems,
    • automate the closing of requests when the work slips have been marked as completed,
    • automatically synchronise the time logging features of Hornbill <> Crafter for reporting

    It is standard insofar as that it uses a standard RESTful API with JSON data formatting.

    I understand the wish to keep the entire BPM solution as non-technical as possible and agree with you on this. Unfortunately this also means that right now a 'proper' integration with secondary systems is almost impossible to realise without help from Hornbill. 

    Is there anything in specific you would need to know about the tool to allow you to evaluate whether or not building an integration would be feasible? An integration like the one in Jira would be terrific for the HB -> Crafter communication. The other way around should be doable with the Hornbill API as described here.

    Best regards,



  7. Hello all, 

    Just an update: I noticed that proxying support.panas.nl/whatever/ to our instance does work, and that the error only occurs when trying to proxy the root support.panas.nl to our instance. Will continue playing with this tomorrow. 

    Updating this starts to feel like some kind of diary, I hope someone gets something useful out of this! 

    Best regards, 


  8. Hi @TrevorKillick, all,

    Just to be sure, do I need to reverse proxy every subdomain for this to work? (i.e. api.*, service.*, live,* etc)

    One thing I have noticed is that navigating to support.panas.nl/servicemanager generates a significantly URL than customer.hornbill.com/panashornbill/servicemanager does. (about double/triple the length)

    Surely we're not the first ones to try this, someone must have gotten this to work! ;-)

    Happy holidays,


  9. Hi all,

    We are looking for a way to integrate our (JSON enabled) work slip application within our workflow. Is it possible to have the BPM either trigger a preconfigured Webhook or have it create the relevant API call on the fly? There is a JIRA integration node within the BPM, but nothing more generic for us to use as far as I know.


    Best regards,


  10. Hi @TrevorKillick,

    Sorry for the delay. I have only now gotten around to giving it another go. Reinstalled LAMP and did everything by the book, unfortunately I am still getting the same error.

    VirtualHost file:

    <VirtualHost *:443>
            ServerAdmin webmaster@panas.nl
            DocumentRoot /var/www/
            ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
            CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
            SSLEngine On
            SSLProxyEngine on
            SSLProxyVerify none
            SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
            SSLProxyCheckPeerName off
            SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
            # Set the path to SSL certificate
            # Usage: SSLCertificateFile /path/to/cert.pem
            SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/certificate.crt
            SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/certificate.key
            ProxyRequests off
            ProxyPreserveHost On
            ProxyPass / https://customer.hornbill.com/*instancename*/
            ProxyPassReverse / https://customer.hornbill.com/*instancename*/
            ServerName support.panas.nl

    apache2.conf loaded modules:

    LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy.so
    LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_http.so
    LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_ssl.so
    LoadModule proxy_connect_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
    LoadModule headers_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_headers.so
    LoadModule cache_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_cache.so
    LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_rewrite.so


    Listen 80
    Listen 443

    Unfortunately I am still getting the following.



    Thanks in advance! I am running out of ideas as to how to fix this ;-)
    The A-record to support.panas.nl has been configured. You should run into the same error when going to that URL.

    Best regards,


  11. Goodmorning all,

    We have configured a reverse proxy for our customers so that they will be able to access our instance through a subdomain of ours. The wiki states that the service.network.allowedOriginDomains setting will have to be changed in order to for anyone be able to access the instance from that subdomain.
    If anyone reading this is interested in also configuring a reverse proxy I would be happy to share our setup details!

    Would someone be so kind as to add our subdomain to the service.network.allowedOriginDomains setting of our instance?

    Best regards,


  12. Good afternoon all,

    We were wondering if it were possible to specify a default filter for the timeline view within a request. Feedback from our analysts indicates that it would be terrific to be able to view only certain types of messages by default and still be able to view all the others when necessary. The only way I know of to hide certain types of messages if by changing the default visibility within the advanced settings.


    Any ideas? Thank  you!

    Best regards,


  13. Hi @James Ainsworth

    We are currently running into the same issues with regards to not being able to view the full customer request history. We do not use Customer Manager.
    This morning one of our account managers was under the impression that a (external) customer had no open or historic requests because they did not show up under the 'Requests' tab on the organisation page.

    This should really be adressed in a way that allows an analyst to view the full customer request history without modifying custom filters or searching for particular strings in requests (which can be done wrongly due to difficult organisation names...)
    Is there any news regarding an ETA on this (quite important) feature?

    Best Regards,


  14. Hi @James Ainsworth,

    Thanks for the update!
    Could you elaborate on how this new searching method handles the following situations?

    • surnames consisting of multiple words (for example "van Egmond");
    • first names with special characters (for example Dirk-Jan);
    • organisation names consisting of multiple words.

    For example when searching for "Floris van Egmond-Pasen" from company "Fancy Estate Agents", are these search strings valid?

    • org:"Fancy E" van
    • org:Estate Flo Eg
    • org:agen van E
    • org:"Fancy Agents" mond-Pase

    Thank you,


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